Ok so locally I have saved a lot of files in a folder, and this web app is just on my computer. It is not on github and I don't want to upload it to github (I don't want it open sourced). So it's just in folders on my computer, and when I run it I open command prompt, go to the folder it's in, and go node server.js. So, how in the world do I upload all those needed files into openshift hosting so that this web app can finally be online? All they are talking about is doing it via the command prompt, but I mean it is so many files, like all the little images, and all that. Do I really have to type it all manually somehow in the command? Isn't there an easier way to just click "Upload" somewhere and just select the files I need, kind of like uploading images to photobucket or facebook?
好在本地我已经在文件夹中保存了很多文件,这个网络应用程序就在我的电脑上。它不在github上,我不想将它上传到github(我不希望它开源)。所以它只是在我的计算机上的文件夹中,当我运行它时,我打开命令提示符,转到它所在的文件夹,然后转到node server.js。那么,我如何在世界上将所有需要的文件上传到openshift托管中,以便这个Web应用程序最终能够在线?他们所谈论的只是通过命令提示符进行,但我的意思是它是如此多的文件,就像所有的小图像一样。我真的必须在命令中以某种方式手动输入吗?是不是有一种更方便的方法只需点击“上传”某处,只需选择我需要的文件,有点像上传图像到photobucket或Facebook?
I am a beginner at this, I've never uploaded a web app.
1 个解决方案
Git is not Github. Github is onlice public service and git is just a protocol.
Git不是Github。 Github是onlice公共服务,git只是一个协议。
You need to create local git repository on your local git server and commit your files to it. There is a simple guide about doing it for openshift.
Git is not Github. Github is onlice public service and git is just a protocol.
Git不是Github。 Github是onlice公共服务,git只是一个协议。
You need to create local git repository on your local git server and commit your files to it. There is a simple guide about doing it for openshift.