
时间:2022-11-17 20:24:54

Notice in this code I am trying to check for the existence of the rdfs:range element before trying to select it. I do this to avoid a possible null reference exception at runtime.


    private readonly XNamespace rdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#";
    private readonly XNamespace rdfs = "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#";
    private readonly XElement ontology;

    public List<MetaProperty> MetaProperties
            return (from p in ontology.Elements(rdf + "Property")
                    select new MetaProperty
                        About = p.Attribute(rdf + "about").Value,
                        Name = p.Element(rdfs + "label").Value,
                        Comment = p.Element(rdfs + "comment").Value,
                        RangeUri = p.Elements(rdfs + "range").Count() == 1 ?
                            p.Element(rdfs + "range").Attribute(rdf + "resource").Value :

This is kinda bugging me, what I really want to do is something like this:


p.HasElements(rdfs + "range") ?
    p.Element(rdfs + "range").Attribute(rdf + "resource").Value :

However there is no HasElement(string elementName) method available.

但是,没有可用的HasElement(string elementName)方法。

I guess I could create a method extension to do this, but am wondering if there is something already built in or if there are other ways to do this?


2 个解决方案



Same basic thing, but neater


return (from p in ontology.Elements(rdf + "Property") 
let xRange = p.Element(rdfs + "range") 
select new MetaProperty 
    About = p.Attribute(rdf + "about").Value, 
    Name = p.Element(rdfs + "label").Value, 
    Comment = p.Element(rdfs + "comment").Value, 
    RangeUri = xRange == null ? null : xRange.Attribute(rdf + "resource").Value 



You can use:


p.Elements(rdfs + "range").SingleOrDefault()

which will return null if there are no elements. It will throw an exception if there's more than one matching element - FirstOrDefault() will avoid this if it's not the desired behaviour.

如果没有元素,它将返回null。如果存在多个匹配元素,它将抛出异常 - 如果不是所需的行为,FirstOrDefault()将避免这种情况。

EDIT: As per my comment, and taking advantage of the conversion from XAttribute to string also handling nulls:


return (from p in ontology.Elements(rdf + "Property") 
        select new MetaProperty 
                       About = p.Attribute(rdf + "about").Value, 
                       Name = p.Element(rdfs + "label").Value, 
                       Comment = p.Element(rdfs + "comment").Value, 
                       RangeUri = (string) p.Elements(rdf + "range")
                                            .Attributes(rdf + "resource")

If you have the same thing in many places, you could write an extension method to encapsulate that very easily:


public static XAttribute FindAttribute(this XElement element,
    XName subElement, XName attribute)
    return element.Elements(subElement).Attributes(attribute).FirstOrDefault();

So the RangeUri bit would be:


RangeUri = (string) p.FindAttribute(rdf + "range", rdf + "resource")



Same basic thing, but neater


return (from p in ontology.Elements(rdf + "Property") 
let xRange = p.Element(rdfs + "range") 
select new MetaProperty 
    About = p.Attribute(rdf + "about").Value, 
    Name = p.Element(rdfs + "label").Value, 
    Comment = p.Element(rdfs + "comment").Value, 
    RangeUri = xRange == null ? null : xRange.Attribute(rdf + "resource").Value 



You can use:


p.Elements(rdfs + "range").SingleOrDefault()

which will return null if there are no elements. It will throw an exception if there's more than one matching element - FirstOrDefault() will avoid this if it's not the desired behaviour.

如果没有元素,它将返回null。如果存在多个匹配元素,它将抛出异常 - 如果不是所需的行为,FirstOrDefault()将避免这种情况。

EDIT: As per my comment, and taking advantage of the conversion from XAttribute to string also handling nulls:


return (from p in ontology.Elements(rdf + "Property") 
        select new MetaProperty 
                       About = p.Attribute(rdf + "about").Value, 
                       Name = p.Element(rdfs + "label").Value, 
                       Comment = p.Element(rdfs + "comment").Value, 
                       RangeUri = (string) p.Elements(rdf + "range")
                                            .Attributes(rdf + "resource")

If you have the same thing in many places, you could write an extension method to encapsulate that very easily:


public static XAttribute FindAttribute(this XElement element,
    XName subElement, XName attribute)
    return element.Elements(subElement).Attributes(attribute).FirstOrDefault();

So the RangeUri bit would be:


RangeUri = (string) p.FindAttribute(rdf + "range", rdf + "resource")