
时间:2022-09-04 11:29:59

How to read a file in reverse order using python? I want to read a file from last line to first line.


13 个解决方案



for line in reversed(open("filename").readlines()):
    print line.rstrip()

And in Python 3:

在Python 3:

for line in reversed(list(open("filename"))):



A correct, efficient answer written as a generator.


import os

def reverse_readline(filename, buf_size=8192):
    """a generator that returns the lines of a file in reverse order"""
    with open(filename) as fh:
        segment = None
        offset = 0
        fh.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
        file_size = remaining_size = fh.tell()
        while remaining_size > 0:
            offset = min(file_size, offset + buf_size)
            fh.seek(file_size - offset)
            buffer = fh.read(min(remaining_size, buf_size))
            remaining_size -= buf_size
            lines = buffer.split('\n')
            # the first line of the buffer is probably not a complete line so
            # we'll save it and append it to the last line of the next buffer
            # we read
            if segment is not None:
                # if the previous chunk starts right from the beginning of line
                # do not concact the segment to the last line of new chunk
                # instead, yield the segment first 
                if buffer[-1] is not '\n':
                    lines[-1] += segment
                    yield segment
            segment = lines[0]
            for index in range(len(lines) - 1, 0, -1):
                if len(lines[index]):
                    yield lines[index]
        # Don't yield None if the file was empty
        if segment is not None:
            yield segment



How about something like this:


import os

def readlines_reverse(filename):
    with open(filename) as qfile:
        qfile.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
        position = qfile.tell()
        line = ''
        while position >= 0:
            next_char = qfile.read(1)
            if next_char == "\n":
                yield line[::-1]
                line = ''
                line += next_char
            position -= 1
        yield line[::-1]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for qline in readlines_reverse(raw_input()):
        print qline

Since the file is read character by character in reverse order, it will work even on very large files, as long as individual lines fit into memory.




for line in reversed(open("file").readlines()):
    print line.rstrip()

If you are on linux, you can use tac command.


$ tac file

2 recipes you can find in ActiveState here and here




import re

def filerev(somefile, buffer=0x20000):
  somefile.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
  size = somefile.tell()
  lines = ['']
  rem = size % buffer
  pos = max(0, (size // buffer - 1) * buffer)
  while pos >= 0:
    somefile.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
    data = somefile.read(rem + buffer) + lines[0]
    rem = 0
    lines = re.findall('[^\n]*\n?', data)
    ix = len(lines) - 2
    while ix > 0:
      yield lines[ix]
      ix -= 1
    pos -= buffer
    yield lines[0]

with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
  for line in filerev(f):



You can also use python module file_read_backwards.


After installing it, via pip install file_read_backwards (v1.2.1), you can read the entire file backwards (line-wise) in a memory efficient manner via:

在安装它之后,通过pip安装file_read_backwards (v1.2.1),您可以通过以下方式将整个文件向后(行-wise)读取:

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

from file_read_backwards import FileReadBackwards

with FileReadBackwards("/path/to/file", encoding="utf-8") as frb:
    for l in frb:
         print l

It supports "utf-8","latin-1", and "ascii" encodings.


Support is also available for python3. Further documentation can be found at http://file-read-backwards.readthedocs.io/en/latest/readme.html

对python3也有支持。进一步的文档可以在http://fileread-backwards.readthedocs.io/en/latest/readme .html中找到。



Here you can find my my implementation, you can limit the ram usage by changing the "buffer" variable, there is a bug that the program prints an empty line in the beginning.


And also ram usage may be increase if there is no new lines for more than buffer bytes, "leak" variable will increase until seeing a new line ("\n").


