是否可以添加Notepad++ Open来关闭Visual Studio的标记行?

时间:2022-11-14 07:57:59

I would like to add the lines that Notepad++ has that go from the opening tag to the closing tag to Microsoft Visual Studio.

我想要添加的是Notepad++的代码,从打开标签到结束标签到微软Visual Studio。

I have searched all over and cant really find much on this so I thought I would take a shot here.


1 个解决方案



This VS Extension does what you want: Indent Guides Extension - Visual Studio Gallery

这个VS扩展完成你想要的:缩进指南扩展——Visual Studio Gallery

Adds vertical lines at each indent level.



Guides can be shown and customized for any language in Visual Studio.

在Visual Studio中可以为任何语言显示和定制指南。

It's also open sourced on CodePlex and can be customized if the behavior is not particularly to your liking.


Based on * - Visual Studio 2013 Vertical Brace Lines, it appears that a form of this is native to the newest versions of Visual Studio. However, some users don't appear to be fond of its formatting. See @stevethethread's answer to that question for how to remove it if you don't like that formatting style.

基于*——Visual Studio 2013垂直支撑线,它的一种形式似乎是Visual Studio最新版本的原生形式。然而,有些用户似乎并不喜欢它的格式。请参阅@stevethethread对该问题的回答,了解如果不喜欢这种格式样式,该如何删除它。



This VS Extension does what you want: Indent Guides Extension - Visual Studio Gallery

这个VS扩展完成你想要的:缩进指南扩展——Visual Studio Gallery

Adds vertical lines at each indent level.



Guides can be shown and customized for any language in Visual Studio.

在Visual Studio中可以为任何语言显示和定制指南。

It's also open sourced on CodePlex and can be customized if the behavior is not particularly to your liking.


Based on * - Visual Studio 2013 Vertical Brace Lines, it appears that a form of this is native to the newest versions of Visual Studio. However, some users don't appear to be fond of its formatting. See @stevethethread's answer to that question for how to remove it if you don't like that formatting style.

基于*——Visual Studio 2013垂直支撑线,它的一种形式似乎是Visual Studio最新版本的原生形式。然而,有些用户似乎并不喜欢它的格式。请参阅@stevethethread对该问题的回答,了解如果不喜欢这种格式样式,该如何删除它。