我应该使用哪种Enthought EPD发行版?

时间:2022-09-10 23:10:20

I'm currently an undergrad Electrical Engineering student. I've been using MATLab for a while, but have grown weary of its syntax and subtleties. I've been trying to find an alternative, and after much searching have found Enthought. Since I'm a student, I can install the academic version of EPD; but, looking at the modules it contains, I'm wondering if I'd really need everything I'd get with that distribution. My question is, would EPDFree suffice for undergraduate study? Or am I better off with the academic version? In either case, should I install the libraries in the distribution separately (i.e. without installing EPD) if I can? Or, should I just go with EPD distribution? I primarily use the Ubuntu Linux distribution if that helps. Thanks to all in advance!

我现在是一名本科电气工程专业的学生。我已经使用MATLab一段时间了,但已经厌倦了它的语法和细微之处。我一直试图寻找替代方案,经过多次搜索后发现了Enthought。由于我是学生,我可以安装EPD的学术版;但是,看看它包含的模块,我想知道我是否真的需要我在该发行版中获得的所有内容。我的问题是,EPDFree能否满足本科学习的需要?还是我的学术版更好?在任何一种情况下,如果可以的话,我应该单独在分发中安装库(即不安装EPD)吗?或者,我应该选择EPD发行吗?如果有帮助,我主要使用Ubuntu Linux发行版。提前全部感谢!

2 个解决方案



The ultimate answer mainly depends on your specific needs. EPD is really neat and it contains a lot of packages. I doubt that you'll use all of them. During your studies you will most probably use Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib and ipython for matrix manipulations, solving linear systems, visualisation etc. Installing these packages separately on Ubuntu (with aptitude for example) is as effortless as installing EPD.

最终答案主要取决于您的具体需求。 EPD非常整洁,它包含很多包。我怀疑你会使用所有这些。在学习期间,您最有可能使用Numpy,Scipy,Matplotlib和ipython进行矩阵操作,求解线性系统,可视化等。在Ubuntu上单独安装这些软件包(例如使用aptitude)与安装EPD一样容易。

I would say that start by installing these packages separately from the Ubuntu repository, try them out, learn more about them, try to get comfortable in the environment. As your studies evolve you'll see what tools you lack, you need more and you can reconsider using EPD.




Enthought now provides the full EPD (not just the free EPD) to all academics. All you need is an EDU mail address. You can sign up at http://www.enthought.com/products/edudownload.php and you will receive a username/password that allows you to install and upgrade packages easily, just like a paid subscriber.




The ultimate answer mainly depends on your specific needs. EPD is really neat and it contains a lot of packages. I doubt that you'll use all of them. During your studies you will most probably use Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib and ipython for matrix manipulations, solving linear systems, visualisation etc. Installing these packages separately on Ubuntu (with aptitude for example) is as effortless as installing EPD.

最终答案主要取决于您的具体需求。 EPD非常整洁,它包含很多包。我怀疑你会使用所有这些。在学习期间,您最有可能使用Numpy,Scipy,Matplotlib和ipython进行矩阵操作,求解线性系统,可视化等。在Ubuntu上单独安装这些软件包(例如使用aptitude)与安装EPD一样容易。

I would say that start by installing these packages separately from the Ubuntu repository, try them out, learn more about them, try to get comfortable in the environment. As your studies evolve you'll see what tools you lack, you need more and you can reconsider using EPD.




Enthought now provides the full EPD (not just the free EPD) to all academics. All you need is an EDU mail address. You can sign up at http://www.enthought.com/products/edudownload.php and you will receive a username/password that allows you to install and upgrade packages easily, just like a paid subscriber.
