
时间:2022-05-18 20:32:44

This should be an easy answer but I'm not getting it here.


<span ng-show="myResults !=null && !isShowDetails" class="yourScore">
  YOUR SCORE (best 4) : {{myResults.fullSumBest}} pts - total: {{user.userScore}} pts 
  <span style="float:right"  ng-click="showDetails()">
     [ + ] show details 

When I resize the screen down the text doesn't overflow it just gives me ... and cuts off the text and the score.


Things I've tried off the top of my head:


  word-wrap: break-word;
  overflow-wrap: break-word;
  width: 100%;

I'd prefer not use @media here to lower the font size unless absolutely needed. Ideally it would just wrap down to the line below.


2 个解决方案



This worked perfect. It had inherited this from Ion-item


white-space: none;

and I just needed to add this to the class for the span:


white-space: normal;



I think that this is what you need.


So in the below example I tried simulating what I thought might be the problem. I am using the angular filter limitTo to restrict the length of the characters, if you want to change this length, all you need to do is change the value of the 15 in the below code to your desired length. I also added some extra code, please either use it or ignore it, for the layout issue. I set the parent span to position:relative;display:block so that it will take the entire width of the window, the second child span I gave position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px; so that it gets fixed on the right side, finally I added the CSS display:block;padding-right; to the first child span, so that it takes the entire width, and the padding is to take into account the absolute positioned span. Please let me know if this fixes your issue.

所以在下面的例子中,我尝试模拟我认为可能是问题的东西。我使用角度过滤器limitTo来限制字符的长度,如果你想改变这个长度,你需要做的就是将下面代码中的15的值更改为你想要的长度。我还添加了一些额外的代码,请使用它或忽略它,以解决布局问题。我将父跨度设置为position:relative; display:block以便它占据窗口的整个宽度,第二个子跨度我给出的位置:absolute; top:0px; right:0px;所以它被固定在右侧,最后我添加了CSS显示:block; padding-right;到第一个子跨度,以便它占据整个宽度,并且填充是考虑绝对定位的跨度。如果这可以解决您的问题,请与我们联系。

JSFiddle Demo




<div ng-controller='MyController' ng-app="myApp">
    <span style="position:relative;display:block;" ng-show="myResults !=null && !isShowDetails" class="yourScore">
    <span style="position:relative;display:block;padding-right:120px;">{{'YOUR SCORE (best 4) : '+myResults.fullSumBest+' pts - total: '+user.userScore+' pts' | limitTo : limit}}</span>

      <span style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;" ng-init="bool = false;limit=15;" ng-click="bool=!bool;limit=bool ? 100000 : 15">
         {{bool ? '[ + ] hide details ' : '[ + ] show details '}}



This worked perfect. It had inherited this from Ion-item


white-space: none;

and I just needed to add this to the class for the span:


white-space: normal;



I think that this is what you need.


So in the below example I tried simulating what I thought might be the problem. I am using the angular filter limitTo to restrict the length of the characters, if you want to change this length, all you need to do is change the value of the 15 in the below code to your desired length. I also added some extra code, please either use it or ignore it, for the layout issue. I set the parent span to position:relative;display:block so that it will take the entire width of the window, the second child span I gave position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px; so that it gets fixed on the right side, finally I added the CSS display:block;padding-right; to the first child span, so that it takes the entire width, and the padding is to take into account the absolute positioned span. Please let me know if this fixes your issue.

所以在下面的例子中,我尝试模拟我认为可能是问题的东西。我使用角度过滤器limitTo来限制字符的长度,如果你想改变这个长度,你需要做的就是将下面代码中的15的值更改为你想要的长度。我还添加了一些额外的代码,请使用它或忽略它,以解决布局问题。我将父跨度设置为position:relative; display:block以便它占据窗口的整个宽度,第二个子跨度我给出的位置:absolute; top:0px; right:0px;所以它被固定在右侧,最后我添加了CSS显示:block; padding-right;到第一个子跨度,以便它占据整个宽度,并且填充是考虑绝对定位的跨度。如果这可以解决您的问题,请与我们联系。

JSFiddle Demo




<div ng-controller='MyController' ng-app="myApp">
    <span style="position:relative;display:block;" ng-show="myResults !=null && !isShowDetails" class="yourScore">
    <span style="position:relative;display:block;padding-right:120px;">{{'YOUR SCORE (best 4) : '+myResults.fullSumBest+' pts - total: '+user.userScore+' pts' | limitTo : limit}}</span>

      <span style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;" ng-init="bool = false;limit=15;" ng-click="bool=!bool;limit=bool ? 100000 : 15">
         {{bool ? '[ + ] hide details ' : '[ + ] show details '}}