This is also working for 16 GB files which is bigger then my total memory.


import os,sys
buffer = 1024*1024 # 1MB
f = open(sys.argv[1])
f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
filesize = f.tell()

division, remainder = divmod(filesize, buffer)

for chunk_counter in range(1,division + 2):
    if division - chunk_counter < 0:
        f.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
        chunk = f.read(remainder)
    elif division - chunk_counter >= 0:
        f.seek(-(buffer*chunk_counter), os.SEEK_END)
        chunk = f.read(buffer)

    chunk_lines_reversed = list(reversed(chunk.split('\n')))
    if line_leak: # add line_leak from previous chunk to beginning
        chunk_lines_reversed[0] += line_leak

    # after reversed, save the leakedline for next chunk iteration
    line_leak = chunk_lines_reversed.pop()

    if chunk_lines_reversed:
        print "\n".join(chunk_lines_reversed)
    # print the last leaked line
    if division - chunk_counter < 0:
        print line_leak



a simple function to create a second file reversed (linux only):


import os
def tac(file1, file2):
     print(os.system('tac %s > %s' % (file1,file2)))

how to use


tac('ordered.csv', 'reversed.csv')
f = open('reversed.csv')



Thanks for the answer @srohde. It has a small bug checking for newline character with 'is' operator, and I could not comment on the answer with 1 reputation. Also I'd like to manage file open outside because that enables me to embed my ramblings for luigi tasks.


What I needed to change has the form:


with open(filename) as fp:
    for line in fp:
        #print line,  # contains new line
        print '>{}<'.format(line)

I'd love to change to:


with open(filename) as fp:
    for line in reversed_fp_iter(fp, 4):
        #print line,  # contains new line
        print '>{}<'.format(line)

Here is a modified answer that wants a file handle and keeps newlines:


def reversed_fp_iter(fp, buf_size=8192):
    """a generator that returns the lines of a file in reverse order
    ref: https://*.com/a/23646049/8776239
    segment = None  # holds possible incomplete segment at the beginning of the buffer
    offset = 0
    fp.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
    file_size = remaining_size = fp.tell()
    while remaining_size > 0:
        offset = min(file_size, offset + buf_size)
        fp.seek(file_size - offset)
        buffer = fp.read(min(remaining_size, buf_size))
        remaining_size -= buf_size
        lines = buffer.splitlines(True)
        # the first line of the buffer is probably not a complete line so
        # we'll save it and append it to the last line of the next buffer
        # we read
        if segment is not None:
            # if the previous chunk starts right from the beginning of line
            # do not concat the segment to the last line of new chunk
            # instead, yield the segment first
            if buffer[-1] == '\n':
                #print 'buffer ends with newline'
                yield segment
                lines[-1] += segment
                #print 'enlarged last line to >{}<, len {}'.format(lines[-1], len(lines))
        segment = lines[0]
        for index in range(len(lines) - 1, 0, -1):
            if len(lines[index]):
                yield lines[index]
    # Don't yield None if the file was empty
    if segment is not None:
        yield segment



def reverse_lines(filename):
    return y[::-1]



Always use with when working with files as it handles everything for you:


with open('filename', 'r') as f:
    for line in reversed(f.readlines()):
        print line

Or in Python 3:

或在Python 3:

with open('filename', 'r') as f:
    for line in reversed(list(f.readlines())):



If you are concerned about file size / memory usage, memory-mapping the file and scanning backwards for newlines is a solution:


How to search for a string in text files?




I had to do this some time ago and used the below code. It pipes to the shell. I am afraid i do not have the complete script anymore. If you are on a unixish operating system, you can use "tac", however on e.g. Mac OSX tac command does not work, use tail -r. The below code snippet tests for which platform you're on, and adjusts the command accordingly

我在一段时间之前就必须这样做,并使用下面的代码。它管壳。恐怕我已经没有完整的脚本了。如果您使用的是unixish操作系统,您可以使用“tac”,但是,例如Mac OSX tac命令不工作,使用tail -r。下面的代码片段测试了您所使用的平台,并相应地调整命令。

# We need a command to reverse the line order of the file. On Linux this
# is 'tac', on OSX it is 'tail -r'
# 'tac' is not supported on osx, 'tail -r' is not supported on linux.

