I am using largeTitles and a searchController. when I animate a push transition, the searchBar sometimes does not animate it's disappearance. The space for the searchBar suddenly disappears after the push causing a rough transition animation.
I thought the solution was to set the searchController.definesPresentationContext = true
but that is not working. Wondering if there is another fix for this.
我认为解决方案是设置searchController.definesPresentationContext = true,但这不起作用。想知道是否还有其他修复方法。
1 个解决方案
You need to change you code to definesPresentationContext = true
您需要将代码更改为definesPresentationContext = true
You need to change you code to definesPresentationContext = true
您需要将代码更改为definesPresentationContext = true