I have an array of json objects stored in database which are actually settings for Revolution slider. The string retrieved from database table and assigned to php variable look like this:
$json = '[
{"sliderType": "standard","options": ["standard","carousel","hero"]},
{"sliderLayout": "auto","options": ["auto","fullwidth","fullscreen"]},
{"responsiveLevels": 4096},
{"gridwidth": 1200},
{"gridheight": 700},
{"autoHeight": "off","options": ["on","off"]},
{"minHeight": 0},
{"fullScreenOffsetContainer": ""},
{"fullScreenOffset": "0"},
{"delay": 9000},
{"waitForInit": false,"options": [true,false]},
{"disableProgressBar": "off","options": ["on","off"]},
{"startDelay": 0},
{"stopAfterLoops": -1},
{"stopAtSlide": -1},
{"viewPort": [
{"enable": false,"options": [true,false]},
{"outof": "wait","options": ["wait","pause"]},
{"visible_area": "60%"}
{"lazyType": "smart","options": ["full","smart","single","none"]},
{"dottedOverlay": "none","options": ["none","twoxtwo","threexthree","twoxtwowhite","threexthreewhite"]},
{"shadow": 0,"options": [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]},
{"spinner": "spinner0","options": ["off", "spinner0", "spinner1","spinner2", "spinner3", "spinner4", "spinner5"]},
{"debugMode": false,"options": [true,false]},
{"extensions": "extensions/"},
{"extensions_suffix": ".min.js"},
{"fallbacks": [
{"panZoomDisableOnMobile": "off","options": ["on","off"]},
{"nextSlideOnWindowFocus": "off","options": ["on","off"]},
{"disableFocusListener": true,"options": [true,false]}
{"parallax": [
{"type": "off","options": ["off","mouse","scroll","mouse+scroll"]},
{"levels": [10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85]},
{"origo": "enterpoint","options": ["slidercenter","enterpoint"]},
{"speed": 400},
{"bgparallax": "on","options": ["on","off"]},
{"disable_onmobile": "off","options": ["on","off"]}
{"carousel": [
{"horizontal_align": "center","options": ["left","right","center"]},
{"vertical_align": "center","options": ["top","bottom","center"]},
{"infinity": "on","options": ["on","off"]},
{"space": 0},
{"maxVisibleItems": 3},
{"stretch": "off","options": ["on","off"]},
{"fadeout": "off","options": ["on","off"]},
{"maxRotation": 0},
{"minScale": 0},
{"vary_fade": "off","options": ["on","off"]},
{"vary_rotation": "on","options": ["on","off"]},
{"vary_scale": "off","options": ["on","off"]},
{"border_radius": "0px"},
{"padding_top": 0},
{"padding_bottom": 0}
{"navigation": [
{"keyboardNavigation": "on", "options": ["on","off"]},
{"keyboard_direction": "horizontal", "options": ["horizontal","vertical"]},
{"mouseScrollNavigation": "off", "options": ["on","off"]},
{"onHoverStop": "on", "options": ["on","off"]},
{"touch": [
{"touchenabled": "on", "options": ["on", "off"]},
{"swipe_treshold": 75},
{"swipe_min_touches": 1},
{"drag_block_vertical": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"swipe_direction": "horizontal", "options": ["horizontal","vertical"]}
{"arrows": [
{"style": ""},
{"enable": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"rtl": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"hide_onmobile": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"hide_onleave": true, "options": [true, false]},
{"hide_delay": 200},
{"hide_delay_mobile": 1200},
{"hide_under": 0},
{"hide_over": 9999},
{"tmp": ""},
{"left": [
{"container": "slider", "options": ["slider","layergrid"]},
{"h_align": "left", "options": ["left","center","right"]},
{"v_align": "center", "otpions": ["top","center","bottom"]},
{"h_offset": 20},
{"v_offset": 0}
{"right": [
{"container": "slider", "options": ["slider","layergrid"]},
{"h_align": "left", "options": ["left","center","right"]},
{"v_align": "center", "otpions": ["top","center","bottom"]},
{"h_offset": 20},
{"v_offset": 0}
{"bullets": [
{"style": ""},