if sys.platform == "darwin":
    command += "|tail -r"
elif sys.platform == "linux2":
    command += "|tac"
    raise EnvironmentError('Platform %s not supported' % sys.platform)



for line in reversed(open("filename").readlines()):
    print line.rstrip()

And in Python 3:

在Python 3:

for line in reversed(list(open("filename"))):



A correct, efficient answer written as a generator.


import os

def reverse_readline(filename, buf_size=8192):
    """a generator that returns the lines of a file in reverse order"""
    with open(filename) as fh:
        segment = None
        offset = 0
        fh.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
        file_size = remaining_size = fh.tell()
        while remaining_size > 0:
            offset = min(file_size, offset + buf_size)
            fh.seek(file_size - offset)
            buffer = fh.read(min(remaining_size, buf_size))
            remaining_size -= buf_size
            lines = buffer.split('\n')
            # the first line of the buffer is probably not a complete line so
            # we'll save it and append it to the last line of the next buffer
            # we read
            if segment is not None:
                # if the previous chunk starts right from the beginning of line
                # do not concact the segment to the last line of new chunk
                # instead, yield the segment first 
                if buffer[-1] is not '\n':
                    lines[-1] += segment
                    yield segment
            segment = lines[0]
            for index in range(len(lines) - 1, 0, -1):
                if len(lines[index]):
                    yield lines[index]
        # Don't yield None if the file was empty
        if segment is not None:
            yield segment



How about something like this:


import os

def readlines_reverse(filename):
    with open(filename) as qfile:
        qfile.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
        position = qfile.tell()
        line = ''
        while position >= 0:
            next_char = qfile.read(1)
            if next_char == "\n":
                yield line[::-1]
                line = ''
                line += next_char
            position -= 1
        yield line[::-1]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for qline in readlines_reverse(raw_input()):
        print qline

Since the file is read character by character in reverse order, it will work even on very large files, as long as individual lines fit into memory.




for line in reversed(open("file").readlines()):
    print line.rstrip()

If you are on linux, you can use tac command.


$ tac file

2 recipes you can find in ActiveState here and here




import re

def filerev(somefile, buffer=0x20000):
  somefile.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
  size = somefile.tell()
  lines = ['']
  rem = size % buffer
  pos = max(0, (size // buffer - 1) * buffer)
  while pos >= 0:
    somefile.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
    data = somefile.read(rem + buffer) + lines[0]
    rem = 0
    lines = re.findall('[^\n]*\n?', data)
    ix = len(lines) - 2
    while ix > 0:
      yield lines[ix]
      ix -= 1
    pos -= buffer
    yield lines[0]

with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
  for line in filerev(f):



You can also use python module file_read_backwards.


After installing it, via pip install file_read_backwards (v1.2.1), you can read the entire file backwards (line-wise) in a memory efficient manner via:

在安装它之后,通过pip安装file_read_backwards (v1.2.1),您可以通过以下方式将整个文件向后(行-wise)读取:

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

from file_read_backwards import FileReadBackwards

with FileReadBackwards("/path/to/file", encoding="utf-8") as frb:
    for l in frb:
         print l

It supports "utf-8","latin-1", and "ascii" encodings.


Support is also available for python3. Further documentation can be found at http://file-read-backwards.readthedocs.io/en/latest/readme.html

对python3也有支持。进一步的文档可以在http://fileread-backwards.readthedocs.io/en/latest/readme .html中找到。



Here you can find my my implementation, you can limit the ram usage by changing the "buffer" variable, there is a bug that the program prints an empty line in the beginning.


And also ram usage may be increase if there is no new lines for more than buffer bytes, "leak" variable will increase until seeing a new line ("\n").


