Okay so I split my access database, and now I have a backend:
- If I started a brand new table, a brand new query, and a brand form for a different purpose within the db_be.mdb would it appear in the connect "front end" db as I saved it in the backend, or do I have to import it up?
If I do have to import the above, the how do I make the table to stay in the back and just linked to the front end...with "link table"?
at this point if I create an MDE, will there still be a total of three (back end, what is now the front end, and eventually an MDE)??
thanks guys
3 个解决方案
Normally, the whole point of a FE/BE database is to have only tables in the BE and everything else in the FE. You would create the table in the BE, then open your FE and link the table. You can use the Link manager (Tools/Database Utilities/Linked Table Manager) or directly (File/Get External Data/Link Tables) Then you would build your forms/queries in the FE.
通常,FE / BE数据库的整个要点是BE中只有表和FE中的其他所有表。您将在BE中创建表,然后打开FE并链接表。您可以使用链接管理器(工具/数据库实用程序/链接表管理器)或直接(文件/获取外部数据/链接表)然后您将在FE中构建表单/查询。
When you create an MDE it will be a third, separate file, as you mention.
To put it succinctly:
- Add any new tables to the back-end database
- Link the tables to the front-end database using "Link table" command (preferrably with a UNC not a mapped table)
- If you make an MDE file, it replaces the front end database. You need to keep the old front end database in case you want to make changes (which requires recreating the MDE).
- Think of the Front-end database as the source code and the MDE as the "Compiled" version.
You should only be putting tables in your backend database. Your queries and forms you already created should be in the frontend. You can go to your frontend and import them in so you don't have to recreate them, but then you should go back and delete them from your backend.
When you split your database, did you link go to the frontend and link the tables from the backend? If you didn't, you need to do that. If you used the built-in Database Splitter from the Tools menu, this is already done. Otherwise, you need to go to your frontend and link to the tables in the backend. You can do this by opening your frontend and right clicking in the tables area and choosing Link Tables. This is only for tables though, you can't link to your queries/forms/etc.
Hmph...slow typing and answering while distracted at work...dsteele's answer is right on as well.
Hmph ...在工作中心烦意乱时打字慢慢地回答...... dsteele的答案也是正确的。
Normally, the whole point of a FE/BE database is to have only tables in the BE and everything else in the FE. You would create the table in the BE, then open your FE and link the table. You can use the Link manager (Tools/Database Utilities/Linked Table Manager) or directly (File/Get External Data/Link Tables) Then you would build your forms/queries in the FE.
通常,FE / BE数据库的整个要点是BE中只有表和FE中的其他所有表。您将在BE中创建表,然后打开FE并链接表。您可以使用链接管理器(工具/数据库实用程序/链接表管理器)或直接(文件/获取外部数据/链接表)然后您将在FE中构建表单/查询。
When you create an MDE it will be a third, separate file, as you mention.
To put it succinctly:
- Add any new tables to the back-end database
- Link the tables to the front-end database using "Link table" command (preferrably with a UNC not a mapped table)
- If you make an MDE file, it replaces the front end database. You need to keep the old front end database in case you want to make changes (which requires recreating the MDE).
- Think of the Front-end database as the source code and the MDE as the "Compiled" version.
You should only be putting tables in your backend database. Your queries and forms you already created should be in the frontend. You can go to your frontend and import them in so you don't have to recreate them, but then you should go back and delete them from your backend.
When you split your database, did you link go to the frontend and link the tables from the backend? If you didn't, you need to do that. If you used the built-in Database Splitter from the Tools menu, this is already done. Otherwise, you need to go to your frontend and link to the tables in the backend. You can do this by opening your frontend and right clicking in the tables area and choosing Link Tables. This is only for tables though, you can't link to your queries/forms/etc.
Hmph...slow typing and answering while distracted at work...dsteele's answer is right on as well.
Hmph ...在工作中心烦意乱时打字慢慢地回答...... dsteele的答案也是正确的。