
时间:2022-09-16 11:13:55

A gradle build has three files


  • build.gradle that defines the build configuration scripts
  • build.gradle,用于定义构建配置脚本

  • gradle.properties
  • settings.gradle


  • What are differences between settings.gradle & gradle.properties?
  • settings.gradle和gradle.properties之间有什么区别?

  • When should a settings be put in settings.gradle vs. gradle.properties?
  • 应该何时将设置放入settings.gradle与gradle.properties中?

2 个解决方案



The settings.gradle file is, just like the build.gradle file, a Groovy script. Only one settings.gradle script will be executed in each build (in comparison to the build.gradle script in multi-project builds). It will be executed before any build.gradle and even before the Project instances are created. Therefore, it is evaluated against a Settings object. With this Settings object, you can add subprojects to your build, modify the parameters from the command line (StartParameter) and access the Gradle object to register lifecycle handlers. Use the file, if your settings are build-related and not necessarily project-related or require logic before possible subprojects are included.


The gradle.properties file is a simple Java Properties file, that only gains it special role by being automatically included into the scope of the Project object (as so-called project properties). It's a simple key-value store, that only allows string values (so you need to split lists or arrays by yourself). You can put gradle.properties files to these locations:

gradle.properties文件是一个简单的Java Properties文件,它只通过自动包含在Project对象的范围内(作为所谓的项目属性)来获得特殊的角色。它是一个简单的键值存储,只允许字符串值(因此您需要自己拆分列表或数组)。您可以将gradle.properties文件放到这些位置:

  • directly in the project directory (for project-related values)
  • 直接在项目目录中(与项目相关的值)

  • in the user home .gradle directory (for user- or environment-related values)
  • 在用户主目录.gradle目录中(对于用户或环境相关的值)



A multi-module project has one main module and many submodules. It has this layout:


  +- gradle.properties     # optional
  +- settings.gradle       
  +- build.gradle
  +- buildSrc/             # optional
  +-- ...
  +- gradle/
  |    +- utils.gradle     # optional
  +-- sub-a/
  |     +- build.gradle
  |     +- src/
  +-- sub-b/
        +- build.gradle
        +- src/

submodules can also be located deeper in subfolders, but without modifying code in settings.gradle, their name will include the name of such folders.



The main role of settings.gradle is to define all included submodules and to mark the directory root of a tree of modules, so you can only have one settings.gradle file in a multi-module project.


rootProject.name = 'project-x'

include 'sub-a', 'sub-b'

The settings file is also written in groovy, and submodule lookup can be adapted alot.



This is optional, it's main purpose is to provide startup options to use for running gradle itself, e.g.


org.gradle.jvmargs=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 ...


There is one such file per module, it contains the build logic for this module.


In the build.gradle file of the main module, you can use allprojects {} or subprojects {} to define settings for all other modules.

在主模块的build.gradle文件中,您可以使用allprojects {}或子项目{}来定义所有其他模块的设置。

In the build.gradle file of the submodules, you can use compile project(':sub-a') to make one submodule depend on the other.



(Any name of folder or file is possible.) You can define additional custom gradle files to reuse definitions, and include them in other gradle files via


apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/utils.gradle"


This folder is special, it is like a separate gradle project in itself. It is build before doing anything else, and can provide function to use in any other gradle file. You can define complex custom build logic in java or groovy, instead of writing and deploying a plugin. This is useful for unit-testing your custom build code.




The settings.gradle file is, just like the build.gradle file, a Groovy script. Only one settings.gradle script will be executed in each build (in comparison to the build.gradle script in multi-project builds). It will be executed before any build.gradle and even before the Project instances are created. Therefore, it is evaluated against a Settings object. With this Settings object, you can add subprojects to your build, modify the parameters from the command line (StartParameter) and access the Gradle object to register lifecycle handlers. Use the file, if your settings are build-related and not necessarily project-related or require logic before possible subprojects are included.


The gradle.properties file is a simple Java Properties file, that only gains it special role by being automatically included into the scope of the Project object (as so-called project properties). It's a simple key-value store, that only allows string values (so you need to split lists or arrays by yourself). You can put gradle.properties files to these locations:

gradle.properties文件是一个简单的Java Properties文件,它只通过自动包含在Project对象的范围内(作为所谓的项目属性)来获得特殊的角色。它是一个简单的键值存储,只允许字符串值(因此您需要自己拆分列表或数组)。您可以将gradle.properties文件放到这些位置:

  • directly in the project directory (for project-related values)
  • 直接在项目目录中(与项目相关的值)

  • in the user home .gradle directory (for user- or environment-related values)
  • 在用户主目录.gradle目录中(对于用户或环境相关的值)



A multi-module project has one main module and many submodules. It has this layout:


  +- gradle.properties     # optional
  +- settings.gradle       
  +- build.gradle
  +- buildSrc/             # optional
  +-- ...
  +- gradle/
  |    +- utils.gradle     # optional
  +-- sub-a/
  |     +- build.gradle
  |     +- src/
  +-- sub-b/
        +- build.gradle
        +- src/

submodules can also be located deeper in subfolders, but without modifying code in settings.gradle, their name will include the name of such folders.



The main role of settings.gradle is to define all included submodules and to mark the directory root of a tree of modules, so you can only have one settings.gradle file in a multi-module project.


rootProject.name = 'project-x'

include 'sub-a', 'sub-b'

The settings file is also written in groovy, and submodule lookup can be adapted alot.



This is optional, it's main purpose is to provide startup options to use for running gradle itself, e.g.


org.gradle.jvmargs=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 ...


There is one such file per module, it contains the build logic for this module.


In the build.gradle file of the main module, you can use allprojects {} or subprojects {} to define settings for all other modules.

在主模块的build.gradle文件中,您可以使用allprojects {}或子项目{}来定义所有其他模块的设置。

In the build.gradle file of the submodules, you can use compile project(':sub-a') to make one submodule depend on the other.



(Any name of folder or file is possible.) You can define additional custom gradle files to reuse definitions, and include them in other gradle files via


apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/utils.gradle"


This folder is special, it is like a separate gradle project in itself. It is build before doing anything else, and can provide function to use in any other gradle file. You can define complex custom build logic in java or groovy, instead of writing and deploying a plugin. This is useful for unit-testing your custom build code.
