CSS:display:block; vs display:table;

时间:2022-11-15 23:27:55

Is there a difference between display:block; and display:table;? It looks to me like the display type of the dom-node containing table-row and table-cell nodes doesn't matter. MDN says that display:table; makes it behave like a table, but doesn't elaborate on what that behavior is. What is that behavior?

display:block之间有区别吗?并显示:table;?在我看来,包含表格行和表格单元节点的dom节点的显示类型无关紧要。 MDN说显示:table;使它表现得像一个表,但没有详细说明该行为是什么。那是什么行为?

Similarly, is there a difference between display:inline-block; and display:inline-table;?


8 个解决方案



Comparing the two (block and table), I don't know of any core differences (there may be minor ones) you would see within a vacuum. I believe the major differences are specifically to children. Tables and their children have very different attributes/relationships than a div and it's children.


As far as inline-block and inline-table see: What is the difference between inline-block and inline-table?


This article (http://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/d/display/) has some interesting information, specifically regarding all the different display properties related to a table.




I was researching this today, and I found this section of the CSS spec to be helpful: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#model



the table generates a principal block box called the table wrapper box that contains the table box itself and any caption boxes (in document order). The table box is a block-level box that contains the table's internal table boxes.


As I understand it, this essentially means the browser generates an invisible container block for anything with display: table!




Both will be block-level, in that they won't display next to anything else, by default.


There is a significant difference in the actual display of the element. display: block; will extend to 100% of the available space, while display: table; will only be as wide as its contents.


Also, as others have mentioned, display: table; is required to get display: table-cell; or other table- stuff to work in the descendents.


I only know this because I just ran into the problem of trying to get the display: table; to fill the width of the container. I haven't been able to see if there is a difference in the display of display: inline; and display: inline-table;.





One major benefit of using display: table instead of display: block on a parent element is that you can safely use display: inline-block on the child elements, without having to worry about the white-space between the children.

使用display的一个主要好处是:table而不是display:block on parent元素是你可以安全地在子元素上使用display:inline-block,而不必担心子元素之间的空白区域。

Otherwise you'd have to get rid of that extra white-space by using html comments between the closing/opening tags (for example with multiple <li> elements for the typical horizontal nav), or putting everything in-line in your code without carrier returns (which is an editing nightmare).


  • 元素)来消除额外的空白区域,或者将所有内容放入代码中承运人返回(这是编辑的噩梦)。

  • #5


    Recently I find another example for the difference between display: block and display: table


    I take the email template from litmus:


    <table class="row footer">
          <td class="wrapper">
            <table class="six columns">
                <td class="left-text-pad">
                  <h5>Connect With Us:</h5>
                  <table class="tiny-button facebook">
                        <a href="#">Facebook</a>
                  <table class="tiny-button twitter">
                        <a href="#">Twitter</a>
                  <table class="tiny-button google-plus">
                        <a href="#">Google +</a>
                <td class="expander"></td>
          <td class="wrapper last">
            <table class="six columns">
                <td class="last right-text-pad">
                  <h5>Contact Info:</h5>
                  <p>Phone: 408.341.0600</p>
                  <p>Email: <a href="mailto:hseldon@trantor.com">hseldon@trantor.com</a></p>
                <td class="expander"></td>

    with display: block !important; on footer table, It looks:

    with display:block!important;在页脚表上,它看起来:

    CSS:display:block; vs display:table;

    with display: table !important; on footer table, It looks:


    CSS:display:block; vs display:table;

    The snapshot is take with mail application on iOS 10.0.1.

    快照与iOS 10.0.1上的邮件应用程序一起使用。



    One difference that seems to exist is that display:table clears the line (as a display:block would) but does not expand to fill the line (a display block would take the maximum amount of width, an inline would not)

    似乎存在的一个区别是display:table清除该行(作为display:block will)但不扩展以填充该行(显示块将占用最大宽度,内联不会)

    So you can get a box that resizes with your content, but stays alone in its "line"




    Additionally: on a wordpress theme with a complex CSS in which there were conflicting effects on a special class area, I just couldn't get that area centered because of the CSS conflicts. Eventually, the only way to get that part centered was to switch it from display: inline-block to display:table, and then at last it accepted the centering rules, be they text-align or margin:0 auto.

