是否可以使用Visual Studio HTML格式来格式化嵌入的代码块?

时间:2022-08-08 20:28:36

I love Visual Studio's ability to auto format (CTRL + K,D). However, in HTML if you have something like:

我喜欢Visual Studio的自动格式化功能(CTRL + K,D)。但是,在HTML中,如果你有类似的东西:

<h1><%# Eval("SomeField") %></h1>  

It gets formatted this way:


    <%# Eval("SomeField") %></h1>

I'm fairly certain that the line break after the <h1> tag is caused by Visual Studio's formatting rules for embedded code blocks. However I don't know where to edit those settings. All of the other rules are under Tools > Options > Text Editor.


标记之后的换行符是由Visual Studio的嵌入式代码块格式规则引起的。但是我不知道在哪里编辑这些设置。所有其他规则都在工具>选项>文本编辑器下。

Does anyone have any ideas?


Many thanks!

3 个解决方案


Tools > Options > Text Editor > Html > Formatting

工具>选项>文本编辑器> Html>格式

Tag wrapping section -> Tag Specific Options...

标签包装部分 - >标签特定选项...

Default Settings (there are 4) - Change all the "Line breaks:" to "Before and after"

默认设置(有4个) - 将所有“换行符:”更改为“之前和之后”


You were close...


Go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > Html > Format

转到工具>选项>文本编辑器> Html>格式

In the tag wrapping section, click on "Tag Specific Options"


In the tree, under the "Client HTML Tags" node you'll see the embed element.


Set its line breaks to "Before Opening,within, and after closing."



Tag Specific Options->Default Settings->Client tag does not support content.

标签特定选项 - >默认设置 - >客户端标签不支持内容。

Set the Line Breaks to after tag.



Tools > Options > Text Editor > Html > Formatting

工具>选项>文本编辑器> Html>格式

Tag wrapping section -> Tag Specific Options...

标签包装部分 - >标签特定选项...

Default Settings (there are 4) - Change all the "Line breaks:" to "Before and after"

默认设置(有4个) - 将所有“换行符:”更改为“之前和之后”


You were close...


Go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > Html > Format

转到工具>选项>文本编辑器> Html>格式

In the tag wrapping section, click on "Tag Specific Options"


In the tree, under the "Client HTML Tags" node you'll see the embed element.


Set its line breaks to "Before Opening,within, and after closing."



Tag Specific Options->Default Settings->Client tag does not support content.

标签特定选项 - >默认设置 - >客户端标签不支持内容。

Set the Line Breaks to after tag.
