
时间:2021-06-10 20:36:50

I am new to core plot framework and facing an issue:


i am CPGraphHostigView to draw a pie chart. As the CPGraphHostigView doesn't detect touch events i have an UIView on it which can detect touches. Now how can i pass this touch events to the pie chart so that CPPieChartDelegate method.


- (void)pieChart:(CPPieChart *)plot sliceWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:(NSUInteger)index

- (void)pieChart:(CPPieChart *)plot sliceWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:(NSUInteger)index

gets invoked.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.



1 个解决方案



CPGraphHostingView inherits from UIView, which inherits from UIResponder. Therefore, CPGraphHostingViewdoes detect touch events.


Here are the steps you should follow in order to detect touch events on your pie chart slices :


  1. Add a CPGraphHostingView to your view in Interface Builder. You can achieve this by adding a simple UIView and change its class manually to CPGraphHostingView;
  2. 在Interface Builder中将CPGraphHostingView添加到视图中。您可以通过添加一个简单的UIView并手动将其类更改为CPGraphHostingView来实现此目的;

  3. Declare your hosting view in the code:


    // In your view controller .h file:
        CPGraphHostingView *graphHosting;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet CPGraphHostingView *graphHosting;
    // In your view controller .h file:
    @synthesize graphHosting;
  4. Make the connection with the IBOutlet in Interface Builder;

    在Interface Builder中与IBOutlet建立连接;

  5. Initialize your graph and link it to the graph hosting view:


    self.graph = [[CPXYGraph alloc] initWithFrame: self.graphHosting.bounds];
    self.graphHosting.hostedGraph = self.graph;
  6. Initialize the pie chart and set the view controller as its delegate:


    CPPieChart *pieChart = [[CPPieChart alloc] init];
    pieChart.delegate = self;
    [self.graph addPlot:pieChart]
    [pieChart release];
  7. Add <CPPieChartDelegate> to your view controller's declaration, and implement the method:


    - (void)pieChart:(CPPieChart *)plot sliceWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:(NSUInteger)index



CPGraphHostingView inherits from UIView, which inherits from UIResponder. Therefore, CPGraphHostingViewdoes detect touch events.


Here are the steps you should follow in order to detect touch events on your pie chart slices :


  1. Add a CPGraphHostingView to your view in Interface Builder. You can achieve this by adding a simple UIView and change its class manually to CPGraphHostingView;
  2. 在Interface Builder中将CPGraphHostingView添加到视图中。您可以通过添加一个简单的UIView并手动将其类更改为CPGraphHostingView来实现此目的;

  3. Declare your hosting view in the code:


    // In your view controller .h file:
        CPGraphHostingView *graphHosting;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet CPGraphHostingView *graphHosting;
    // In your view controller .h file:
    @synthesize graphHosting;
  4. Make the connection with the IBOutlet in Interface Builder;

    在Interface Builder中与IBOutlet建立连接;

  5. Initialize your graph and link it to the graph hosting view:


    self.graph = [[CPXYGraph alloc] initWithFrame: self.graphHosting.bounds];
    self.graphHosting.hostedGraph = self.graph;
  6. Initialize the pie chart and set the view controller as its delegate:


    CPPieChart *pieChart = [[CPPieChart alloc] init];
    pieChart.delegate = self;
    [self.graph addPlot:pieChart]
    [pieChart release];
  7. Add <CPPieChartDelegate> to your view controller's declaration, and implement the method:


    - (void)pieChart:(CPPieChart *)plot sliceWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:(NSUInteger)index