如何在html动作链接中插入图像? asp.net mvc

时间:2022-11-30 22:42:45

I have navigation and many link on my webproject from html action links. They are ugly with underline. I would like to insert some image with name or play with styles of action link. Is it possible? How to do that?


Thanks and take care, Ragims


5 个解决方案



You could use css to remove the underlines or place a backgroundimage, otherwise you could also just create the link like so:


<a href="<%: Url.Action("Action", "Controller")%>"><img src="yourimg.jpg" /></a>



Html.ActionLink and Url.Action return the same URL. The difference is that the first creates an HTML element while the second returns just the URL to that action.


Another option is to use Url.RouteUrl or Html.RouteLink to create a link based off your route (to an action) instead of directly to an action.




One solution is to create an HtmlHelper extension method for creating an image-specific action link. A detailed tutorial can be found here.




If You are on MVC 3-4 with razor view engine then this may help you-

如果您使用剃刀视图引擎进入MVC 3-4,那么这可能对您有所帮助 -

@Html.ActionLink("your link Name", "Action Method", "Controller", 
        new { style = "background-image:url('.././Images/imageyouwanttoshow.png')" },null)



Instead of using @Html.ActionLink("linkname","action","controller") you can use following

您可以使用以下内容,而不是使用@ Html.ActionLink(“linkname”,“action”,“controller”)

<a href='@Url.Action("action", "controller")'>
<img src='@Url.Content("~/images/imageName.png")' />

"images" is my folder for storing the images. @Url.Content() is to know the path. You can pass your action and the controller for that action to @Url.Action(). @Url.Action() works similar to the @Html.ActionLink(). Now your link will get replaced by the image.

“images”是我存储图像的文件夹。 @ Url.Content()是知道路径的。您可以将操作和该操作的控制器传递给@ Url.Action()。 @ Url.Action()的工作方式类似于@ Html.ActionLink()。现在您的链接将被图像替换。



You could use css to remove the underlines or place a backgroundimage, otherwise you could also just create the link like so:


<a href="<%: Url.Action("Action", "Controller")%>"><img src="yourimg.jpg" /></a>



Html.ActionLink and Url.Action return the same URL. The difference is that the first creates an HTML element while the second returns just the URL to that action.


Another option is to use Url.RouteUrl or Html.RouteLink to create a link based off your route (to an action) instead of directly to an action.




One solution is to create an HtmlHelper extension method for creating an image-specific action link. A detailed tutorial can be found here.




If You are on MVC 3-4 with razor view engine then this may help you-

如果您使用剃刀视图引擎进入MVC 3-4,那么这可能对您有所帮助 -

@Html.ActionLink("your link Name", "Action Method", "Controller", 
        new { style = "background-image:url('.././Images/imageyouwanttoshow.png')" },null)



Instead of using @Html.ActionLink("linkname","action","controller") you can use following

您可以使用以下内容,而不是使用@ Html.ActionLink(“linkname”,“action”,“controller”)

<a href='@Url.Action("action", "controller")'>
<img src='@Url.Content("~/images/imageName.png")' />

"images" is my folder for storing the images. @Url.Content() is to know the path. You can pass your action and the controller for that action to @Url.Action(). @Url.Action() works similar to the @Html.ActionLink(). Now your link will get replaced by the image.

“images”是我存储图像的文件夹。 @ Url.Content()是知道路径的。您可以将操作和该操作的控制器传递给@ Url.Action()。 @ Url.Action()的工作方式类似于@ Html.ActionLink()。现在您的链接将被图像替换。