
时间:2022-02-16 20:16:21

I have two models A and B with an intermediary model C for holding a many-to-many relation using the through. as extra fields in C can have different values for the two same related objects of A and B, is it logically OK to do that? i.e. pair of foreign keys to (A, B) in C to be not unique (Django do not create unique_together on them)


1 个解决方案



It is possible for multiple relationships between two objects to exist in your through table. This can have surprising results when fetching related items, however, as a.b_set.all() will contain multiple copies of the item from B where there are multiple relationships. If this is not desired, then you can use a.b_set.all().distinct() to remove the duplicate items.




It is possible for multiple relationships between two objects to exist in your through table. This can have surprising results when fetching related items, however, as a.b_set.all() will contain multiple copies of the item from B where there are multiple relationships. If this is not desired, then you can use a.b_set.all().distinct() to remove the duplicate items.
