Current Stable Release - OpenWrt 18.06.1,released on August, 18th 2018.
there is also PandoraBox firmware for Xiaomi Mini router.
The next few steps involve first loading the development version of the firmware, then loading a firmware version which provides SSH access with the last step being loading the OpenWRT firmware onto the router
小米路由器MINI(R1CM) can see this in web, MiWiFi 稳定版 2.22.9
下载开发固件升级miwifi.bin ,因为稳定版不能刷ssh固件
- 断开小米路由器的电源,将U盘插入USB接口;
- 按住reset按钮之后重新接入电源,指示灯变为黄色闪烁状态即可松开reset键;
- 等待3-5秒后安装完成之后,小米路由器会自动重启

- 断开小米路由器的电源,将U盘插入USB接口;
- 按住reset按钮之后重新接入电源,指示灯变为黄色闪烁状态即可松开reset键;
- 等待3-5秒后安装完成之后,小米路由器会自动重启
wait a while
BusyBox v1.19.4 (2018-06-21 09:07:05 UTC) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
Welcome to XiaoQiang!
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are u ok
uname -a
Linux XiaoQiang 2.6.36 #1 MiWiFi-R1CM-2.21.109 Thu Jun 21 09:31:24 UTC 2018 mips GNU/Linux
- Get the latest firmware, eg: # cd /tmp; wget <link to firmware-image as shown above>
- Check the MTD layout: # cat /proc/mtd
- If you find a line “OS1” go ahead with flashing: # mtd -r write <firmware-image you downloaded> OS1
mtd -r write /tmp/openwrt-18.06.1-ramips-mt7620-miwifi-mini-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin OS1
Unlocking OS1 ...
Writing from /tmp/openwrt-18.06.1-ramips-mt7620-miwifi-mini-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin to OS1 ...
Rebooting ...
After flashing is complete, the router will reboot. When finished you can login using telnet or web-interface on a LAN-connected client to host User: root, no password.
SSH will be enabled after you set a password (using passwd or LuCI web interface), telnet will be disabled.
Please note that the OpenWrt binary defaults to the red color of the led instead of the orange/blue during and after finishing the boot.
如果ping 不通192.168.1.1等路由器一直红灯时再重启下即可