嵌套的C ++类是否可以继承其封闭类?

时间:2022-06-23 20:35:01

I’m trying to do the following:


class Animal
    class Bear : public Animal
        // …

    class Giraffe : public Animal
        // …

… but my compiler appears to choke on this. Is this legal C++, and if not, is there a better way to accomplish the same thing? Essentially, I want to create a cleaner class naming scheme. (I don’t want to derive Animal and the inner classes from a common base class)

...但是我的编译器似乎对此嗤之以鼻。这是合法的C ++,如果没有,是否有更好的方法来完成同样的事情?基本上,我想创建一个更清晰的类命名方案。 (我不想从一个公共基类派生Animal和内部类)

5 个解决方案



You can do what you want, but you have to delay the definition of the nested classes.


class Animal
   class Bear;
   class Giraffe;

class Animal::Bear : public Animal {};

class Animal::Giraffe : public Animal {};



The class type is considered incomplete until the end of its definition is reached. You cannot inherit from incomplete class so you cannot inherit from enclosing class.


EDIT: Correction
As Richard Wolf corrected me: It is possible to inherit from enclosing class if you delay the definition of the nested classes. See his answer for details.




Doesn't really answer the question, but I think you're misusing nested class, maybe you should have a look at namespaces (by the way, the answer is "it's not possible, because Animal is an incomplete type").




I'm not clear what you are trying to achieve here but you may be able to get it via namespaces.


namespace creatures

class Animal

class Bear : public Animal

class Giraffe : public Animal


This declares Bear and Giraffe as types of animals but puts the whole thing in a namespace if you are looking for the base class to not pollute the global namespace.




It's always worth considering the ATL method of "Upside-Down Inheritance". It makes my head hurt every time I need to do this, but the efficiency of the object-code you get is unbeatable. Somewhere I clipped the article by Jim Beveridge which was the best explanation I ever saw, but this is hard to find today, I just see a reference to it.

总是值得考虑“倒置继承”的ATL方法。每次我需要这样做时都会让我的头受伤,但是你获得的对象代码的效率是无与伦比的。在某个地方,我剪切了Jim Beveridge的文章,这是我见过的最好的解释,但今天很难找到,我只是看到它的参考。

"Mar 25, 2004 ... An excellent article from Jim Beveridge: ATL and Upside-Down Inheritance.."

“2004年3月25日......来自Jim Beveridge的优秀文章:ATL和颠倒传承......”



You can do what you want, but you have to delay the definition of the nested classes.


class Animal
   class Bear;
   class Giraffe;

class Animal::Bear : public Animal {};

class Animal::Giraffe : public Animal {};



The class type is considered incomplete until the end of its definition is reached. You cannot inherit from incomplete class so you cannot inherit from enclosing class.


EDIT: Correction
As Richard Wolf corrected me: It is possible to inherit from enclosing class if you delay the definition of the nested classes. See his answer for details.




Doesn't really answer the question, but I think you're misusing nested class, maybe you should have a look at namespaces (by the way, the answer is "it's not possible, because Animal is an incomplete type").




I'm not clear what you are trying to achieve here but you may be able to get it via namespaces.


namespace creatures

class Animal

class Bear : public Animal

class Giraffe : public Animal


This declares Bear and Giraffe as types of animals but puts the whole thing in a namespace if you are looking for the base class to not pollute the global namespace.




It's always worth considering the ATL method of "Upside-Down Inheritance". It makes my head hurt every time I need to do this, but the efficiency of the object-code you get is unbeatable. Somewhere I clipped the article by Jim Beveridge which was the best explanation I ever saw, but this is hard to find today, I just see a reference to it.

总是值得考虑“倒置继承”的ATL方法。每次我需要这样做时都会让我的头受伤,但是你获得的对象代码的效率是无与伦比的。在某个地方,我剪切了Jim Beveridge的文章,这是我见过的最好的解释,但今天很难找到,我只是看到它的参考。

"Mar 25, 2004 ... An excellent article from Jim Beveridge: ATL and Upside-Down Inheritance.."

“2004年3月25日......来自Jim Beveridge的优秀文章:ATL和颠倒传承......”