{"enable": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"rtl": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"container": "slider", "options": ["slider","layergrid"]},
{"hide_onmobile": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"hide_onleave": true, "options": [true, false]},
{"hide_delay": 200},
{"hide_delay_mobile": 1200},
{"hide_under": 0},
{"hide_over": 9999},
{"tmp": "<span class=\"tp-bullet-image\"></span><span class=\"tp-bullet-title\"></span>"},
{"direction": "horizontal", "options": ["horizontal","vertical"]},
{"space": 0},
{"h_align": "left", "options": ["left","center","right"]},
{"v_align": "center", "otpions": ["top","center","bottom"]},
{"h_offset": 20},
{"v_offset": 0}
{"thumbnails": [
{"style": ""},
{"enable": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"rtl": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"container": "slider", "options": ["slider","layergrid"]},
{"width": 100},
{"height": 50},
{"wrapper_padding": 2},
{"wrapper_opacity": 1},
{"wrapper_color": "#f5f5f5"},
{"visibleAmount": 5},
{"hide_onmobile": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"hide_onleave": true, "options": [true, false]},
{"hide_delay": 200},
{"hide_delay_mobile": 1200},
{"hide_under": 0},
{"hide_over": 9999},
{"tmp": "<span class=\"tp-thumb-image\"></span><span class=\"tp-thumb-title\"></span>"},
{"direction": "horizontal", "options": ["horizontal","vertical"]},
{"span": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"position": "inner", "options": ["inner","outer-left","outer-right","outer-bottom","outer-top"]},
{"space": 0},
{"h_align": "left", "options": ["left","center","right"]},
{"v_align": "center", "otpions": ["top","center","bottom"]},
{"h_offset": 20},
{"v_offset": 0}
{"tabs": [
{"style": ""},
{"enable": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"rtl": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"container": "slider", "options": ["slider","layergrid"]},
{"width": 100},
{"height": 50},
{"wrapper_padding": 2},
{"wrapper_opacity": 1},
{"wrapper_color": "#f5f5f5"},
{"visibleAmount": 5},
{"hide_onmobile": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"hide_onleave": true, "options": [true, false]},
{"hide_delay": 200},
{"hide_delay_mobile": 1200},
{"hide_under": 0},
{"hide_over": 9999},
{"tmp": "<span class=\"tp-thumb-image\"></span><span class=\"tp-thumb-title\"></span>"},
{"direction": "horizontal", "options": ["horizontal","vertical"]},
{"span": false, "options": [true, false]},
{"position": "inner", "options": ["inner","outer-left","outer-right","outer-bottom","outer-top"]},
{"space": 0},
{"h_align": "left", "options": ["left","center","right"]},
{"v_align": "center", "otpions": ["top","center","bottom"]},
{"h_offset": 20},
{"v_offset": 0}
I can convert it to array of stdClass objects or array, whatever is needed. I have rendered page with all of those objects and used X-editable for changing values if needed. So when x-editable plugin sends new value for single object the values look like :
$_POST['name'] = 'navigation-arrows-left-container';
$_POST['value'] = 'customscontainer';
$_POST['pk'] = 1;
again I am able to build a json object string from these values:
$levels = explode('-', $_POST['name']);
$levels = array_reverse($levels);
$newjson = '';
foreach($levels AS $level){
if($newjson == ''){
$newjson = '"'.$level.'":"'.$_POST['value'].'"';
$newjson = '"'.$level.'":[{'.$newjson.'}]';
$newjson = '[{'.$newjson.'}]';
and convert it to stdClass object or regular array. But I don't know how to test if new value is same as default value since the indexes are different. What I need is a function that will check if value for changed key is different as value in default object, if is different then return true if is same as default then return false.