    另外:在一个带有复杂CSS的wordpress主题中,特殊类区域存在冲突效果,由于CSS冲突,我无法使该区域居中。最终,使该部分居中的唯一方法是将其从display:inline-block切换到display:table,然后最后它接受了居中规则,无论是text-align还是margin:0 auto。

    I'm not claiming my case is statistically significant, just providing personal experience feedback, in case other folks in similar distress stumble upon this page after web searches :)




    Basically, display:inline-block allows elements to stack below each others without any media queries. If you set elements to display:table-cell, you can't change their layout without using a media query.




    Comparing the two (block and table), I don't know of any core differences (there may be minor ones) you would see within a vacuum. I believe the major differences are specifically to children. Tables and their children have very different attributes/relationships than a div and it's children.


    As far as inline-block and inline-table see: What is the difference between inline-block and inline-table?


    This article (http://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/d/display/) has some interesting information, specifically regarding all the different display properties related to a table.




    I was researching this today, and I found this section of the CSS spec to be helpful: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#model



    the table generates a principal block box called the table wrapper box that contains the table box itself and any caption boxes (in document order). The table box is a block-level box that contains the table's internal table boxes.


    As I understand it, this essentially means the browser generates an invisible container block for anything with display: table!




    Both will be block-level, in that they won't display next to anything else, by default.


    There is a significant difference in the actual display of the element. display: block; will extend to 100% of the available space, while display: table; will only be as wide as its contents.


    Also, as others have mentioned, display: table; is required to get display: table-cell; or other table- stuff to work in the descendents.


    I only know this because I just ran into the problem of trying to get the display: table; to fill the width of the container. I haven't been able to see if there is a difference in the display of display: inline; and display: inline-table;.





    One major benefit of using display: table instead of display: block on a parent element is that you can safely use display: inline-block on the child elements, without having to worry about the white-space between the children.

    使用display的一个主要好处是:table而不是display:block on parent元素是你可以安全地在子元素上使用display:inline-block,而不必担心子元素之间的空白区域。

    Otherwise you'd have to get rid of that extra white-space by using html comments between the closing/opening tags (for example with multiple <li> elements for the typical horizontal nav), or putting everything in-line in your code without carrier returns (which is an editing nightmare).


  • 元素)来消除额外的空白区域,或者将所有内容放入代码中承运人返回(这是编辑的噩梦)。

  • #5


    Recently I find another example for the difference between display: block and display: table


    I take the email template from litmus:


    <table class="row footer">
          <td class="wrapper">
            <table class="six columns">
                <td class="left-text-pad">
                  <h5>Connect With Us:</h5>
                  <table class="tiny-button facebook">
                        <a href="#">Facebook</a>
                  <table class="tiny-button twitter">
                        <a href="#">Twitter</a>
                  <table class="tiny-button google-plus">
                        <a href="#">Google +</a>
                <td class="expander"></td>
          <td class="wrapper last">
            <table class="six columns">
                <td class="last right-text-pad">
                  <h5>Contact Info:</h5>
                  <p>Phone: 408.341.0600</p>
                  <p>Email: <a href="mailto:hseldon@trantor.com">hseldon@trantor.com</a></p>
                <td class="expander"></td>

    with display: block !important; on footer table, It looks:

    with display:block!important;在页脚表上,它看起来:

    CSS:display:block; vs display:table;

    with display: table !important; on footer table, It looks:


    CSS:display:block; vs display:table;

    The snapshot is take with mail application on iOS 10.0.1.

    快照与iOS 10.0.1上的邮件应用程序一起使用。



    One difference that seems to exist is that display:table clears the line (as a display:block would) but does not expand to fill the line (a display block would take the maximum amount of width, an inline would not)

    似乎存在的一个区别是display:table清除该行(作为display:block will)但不扩展以填充该行(显示块将占用最大宽度,内联不会)

    So you can get a box that resizes with your content, but stays alone in its "line"




    Additionally: on a wordpress theme with a complex CSS in which there were conflicting effects on a special class area, I just couldn't get that area centered because of the CSS conflicts. Eventually, the only way to get that part centered was to switch it from display: inline-block to display:table, and then at last it accepted the centering rules, be they text-align or margin:0 auto.

    另外:在一个带有复杂CSS的wordpress主题中,特殊类区域存在冲突效果,由于CSS冲突,我无法使该区域居中。最终,使该部分居中的唯一方法是将其从display:inline-block切换到display:table,然后最后它接受了居中规则,无论是text-align还是margin:0 auto。

    I'm not claiming my case is statistically significant, just providing personal experience feedback, in case other folks in similar distress stumble upon this page after web searches :)




    Basically, display:inline-block allows elements to stack below each others without any media queries. If you set elements to display:table-cell, you can't change their layout without using a media query.
