是否可以自定义Visual Studio autoformat?

时间:2022-11-14 08:02:43

I'm using Visual Studio to develop a C/C++ library. I would like to know if there is a way to customize the autoformat tool (Ctrl+K,F) so that:

我正在使用Visual Studio开发C / C ++库。我想知道是否有一种方法可以自定义autoformat工具(Ctrl + K,F),以便:

  • It automatically break lines that are bigger than 120 columns


  • Format a function/method parameter the following way:


    void myFunction(int parameterA,
            float parameterB,
            string paramterC)
  • Format the brackets the following way:


    void myFunction()
         // Code goes here...

To summarize, I want something similar to what Eclipse does with it's autoformat (Ctrl + Shift + F) that can be customized by editing a XML file.

总而言之,我想要一些类似于Eclipse使用它的autoformat(Ctrl + Shift + F)的东西,可以通过编辑XML文件来自定义。

2 个解决方案


If those options are not good enough for you get UniversalIndentGUI it is a frontend for a whole slew of code formatting engines, you should be able to get the style that you want from it



Tools | Options | Text Editor | C++

工具|选项|文字编辑器| C ++

That is all I know that lets you edit how the code is formatted and the auto formatter uses these options (as few as they are).



If those options are not good enough for you get UniversalIndentGUI it is a frontend for a whole slew of code formatting engines, you should be able to get the style that you want from it



Tools | Options | Text Editor | C++

工具|选项|文字编辑器| C ++

That is all I know that lets you edit how the code is formatted and the auto formatter uses these options (as few as they are).
