Apache2.4部署django出现403 Forbidden错误解决办法

时间:2023-12-20 15:27:26

前言:Apache2.4部署django出现403 Forbidden错误最好要结合apache中的错误日志来观察出现何种错误导致出现403错误



<Directory E:/wamp/Apache24/www(你的工程路径)>
           Order allow,deny
           Allow from all

可惜这样改了后还是报403,最后想起来查看err.log一看报client denied by server configuration: E:/wamp/Apache24/www/www/wsgi.py,当时各种吐血呀,后来还是到开源社区找到一个网页,进去才找到解决办法


正文:其实在前面已经把问题说的差不多了,就是在apache的 httpd.conf文件中添加

#添加mod_wsgi.so 模块
LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so


WSGIScriptAlias / E:/wamp/Apache24/www/www/wsgi.py

<Directory E:/wamp/Apache24/www>
    Options FollowSymlinks
    AllowOverride none
    Require all granted


I found out that mod_authz_core was introduced in Apache2.3. This changes the way that access control is declared from

  Order allow, deny
Allow from all

to :

  Require all granted

This means that the total configuration for a Directory is now something like:

  <Directory /path/to/directory>
Options FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride none
Require all granted

Restart apache and it'll all work nicely.