1586 - Molar mass
Anorganiccompound isanymemberofalargeclassofchem- ical compounds whose molecules contain carbon. The molar mass ofanorganiccompoundisthemassofonemoleofthe organiccompound. Themolarmassofanorganiccompound can be computed from the standard atomic weights of the elements. |
When an organic compound is given as a molecular for- |
mula,Dr. CHONwantstofinditsmolarmass. Amolecular formula,suchasC3H4O3,identifieseachconstituentelementby itschemicalsymbolandindicatesthenumberofatomsofeach elementfoundineachdiscretemoleculeofthatcompound. If a molecule contains more than one atom of a particular ele- ment,thisquantityisindicatedusingasubscriptafterthechemicalsymbol. In this problem, we assume that the molecular formula is represented by only four elements, ‘C’ (Carbon),‘H’(Hydrogen),‘O’(Oxygen),and‘N’(Nitrogen)withoutparentheses. Thefollowingtableshowsthatthestandardatomicweightsfor‘C’,‘H’,‘O’,and‘N’. |
AtomicName |
Carbon |
Hydrogen |
Oxygen StandardAtomicWeight 12.01g/mol 1.008g/mol 16.00g/mol 14.01g/mol |
Nitrogen |
Forexample,themolarmassofamolecularformulaC6H5OHis94.108g/molwhichiscomputedby 6×(12.01g/mol)+6×(1.008g/mol)+1×(16.00g/mol). |
Givenamolecularformula,writeaprogramtocomputethemolarmassoftheformula. |
Input |
Yourprogramistoreadfromstandardinput. TheinputconsistsofT testcases. Thenumberoftest cases T is given in the first line of the input. Each test case is given in a single line, which contains a molecular formula as a string. The chemical symbol is given by a capital letter and the length of the string is greater than 0 and less than 80. The quantity number n which is represented after the chemicalsymbolwouldbeomittedwhenthenumberis1(2≤n≤99). |
Output |
Yourprogramistowritetostandardoutput. Printexactlyonelineforeachtestcase. Thelineshould containthemolarmassofthegivenmolecularformula. |
Sample Input |
4 |
C |
Sample Output |
12.010 94.108 75.070 342.296 |
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #define MAX 90 using namespace std; double mass[13]; char formula[MAX]; int len; bool is_uper(char c)//判断是否为大写字母 { if(c>='A'&&c<='Z') return true; else return false; } bool is_digit(char c)//判断是否为数字 { if(c>='0'&&c<='9') return true; else return false; } void init()//初始化 { mass[0]=12.01; mass[5]=1.008; mass[11]=14.01; mass[12]=16.00; } int main() { init(); int t,i,j; double atom_mass;//原子质量 double molar_mass;//摩尔质量 int quantity; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { scanf("%s",formula); len=strlen(formula); molar_mass=0; for(i=0; i<len;)//遍历字符串 { if(is_uper(formula[i]))//如果是大写字母 { atom_mass=mass[formula[i]-'C'];//计算这个原子的质量 //printf("atom mass=%lg\n",atom_mass); i++; quantity=0; while(is_digit(formula[i]))//数字分离 { quantity*=10; quantity+=formula[i]-'0'; i++; } //printf("quantity=%d\n",quantity); if(quantity==0) quantity=1; molar_mass+=atom_mass*quantity;//计算摩尔质量 } } printf("%.3f\n",molar_mass); } return 0; }