I am developing chat application in objective c
in XCode. So when chat message count reaches 100 then i want to delete rows
of table
in database
of parse.com. So how can i do this programatically? From code i am using PFQuery
object to insert data
as below.
// Initialize parse query with classname 'chatroom'
PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:className];
chatData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:Sender,receiver,nil];
// set query to retrieve table data which contain specific senderId and recieverId from parse table 'chatroom'
[query whereKey:SET_SENDER containedIn:array];
[query whereKey:SET_RECEIVER containedIn:array];
Any help will be appreciated.
1 个解决方案
I am using deleteInBackground property to delete record from Parse Table.
我正在使用deleteInBackground属性从Parse Table中删除记录。
eg. deleteObjectId is defined Parse object.
例如。 deleteObjectId是定义的Parse对象。
[deleteObjectId deleteInBackground];
I am using deleteInBackground property to delete record from Parse Table.
我正在使用deleteInBackground属性从Parse Table中删除记录。
eg. deleteObjectId is defined Parse object.
例如。 deleteObjectId是定义的Parse对象。
[deleteObjectId deleteInBackground];