通过PHP传递变量 - > Javascript - > AJAX - 选项?

时间:2022-09-26 10:56:51

I am currently working on a CMS where there are a lot of communications between PHP and JavaScript (+ AJAX). I am having difficulties storing variables all through the flow.

我目前正在开发一个CMS,PHP和JavaScript(+ AJAX)之间有很多通信。我在整个流程中存储变量时遇到困难。

For instance: after login you can select a site to edit. When on click, I store the site_id in a POST-variable. After that I redirect to the pages-overview-page where I read out all my pages from the database by using this site_id.


If I add a page, the following happens:


1.The $_POST['site_id'] is put into javascript by echoing:

1. $ _POST ['site_id']通过回显放入javascript:

echo "<script>var siteid =".$_POST['siteid'].";</script>"

2.My JavaScript then does an AJAX call:


$(".leftpanelinner").on('click','._add-page', function(event){
    $(".sortable").load("ajax_scripts/page-actions.php/add_page",{siteID: siteid, callFunction:'add_page' });   

3.This on it's turn fires an php-script which adds a page to the site with a query to my database and then reloads the main div of my page:


public function new_page($iSite_id, $sTemplate, $sTitle, $sMeta, $sCSS, $sJS, $sFavicon, $aContent, $aMenu)
    $oPagemodel = new page_model;
    $iPage_id=$oPagemodel->insert_pagemodel($iSite_id, $sTemplate, $sTitle, $sMeta, $sCSS, $sJS, $sFavicon, $aContent, $aMenu);
    return $iPage_id;

public function insert_pagemodel($iSite_id, $sTemplate, $sTitle, $sMeta, $sCSS, $sJS, $sFavicon, $aContent, $aMenu)
        $this->set_pagemodel($sTemplate, $sTitle, $sMeta, $sCSS, $sJS, $sFavicon, $aContent, $aMenu);   
        $sSQL = "INSERT INTO `pages` (f_site_id, object) VALUES ('".$iSite_id.', '.serialize($this)."');";
        if (mysql_query($sSQL)) {$this->iID = mysql_insert_id();} else {return false;}
        return $this->iID;


Isn't there a simpler way to store a variable through JavaScript/PHP/AJAX or is the above the best way?

是不是有一种更简单的方法来存储变量通过JavaScript / PHP / AJAX或以上是最好的方法?

1 个解决方案



You can use cookies for this.


    $foo = 'lorem';
    setcookie('the_foo',$foo,time() + (86400 * 7)); 

    echo $_COOKIE['the_foo']; 

You can get and set cookies with js as well.




You can use cookies for this.


    $foo = 'lorem';
    setcookie('the_foo',$foo,time() + (86400 * 7)); 

    echo $_COOKIE['the_foo']; 

You can get and set cookies with js as well.