This is also working for 16 GB files which is bigger then my total memory.


import os,sys
buffer = 1024*1024 # 1MB
f = open(sys.argv[1])
f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
filesize = f.tell()

division, remainder = divmod(filesize, buffer)

for chunk_counter in range(1,division + 2):
    if division - chunk_counter < 0:
        f.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
        chunk = f.read(remainder)
    elif division - chunk_counter >= 0:
        f.seek(-(buffer*chunk_counter), os.SEEK_END)
        chunk = f.read(buffer)

    chunk_lines_reversed = list(reversed(chunk.split('\n')))
    if line_leak: # add line_leak from previous chunk to beginning
        chunk_lines_reversed[0] += line_leak

    # after reversed, save the leakedline for next chunk iteration
    line_leak = chunk_lines_reversed.pop()

    if chunk_lines_reversed:
        print "\n".join(chunk_lines_reversed)
    # print the last leaked line
    if division - chunk_counter < 0:
        print line_leak



a simple function to create a second file reversed (linux only):


import os
def tac(file1, file2):
     print(os.system('tac %s > %s' % (file1,file2)))

how to use


tac('ordered.csv', 'reversed.csv')
f = open('reversed.csv')



Thanks for the answer @srohde. It has a small bug checking for newline character with 'is' operator, and I could not comment on the answer with 1 reputation. Also I'd like to manage file open outside because that enables me to embed my ramblings for luigi tasks.


What I needed to change has the form:


with open(filename) as fp:
    for line in fp:
        #print line,  # contains new line
        print '>{}<'.format(line)

I'd love to change to:


with open(filename) as fp:
    for line in reversed_fp_iter(fp, 4):
        #print line,  # contains new line
        print '>{}<'.format(line)

Here is a modified answer that wants a file handle and keeps newlines:


def reversed_fp_iter(fp, buf_size=8192):
    """a generator that returns the lines of a file in reverse order
    ref: https://*.com/a/23646049/8776239
    segment = None  # holds possible incomplete segment at the beginning of the buffer
    offset = 0
    fp.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
    file_size = remaining_size = fp.tell()
    while remaining_size > 0:
        offset = min(file_size, offset + buf_size)
        fp.seek(file_size - offset)
        buffer = fp.read(min(remaining_size, buf_size))
        remaining_size -= buf_size
        lines = buffer.splitlines(True)
        # the first line of the buffer is probably not a complete line so
        # we'll save it and append it to the last line of the next buffer
        # we read
        if segment is not None:
            # if the previous chunk starts right from the beginning of line
            # do not concat the segment to the last line of new chunk
            # instead, yield the segment first
            if buffer[-1] == '\n':
                #print 'buffer ends with newline'
                yield segment
                lines[-1] += segment
                #print 'enlarged last line to >{}<, len {}'.format(lines[-1], len(lines))
        segment = lines[0]
        for index in range(len(lines) - 1, 0, -1):
            if len(lines[index]):
                yield lines[index]
    # Don't yield None if the file was empty
    if segment is not None:
        yield segment



def reverse_lines(filename):
    return y[::-1]



Always use with when working with files as it handles everything for you:


with open('filename', 'r') as f:
    for line in reversed(f.readlines()):
        print line

Or in Python 3:

或在Python 3:

with open('filename', 'r') as f:
    for line in reversed(list(f.readlines())):



If you are concerned about file size / memory usage, memory-mapping the file and scanning backwards for newlines is a solution:


How to search for a string in text files?




I had to do this some time ago and used the below code. It pipes to the shell. I am afraid i do not have the complete script anymore. If you are on a unixish operating system, you can use "tac", however on e.g. Mac OSX tac command does not work, use tail -r. The below code snippet tests for which platform you're on, and adjusts the command accordingly

我在一段时间之前就必须这样做,并使用下面的代码。它管壳。恐怕我已经没有完整的脚本了。如果您使用的是unixish操作系统,您可以使用“tac”,但是,例如Mac OSX tac命令不工作,使用tail -r。下面的代码片段测试了您所使用的平台,并相应地调整命令。

# We need a command to reverse the line order of the file. On Linux this
# is 'tac', on OSX it is 'tail -r'
# 'tac' is not supported on osx, 'tail -r' is not supported on linux.

if sys.platform == "darwin":
    command += "|tail -r"
elif sys.platform == "linux2":
    command += "|tac"
    raise EnvironmentError('Platform %s not supported' % sys.platform)