如何在我的登录表单中路由到SessionsController #create?

时间:2022-11-15 23:27:43

Here's how I have my login form set up:


<%= form_tag login_path, method: "post", class: "well form-search" do |f| %>

Naturally, this tries to POST to the "new" action of my SessionsController. I know that login_path is evaluated before method so I know that this is completely wrong. Just trying to figure out how to make that login_path do what I want. I know it is used for both GET and POST.


2 个解决方案


I assume that you created a custom route called login that goes to sessions#new, but I recommend you add resources :sessions to routes.rb. That will give you all the routes you need and Rails will send you to the correct action in the controller.


You'd have to update your form to:


<%= form_tag sessions_path, class: "well form-search" do |f| %>


You can do :

你可以做 :

<%= form_tag url: { action: "create", controller: 'sessions' }, method: "post", class: "well form-search" do |f| %>


I assume that you created a custom route called login that goes to sessions#new, but I recommend you add resources :sessions to routes.rb. That will give you all the routes you need and Rails will send you to the correct action in the controller.


You'd have to update your form to:


<%= form_tag sessions_path, class: "well form-search" do |f| %>


You can do :

你可以做 :

<%= form_tag url: { action: "create", controller: 'sessions' }, method: "post", class: "well form-search" do |f| %>