
时间:2022-11-12 12:05:59

I was just sitting working on some web design and thinking "Hey, wouldn't it be nice if we could apply CSS media queries to block elements (ie. div, section, etc.)?"


Seriously, we could make some pretty stunning fluid layouts if we were able to have this functionality. In this post I'll use a simple social plugin that I would be able to implement into a sidebar onto any of my pages that would be able to be fluid based on it's parent div size. This is handy so I would be able to resize my widget whether it is implemented into a 500px column or a 300px column so I wouldn't have to program specific stylesheets per layout it's implemented in.


The Design

            >=500px                          <500px
 _______________________________       ____________________
|                               |     |                    |
 ____________________    ______               ______
|                    |  |      |             |      |
|  LIKE ON FACEBOOK  |  | ICON |             | ICON |
|____________________|  |______|             |______|
 ____________________    ______        ____________________  
|                    |  |      |      |                    |
|____________________|  |______|      |____________________|

                                             |      |
                                             | ICON |
                                      |                    |
                                      |  FOLLOW ON TWITTER |

The HTML Markup

<div class="widget clearfix">
  <div class="social">
    <div class="social-right">ICON</div>
    <div class="social-left">Like on Facebook</div>
  <div class="social">
    <div class="social-right">ICON</div>
    <div class="social-left">Follow on Twitter</div>


Now for the css element media query part. This is NOT valid css, but is what I am wanting to achieve. Essentially just a css media query based on a parent element instead of the entire browser width:


.widget {clear:both;}
[class*=social-] {text-align:center;}
.widget(min-width:500px) {
  .social-left {overflow:hidden;}
  .social-right {float:right;}

This would have infinite benefits and would make creating page blocks to be implemented on multiple pages a breeze. Now that I've got you all up to speed on the problem, here comes my question:


Is implementing this through an iframe a plausible solution?

By plausible I mean:


  • semantically correct
  • 语义正确
  • not detrimental to SEO
  • 对SEO没有害处

An iframe is able to have it's own stylesheet and css media queries are based on the iframe dimensions, not the browser dimensions.


My Thoughts


  • Since the iframe element is present in HTML5 and even has added attributes, I don't see the iframe tag becoming deprecated anytime soon.
  • 由于iframe元素存在于HTML5中,甚至添加了属性,因此我很快就看不到iframe标记已被弃用。
  • The seamless tag would really help out in making this a viable solution since styles would be inherited from the parent document. For now we would need to re-include these styles (or inject them) into the page.
  • 无缝标签真的有助于使其成为可行的解决方案,因为样式将从父文档继承。现在我们需要将这些样式重新包含(或注入它们)到页面中。
  • The iframe could also be reloaded without triggering a whole page reload which means auto-updating widgets would be quite easy without XHR.
  • iframe也可以重新加载而不会触发整个页面重新加载,这意味着没有XHR,自动更新小部件将非常容易。


  • I'm pretty sure that Google doesn't hate on people using iframes, but I could be wrong on that.
  • 我很确定谷歌不会讨厌使用iframe的人,但我可能错了。
  • Since the actual page info would not be in an iframe and only these packaged blocks, I don't see them being a detriment to SEO since the content within them is not part of the actual page content.
  • 由于实际的页面信息不在iframe中,只有这些打包的块,我不认为它们对SEO有害,因为它们内的内容不是实际页面内容的一部分。
  • Since the sidebar has no affect on overall page content, the iframe could be dynamically created at runtime. This may be the best way of implementing it, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.
  • 由于侧边栏对整体页面内容没有影响,因此可以在运行时动态创建iframe。这可能是实现它的最佳方式,但我想听听你的想法。


  • Javascript would be needed to resize the parent iframe to the page's content whenever a new layout is applied to the page.
  • 在将新布局应用于页面时,需要使用Javascript将父iframe的大小调整为页面的内容。

Before answering, please know I have never been an advocate of using iframes for ANYTHING other than the uses some 3rd party apps use it for, but now looking at this, I don't see much of a reason not to use them. I know the use of css element media queries would be PERFECT, but I don't see that being implemented any time soon.


I hope to hear more from all of you since I am by no means an expert on SEO and do not often (actually, I never) use iframes.


2 个解决方案



When it comes to SEO, content is king.


When search engines crawl your site, iFrame's (and their source) are noted, but it is likely they will not be crawled with the page. If you have content that is absolutely vital it be attributed to that specific page, keep it out of an iFrame.


An iFrame's content will still be crawled, but it's content won't be lumped in with the information the crawler finds on the page; It'll be it's own entity. It will also attribute that content to the site or page the content is being served from.


Also, don't let the seamless attribute introduced in HTML5 fool you. It doesn't change how an iFrame works, it just changes it's presentation.


What it boils down to is how important is the data? If you are simply wanting to use an iFrame for stylistic purposes to present links to social media, as you have outlined in your example, you should be able to get away with using an iFrame without a negative affect.


However, if you're using an iFrame for stylistic purposes and have important content that needs to be attributed to the page you're on, I would find another way to present the content.


Therefore, in your example, of using an iFrame specifically for social media links, I would say the usage of an iFrame to get the benefit of media queries would be acceptable.




A much better solution that is unfortunately not yet validated would be to use media queries with scoped styles. Source: http://davidwalsh.name/scoped-css




When it comes to SEO, content is king.


When search engines crawl your site, iFrame's (and their source) are noted, but it is likely they will not be crawled with the page. If you have content that is absolutely vital it be attributed to that specific page, keep it out of an iFrame.


An iFrame's content will still be crawled, but it's content won't be lumped in with the information the crawler finds on the page; It'll be it's own entity. It will also attribute that content to the site or page the content is being served from.


Also, don't let the seamless attribute introduced in HTML5 fool you. It doesn't change how an iFrame works, it just changes it's presentation.


What it boils down to is how important is the data? If you are simply wanting to use an iFrame for stylistic purposes to present links to social media, as you have outlined in your example, you should be able to get away with using an iFrame without a negative affect.


However, if you're using an iFrame for stylistic purposes and have important content that needs to be attributed to the page you're on, I would find another way to present the content.


Therefore, in your example, of using an iFrame specifically for social media links, I would say the usage of an iFrame to get the benefit of media queries would be acceptable.




A much better solution that is unfortunately not yet validated would be to use media queries with scoped styles. Source: http://davidwalsh.name/scoped-css
