
时间:2021-10-22 20:16:15

I've created 3 views with identical columns- Quantity, Year, and Variety. I want to join all three tables on year and variety in order to do some calculations with quantities.

我创建了3个相同列的视图 - 数量,年份和品种。我想在年份和品种上加入所有三个表格,以便对数量进行一些计算。

The problem is that a particular year/variety combo does not occur on every view.


I've tried queries like :


    left outer join
    on a.variety = b.variety
    left outer join
    on a.variety = c.variety or b.variety = c.variety
    a.year = '2015'
    and b.year = '2015'
    and a.year= '2015'

Obviously this isn't the right solution. Ideally I'd like to join on both year and variety and not use a where statement at all.


The desired output would be put all quantities of matching year and variety on the same line, regardless of null values on a table.


I really appreciate the help, thanks.


1 个解决方案


You want a full outer join, not a left join, like so:


Select coalesce(a.year, b.year, c.year) as Year
  , coalesce(a.variety, b.variety, c.variety) as Variety
  , a.Quantity, b.Quantity, c.Quantity
from tableA a
full outer join tableB b
  on a.variety = b.variety 
  and a.year = b.year
full outer join tableC c
  on isnull(a.variety, b.variety) = c.variety
  and isnull(a.year, b.year) = c.year
where coalesce(a.year, b.year, c.year) = 2015

The left join you are using won't pick up values from b or c that aren't in a. Additionally, your where clause is dropping rows that don't have values in all three tables (because the year in those rows is null, which is not equal to 2015). The full outer join will grab rows from either table in the join, regardless of whether the other table contains a match.



You want a full outer join, not a left join, like so:


Select coalesce(a.year, b.year, c.year) as Year
  , coalesce(a.variety, b.variety, c.variety) as Variety
  , a.Quantity, b.Quantity, c.Quantity
from tableA a
full outer join tableB b
  on a.variety = b.variety 
  and a.year = b.year
full outer join tableC c
  on isnull(a.variety, b.variety) = c.variety
  and isnull(a.year, b.year) = c.year
where coalesce(a.year, b.year, c.year) = 2015

The left join you are using won't pick up values from b or c that aren't in a. Additionally, your where clause is dropping rows that don't have values in all three tables (because the year in those rows is null, which is not equal to 2015). The full outer join will grab rows from either table in the join, regardless of whether the other table contains a match.
