
时间:2022-09-08 21:29:17

Coming from an academic background in mutli-agent systems (developed in Java using JADE) I have only been peripherally aware of the Actor concurrency paradigm. Now that I've started exploring Scala I couldn't help but be struck by the similarities between the Agent and Actor approaches.


I'm very tempted to use Scala's Actor library for my next research project rather than simply calling the JADE libraries as this would force me to get to deeper grips with the language. Furthermore JADE's focus on defining everything in terms of behaviours isn't very appropriate to my problem.


Is there something fundamentally different between a highly autonomous Actor and an Agent that I am missing?


1 个解决方案


Yes, there are differences. For very simple agents, actors and agents might be the same thing. However, by "autonomous agents" one, or, at least, I, usually assume something like, for example, a Belief-Desire-Intention model, where the agent models internally an abstraction of the environment it finds itself in, and the agents it interacts with, so that it can make plans on how to interact with that environment to achieve it's goals.

是的,存在差异。对于非常简单的代理,演员和代理可能是同一个东西。然而,通过“自治代理人”,或者至少我,通常假定某种类似于信念 - 欲望 - 意图模型的东西,其中代理在内部模拟它发现自己的环境的抽象,以及代理它与之交互,因此它可以制定如何与该环境进行交互以实现其目标的计划。

While an actor can sure have all this, a single agent might just as well be composed of multiple actors, acting jointly to handle different parts of the BDI framework. An actor is, for all intents, a scheduling unit. If your agents are essentially linear and single-thread, they fit. If they do parallel work internally, you want multiple actors for each agent.


So, what do actors and agents have in common?


  • They both communicate by passing messages.


  • They both (usually) have an internal state -- even if implicit in the execution state.

    它们(通常)都具有内部状态 - 即使隐含在执行状态中。

  • They both are expected not to share state with other actors/agents.


  • They both are expected to be scheduled independently of other actors/agents.


What do agents have more than actors?


  • Agents usually follow models that dictate an agent's behavior -- such as, for example, BDI -- and actors usually don't. Reactive agents, though, are similar to actors in this respect.

    代理商通常遵循规定代理人行为的模型 - 例如,BDI - 而演员通常不遵守。但是,反应特工在这方面与演员相似。

  • Agents may have more than one internal unit of scheduling. Agents that do not, though, are similar to actors in this respect.


What do actors have more than agents?


  • Nothing that I can think of, though Scala actors can share state.
  • 没有什么我能想到的,尽管Scala演员可以分享状态。


Yes, there are differences. For very simple agents, actors and agents might be the same thing. However, by "autonomous agents" one, or, at least, I, usually assume something like, for example, a Belief-Desire-Intention model, where the agent models internally an abstraction of the environment it finds itself in, and the agents it interacts with, so that it can make plans on how to interact with that environment to achieve it's goals.

是的,存在差异。对于非常简单的代理,演员和代理可能是同一个东西。然而,通过“自治代理人”,或者至少我,通常假定某种类似于信念 - 欲望 - 意图模型的东西,其中代理在内部模拟它发现自己的环境的抽象,以及代理它与之交互,因此它可以制定如何与该环境进行交互以实现其目标的计划。

While an actor can sure have all this, a single agent might just as well be composed of multiple actors, acting jointly to handle different parts of the BDI framework. An actor is, for all intents, a scheduling unit. If your agents are essentially linear and single-thread, they fit. If they do parallel work internally, you want multiple actors for each agent.


So, what do actors and agents have in common?


  • They both communicate by passing messages.


  • They both (usually) have an internal state -- even if implicit in the execution state.

    它们(通常)都具有内部状态 - 即使隐含在执行状态中。

  • They both are expected not to share state with other actors/agents.


  • They both are expected to be scheduled independently of other actors/agents.


What do agents have more than actors?


  • Agents usually follow models that dictate an agent's behavior -- such as, for example, BDI -- and actors usually don't. Reactive agents, though, are similar to actors in this respect.

    代理商通常遵循规定代理人行为的模型 - 例如,BDI - 而演员通常不遵守。但是,反应特工在这方面与演员相似。

  • Agents may have more than one internal unit of scheduling. Agents that do not, though, are similar to actors in this respect.


What do actors have more than agents?


  • Nothing that I can think of, though Scala actors can share state.
  • 没有什么我能想到的,尽管Scala演员可以分享状态。