将文本数据发送到SQL Server时,我应该使用哪种安全方法?

时间:2021-10-14 01:09:48

I have a C# desktop application and I need to send text data to a remote SQL Server. What should I use for security? Web service or socket or another?

我有一个C#桌面应用程序,我需要将文本数据发送到远程SQL Server。我应该用什么来保障安全? Web服务或套接字还是其他?

1 个解决方案



Web Services and sockets are ways for an application to communicate with SQL server. In it of themselves, they do not provide security.

Web服务和套接字是应用程序与SQL Server通信的方式。在它自身中,它们不提供安全性。

Now if you are wondering how you should communicate with your SQL server from your applications, that depends on your scenarios. Web Services is what I go with if I need to communicate with SQL through more than one application. For example, if you have your desktop application and, for example, an Android application or a web application.

现在,如果您想知道如何从应用程序与SQL Server进行通信,这取决于您的方案。如果我需要通过多个应用程序与SQL通信,那么Web服务就是我的选择。例如,如果您有桌面应用程序,例如Android应用程序或Web应用程序。

Now if you are wondering about security, you should be encrypting your data and storing the encrypted data in the SQL server. When you retrieve the data, you should decrypt it. Also, make sure your site runs on HTTPS protocol and not HTTP.




Web Services and sockets are ways for an application to communicate with SQL server. In it of themselves, they do not provide security.

Web服务和套接字是应用程序与SQL Server通信的方式。在它自身中,它们不提供安全性。

Now if you are wondering how you should communicate with your SQL server from your applications, that depends on your scenarios. Web Services is what I go with if I need to communicate with SQL through more than one application. For example, if you have your desktop application and, for example, an Android application or a web application.

现在,如果您想知道如何从应用程序与SQL Server进行通信,这取决于您的方案。如果我需要通过多个应用程序与SQL通信,那么Web服务就是我的选择。例如,如果您有桌面应用程序,例如Android应用程序或Web应用程序。

Now if you are wondering about security, you should be encrypting your data and storing the encrypted data in the SQL server. When you retrieve the data, you should decrypt it. Also, make sure your site runs on HTTPS protocol and not HTTP.
