- tr - translate or delete characters
- 可以对来自标准输入的字符进行替换、压缩和删除。它可以将一组字符变成另一组字符,经常用来编写优美的单行命令,作用很强大。
tr [OPTION]... SET1 [SET2]
- 指定要转换或删除的原字符集。当执行转换操作时,必须使用参数“字符集2”指定转换的目标字符集。但执行删除操作时,不需要参数“字符集2”;
- 指定要转换成的目标字符集。
Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters from standard input,writing to standard output.
-c, -C, --complement
- use the complement of SET1
- 取代所有不属于第一字符集的字符
str="hello world"
# hello world
echo ${str}
echo ${str} | tr -c 'll\n' 'A'
# hello-world
echo ${str} | tr -c 'a-z\n' '-'
# hello-world
echo ${str} | tr -C 'a-z\n' '-'
-d, --delete
- delete characters in SET1, do not translate
- 删除所有属于第一字符集的字符;
str="hello world"
# hello world
echo ${str}
# helloworld
echo ${str} | tr -d ' '
# he wrd
echo ${str} | tr -d 'llo'
-s, --squeeze-repeats
- replace each sequence of a repeated character that is listed in the last specified SET, with a single occurrence of that character
- 把连续重复的字符以单独一个字符表示
str="thissss is a text linnnnnnne."
# thissss is a text linnnnnnne.
echo ${str}
# this is a text line.
echo ${str} | tr -s ' sn'
-t, --truncate-set1
- first truncate SET1 to length of SET2
- 先删除第一字符集较第二字符集多出的字符
str="hello world"
# hello world
echo ${str}
# heaao worad
echo ${str} | tr -t 'l' 'a'
# hello-world
echo ${str} | tr -t ' ' '-'
- display this help and exit
- output version information and exit
SETs are specified as strings of characters. Most represent
themselves. Interpreted sequences are:
\NNN character with octal value NNN (1 to 3 octal digits)
\\ backslash
\a audible BEL
\b backspace
\f form feed
\n new line
\r return
\t horizontal tab
\v vertical tab
all characters from CHAR1 to CHAR2 in ascending order
in SET2, copies of CHAR until length of SET1
REPEAT copies of CHAR, REPEAT octal if starting with 0
all letters and digits
all letters
all horizontal whitespace
all control characters
all digits
all printable characters, not including space
all lower case letters
all printable characters, including space
all punctuation characters
all horizontal or vertical whitespace
all upper case letters
all hexadecimal digits
all characters which are equivalent to CHAR
Translation occurs if -d is not given and both SET1 and SET2 appear.
may be used only when translating. SET2 is extended to length of SET1 by repeating its last character as necessary. Excess characters of SET2 are ignored. Only[:lower:]
are guaranteed to expand in ascending order; used in SET2 while translating, they may only be used in pairs to specify case conversion. -s uses the last specified SET, and occurs after translation or deletion.
# 字符集补集,从输入文本中将不在补集中的所有字符删除:
# 1 2 3 4
echo aa.,a 1 b#$bb 2 c*/cc 3 ddd 4 | tr -d -c '0-9 \n'
# 使用tr做数字相加操作:
# 45
echo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | xargs -n1 | echo $[ $(tr '\n' '+') 0 ]
# 除Windows文件“造成”的'^M'字符:
# cat file | tr -s "\r" "\n" > new_file
# cat file | tr -d "\r" > new_file
All rights reserved
linux常用命令:tr 命令
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