
时间:2022-10-06 10:23:23

I have searched all over the forums and cannot find a answer to my problem. I have tried to install some CMS that use PHP to my website and all of them are showing up blank. I have enabled error reporting in the php.ini and no erros where shown. I am using Debian 7 to run my server. I have installed apache2, mysql-server, and, php5, php5-mysql, and libapache2-mod-php5. The Configuration File For PHP is accessible here: http://info.ozooma.net/. The CMS Im Currently Using Is Joomla and is accessible here: http://www.ozooma.net/. Thank you in advance for your reply.

我搜遍了整个论坛,找不到问题的答案。我试图在我的网站上安装一些使用PHP的CMS,所有这些都显示为空白。我在php.ini中启用了错误报告,并且没有显示错误。我正在使用Debian 7来运行我的服务器。我已经安装了apache2,mysql-server,以及php5,php5-mysql和libapache2-mod-php5。 PHP的配置文件可以在这里访问:http://info.ozooma.net/。目前正在使用的CMS是Joomla,可在此处访问:http://www.ozooma.net/。提前感谢您的回复。

4 个解决方案



I get this issue a few times a year.


Here is my debug steps:


  1. Make sure apache is running


    ps ax | grep httpd | grep -v grep

    and that its listening on port 80 for http:


    netstat -l | grep http
  2. add a index.html to the root dir and check that
  3. 将index.html添加到根目录并检查
  4. add index.php with


That will normally tell you where its broken up at.


Since your using a CMS, make sure your URL rewrite mod is enabled, and that your config is allowing overrides.




You appear to have a PHP or Apache error.


Check the apache logs, according to your PHP info it is located at: /var/log/apache2

根据您的PHP信息检查apache日志:/ var / log / apache2



Verify a recent version of Joomla (2.5 or 3.x) was installed properly since you're running PHP 5.4. Older versions of Joomla wouldn't run right with PHP 5.4.

验证最新版本的Joomla(2.5或3.x)是否已正确安装,因为您运行的是PHP 5.4。较旧版本的Joomla无法使用PHP 5.4运行。



Your server Cause of HTTP 500 Errors

您的服务器HTTP 500错误的原因

The 500 Internal Server Error is a very general HTTP status code that means something has gone wrong on the web site's server but the server could not be more specific on what the exact problem is.


Most of the time, "gone wrong" means an issue with the page or site's programming, nothing you have anything to do with.


Note: More specific information about the cause of a particular HTTP 500 error is often provided when it occurs on a server using Microsoft IIS software. Look for numbers after 500 as in HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error which means Configuration data is invalid.

注意:在使用Microsoft IIS软件的服务器上发生特定HTTP 500错误的原因时,通常会提供更具体的信息。在HTTP错误500.19中查找500之后的数字 - 内部服务器错误,这意味着配置数据无效。

Ref: http://pcsupport.about.com/od/findbyerrormessage/a/500servererror.htm




I get this issue a few times a year.


Here is my debug steps:


  1. Make sure apache is running


    ps ax | grep httpd | grep -v grep

    and that its listening on port 80 for http:


    netstat -l | grep http
  2. add a index.html to the root dir and check that
  3. 将index.html添加到根目录并检查
  4. add index.php with


That will normally tell you where its broken up at.


Since your using a CMS, make sure your URL rewrite mod is enabled, and that your config is allowing overrides.




You appear to have a PHP or Apache error.


Check the apache logs, according to your PHP info it is located at: /var/log/apache2

根据您的PHP信息检查apache日志:/ var / log / apache2



Verify a recent version of Joomla (2.5 or 3.x) was installed properly since you're running PHP 5.4. Older versions of Joomla wouldn't run right with PHP 5.4.

验证最新版本的Joomla(2.5或3.x)是否已正确安装,因为您运行的是PHP 5.4。较旧版本的Joomla无法使用PHP 5.4运行。



Your server Cause of HTTP 500 Errors

您的服务器HTTP 500错误的原因

The 500 Internal Server Error is a very general HTTP status code that means something has gone wrong on the web site's server but the server could not be more specific on what the exact problem is.


Most of the time, "gone wrong" means an issue with the page or site's programming, nothing you have anything to do with.


Note: More specific information about the cause of a particular HTTP 500 error is often provided when it occurs on a server using Microsoft IIS software. Look for numbers after 500 as in HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error which means Configuration data is invalid.

注意:在使用Microsoft IIS软件的服务器上发生特定HTTP 500错误的原因时,通常会提供更具体的信息。在HTTP错误500.19中查找500之后的数字 - 内部服务器错误,这意味着配置数据无效。

Ref: http://pcsupport.about.com/od/findbyerrormessage/a/500servererror.htm
