
时间:2022-09-11 18:51:47

Is there a good(and easy) way to make a JCombobox look like a JTextField? By this I mean there should not be a dropdown button, but when the user enters something it should show multible results.


Basically the same way google, youtube, facebook etc. works.


3 个解决方案


JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox();
comboBox.setUI(new BasicComboBoxUI() {
    protected JButton createArrowButton() {
        return new JButton() {
            public int getWidth() {
                return 0;

Making getWidth() return 0 ensures that:
a) the button is not shown
b) no space is reserved for it, letting you type in the whole field


I found that I had to do invoke .setUI() via SwingUtilities.invokeLater(), but depending on the structure of your code, you might not have to.


If you want autocomplete, add some items to the combo box, and use AutoCompleteDecorator.decorate(comboBox). The AutoCompleteDecorator class is part of SwingX, as previously mentioned.


This might make your box look weird when using another L&F, so you will have to choose which CombiBoxUI to instantiate, to get the right look.


If you do not want the drop-down to appear when there is nothing in the combo box, override this method in the BasicComboBoxUI as well:


public void setPopupVisible(JComboBox c, boolean v) {
    // keeps the popup from coming down if there's nothing in the combo box
    if (c.getItemCount() > 0) {
        super.setPopupVisible(c, v);


Do you mean that you want it to behave like a text field that autocompletes against previously entered values? SwingX includes support for adding autocompletion to text components.

您的意思是您希望它的行为类似于自动填充先前输入的值的文本字段吗? SwingX支持向文本组件添加自动完成功能。

Another library you could look at is JIDE Common Layer. Their IntelliHints functionality might be what you are looking for. There is a demo you can download from here.

您可以看到的另一个库是JIDE Common Layer。他们的IntelliHints功能可能正是您所需要的。您可以从此处下载演示。


I have a very similar problem, I don't care about the popup arrow, but I need to control the text appearance when the component is disabled.


I want to show the current value, but disable list selection/editing. The only way to get this behavior with JComboBox is to use comboBox.setEnabled(false); which makes the text an unreadable light grey.


I created a ComoBoxUIDecorator, and intercepted some of the paint methods. This has exactly the right effect -- the arrow appears greyed out while the current value appears in black and readable (as if enabled).

我创建了一个ComoBoxUIDecorator,并拦截了一些绘制方法。这具有完全正确的效果 - 箭头显示为灰色,而当前值显示为黑色且可读(如果已启用)。

public class ComboBoxUIDecorator extends ComboBoxUI {
 private ComboBoxUI m_parent;

 public ComboBoxUIDecorator(ComboBoxUI x) {
  m_parent = x;
 public boolean isFocusTraversable(JComboBox c) {
  return m_parent.isFocusTraversable(c);

 public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
  m_parent.paint(g, c);

You might try a similar approach; If you could find the arrow button, you could paint over the arrow after invoking m_parent.paint()



JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox();
comboBox.setUI(new BasicComboBoxUI() {
    protected JButton createArrowButton() {
        return new JButton() {
            public int getWidth() {
                return 0;

Making getWidth() return 0 ensures that:
a) the button is not shown
b) no space is reserved for it, letting you type in the whole field


I found that I had to do invoke .setUI() via SwingUtilities.invokeLater(), but depending on the structure of your code, you might not have to.


If you want autocomplete, add some items to the combo box, and use AutoCompleteDecorator.decorate(comboBox). The AutoCompleteDecorator class is part of SwingX, as previously mentioned.


This might make your box look weird when using another L&F, so you will have to choose which CombiBoxUI to instantiate, to get the right look.


If you do not want the drop-down to appear when there is nothing in the combo box, override this method in the BasicComboBoxUI as well:


public void setPopupVisible(JComboBox c, boolean v) {
    // keeps the popup from coming down if there's nothing in the combo box
    if (c.getItemCount() > 0) {
        super.setPopupVisible(c, v);


Do you mean that you want it to behave like a text field that autocompletes against previously entered values? SwingX includes support for adding autocompletion to text components.

您的意思是您希望它的行为类似于自动填充先前输入的值的文本字段吗? SwingX支持向文本组件添加自动完成功能。

Another library you could look at is JIDE Common Layer. Their IntelliHints functionality might be what you are looking for. There is a demo you can download from here.

您可以看到的另一个库是JIDE Common Layer。他们的IntelliHints功能可能正是您所需要的。您可以从此处下载演示。


I have a very similar problem, I don't care about the popup arrow, but I need to control the text appearance when the component is disabled.


I want to show the current value, but disable list selection/editing. The only way to get this behavior with JComboBox is to use comboBox.setEnabled(false); which makes the text an unreadable light grey.


I created a ComoBoxUIDecorator, and intercepted some of the paint methods. This has exactly the right effect -- the arrow appears greyed out while the current value appears in black and readable (as if enabled).

我创建了一个ComoBoxUIDecorator,并拦截了一些绘制方法。这具有完全正确的效果 - 箭头显示为灰色,而当前值显示为黑色且可读(如果已启用)。

public class ComboBoxUIDecorator extends ComboBoxUI {
 private ComboBoxUI m_parent;

 public ComboBoxUIDecorator(ComboBoxUI x) {
  m_parent = x;
 public boolean isFocusTraversable(JComboBox c) {
  return m_parent.isFocusTraversable(c);

 public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
  m_parent.paint(g, c);

You might try a similar approach; If you could find the arrow button, you could paint over the arrow after invoking m_parent.paint()