1 个解决方案
I am not 100% sure I understand what you are saying, but if you want to find the corresponding setting in a nested array, you can use a recursive function(s) to isolate a particular pattern or key/value pair. Here is an example:
** @description This function will recurse the array and find a pattern
** based on the supplied array
function search_array($array,$setting)
return $array;
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
if(is_array($value)) {
if(is_numeric($key)) {
$val = search_array($value,$setting);
$new[$key] = $val;
else {
if(is_array($setting) && isset($setting[0])) {
if($key == $setting[0]) {
$new[$key] = search_array($value,array_values($setting));
else {
if(is_array($setting) && isset($setting[0])) {
if($setting[0] == $key)
$new[$key] = $value;
if(!empty($new)) {
return $new;
The above function gives you this outcome based on this string navigation-arrows-left-container
[26] => Array
[navigation] => Array
[5] => Array
[arrows] => Array
[10] => Array
[left] => Array
[0] => Array
[container] => slider
If there is an array supplied like the above, it gets input into the next function
** @description This will flatten an array and find a specific key
function get_by_key($array,$search,&$save)
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
if($key == $search) {
$save[$key] = $value;
else {
if(is_array($value)) {
** @description This takes your post array and returns an array or false if it
** can't find the key
function get_setting($json,$POST)
# Set a storage array
$save = array();
# Explode the incoming string
$settings = explode('-',$POST['name']);
# Decode your json into an array for traversing
$array = json_decode($json,true);
# Run the search
$new = search_array($array,$settings);
# If empty, just stop
return false;
# Continue on with processing searching for the proper key
# Return the results of that search
return (!empty($save))? $save : false;
To use:
# The array input would be your $_POST array, I don't know how much you would
# like to do with the one function
The above array, given the same navigation-arrows-left-container
string would give this final array:
[0] => Array
[container] => slider
You could combine some logic into just one function instead of the two I have, but that would take more work. This should be enough to go on.
I am not 100% sure I understand what you are saying, but if you want to find the corresponding setting in a nested array, you can use a recursive function(s) to isolate a particular pattern or key/value pair. Here is an example:
** @description This function will recurse the array and find a pattern
** based on the supplied array
function search_array($array,$setting)
return $array;
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
if(is_array($value)) {
if(is_numeric($key)) {
$val = search_array($value,$setting);
$new[$key] = $val;
else {
if(is_array($setting) && isset($setting[0])) {
if($key == $setting[0]) {
$new[$key] = search_array($value,array_values($setting));
else {
if(is_array($setting) && isset($setting[0])) {
if($setting[0] == $key)
$new[$key] = $value;
if(!empty($new)) {
return $new;
The above function gives you this outcome based on this string navigation-arrows-left-container
[26] => Array
[navigation] => Array
[5] => Array
[arrows] => Array
[10] => Array
[left] => Array
[0] => Array
[container] => slider
If there is an array supplied like the above, it gets input into the next function
** @description This will flatten an array and find a specific key
function get_by_key($array,$search,&$save)
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
if($key == $search) {
$save[$key] = $value;
else {
if(is_array($value)) {
** @description This takes your post array and returns an array or false if it
** can't find the key
function get_setting($json,$POST)
# Set a storage array
$save = array();
# Explode the incoming string
$settings = explode('-',$POST['name']);
# Decode your json into an array for traversing
$array = json_decode($json,true);
# Run the search
$new = search_array($array,$settings);
# If empty, just stop
return false;
# Continue on with processing searching for the proper key
# Return the results of that search
return (!empty($save))? $save : false;
To use:
# The array input would be your $_POST array, I don't know how much you would
# like to do with the one function
The above array, given the same navigation-arrows-left-container
string would give this final array:
[0] => Array
[container] => slider
You could combine some logic into just one function instead of the two I have, but that would take more work. This should be enough to go on.