Saw this question recently:
Given 2 arrays, the 2nd array containing some of the elements of the 1st array, return the minimum window in the 1st array which contains all the elements of the 2nd array.
Eg : Given A={1,3,5,2,3,1} and B={1,3,2}
例如:给定A = {1,3,5,2,3,1},B = {1,3,2}
Output : 3 , 5 (where 3 and 5 are indices in the array A)
Even though the range 1 to 4 also contains the elements of A, the range 3 to 5 is returned Since it contains since its length is lesser than the previous range ( ( 5 - 3 ) < ( 4 - 1 ) )
即使范围1到4也包含A的元素,返回范围3到5因为它包含因为它的长度小于先前的范围((5 - 3)<(4 - 1))
I had devised a solution but I am not sure if it works correctly and also not efficient.
Give an Efficient Solution for the problem. Thanks in Advance
1 个解决方案
A simple solution of iterating through the list.
- Have a left and right pointer, initially both at zero
- 有一个左右指针,最初都是零
- Move the right pointer forwards until [L..R] contains all the elements (or quit if right reaches the end).
- 向前移动右指针,直到[L..R]包含所有元素(如果右边到达末尾,则退出)。
- Move the left pointer forwards until [L..R] doesn't contain all the elements. See if [L-1..R] is shorter than the current best.
- 向前移动左指针,直到[L..R]不包含所有元素。查看[L-1..R]是否短于当前最佳值。
This is obviously linear time. You'll simply need to keep track of how many of each element of B is in the subarray for checking whether the subarray is a potential solution.
Pseudocode of this algorithm.
size = bestL = A.length;
needed = B.length-1;
found = 0; left=0; right=0;
counts = {}; //counts is a map of (number, count)
for(i in B) counts.put(i, 0);
//Increase right bound
while(right < size) {
if(!counts.contains(right)) continue;
amt = count.get(right);
count.set(right, amt+1);
if(amt == 0) found++;
if(found == needed) {
while(found == needed) {
//Increase left bound
if(counts.contains(left)) {
amt = count.get(left);
count.set(left, amt-1);
if(amt == 1) found--;
if(right - left + 2 >= bestL) continue;
bestL = right - left + 2;
bestRange = [left-1, right] //inclusive
A simple solution of iterating through the list.
- Have a left and right pointer, initially both at zero
- 有一个左右指针,最初都是零
- Move the right pointer forwards until [L..R] contains all the elements (or quit if right reaches the end).
- 向前移动右指针,直到[L..R]包含所有元素(如果右边到达末尾,则退出)。
- Move the left pointer forwards until [L..R] doesn't contain all the elements. See if [L-1..R] is shorter than the current best.
- 向前移动左指针,直到[L..R]不包含所有元素。查看[L-1..R]是否短于当前最佳值。
This is obviously linear time. You'll simply need to keep track of how many of each element of B is in the subarray for checking whether the subarray is a potential solution.
Pseudocode of this algorithm.
size = bestL = A.length;
needed = B.length-1;
found = 0; left=0; right=0;
counts = {}; //counts is a map of (number, count)
for(i in B) counts.put(i, 0);
//Increase right bound
while(right < size) {
if(!counts.contains(right)) continue;
amt = count.get(right);
count.set(right, amt+1);
if(amt == 0) found++;
if(found == needed) {
while(found == needed) {
//Increase left bound
if(counts.contains(left)) {
amt = count.get(left);
count.set(left, amt-1);
if(amt == 1) found--;
if(right - left + 2 >= bestL) continue;
bestL = right - left + 2;
bestRange = [left-1, right] //inclusive