如何将C ++ / CLI数组结构编组为非托管C ++

时间:2022-09-01 09:19:50

I'm searching for the correct syntax to pass a struct array to an unmanaged C++ dll.

我正在寻找将struct数组传递给非托管C ++ dll的正确语法。

my dll imports are called like this


    #define _DllImport [DllImport("Controller.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention::Cdecl)] static
_DllImport bool _Validation(/* array of struct somehow */);

In my client code I have


List<MyStruct^> list;
MyObject::_Validation(/* list*/);

I know System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal has a lot of useful methods for doing stuff like this but I'm not sure about which to use.

我知道System :: Runtime :: InteropServices :: Marshal有很多有用的方法来做这样的事情,但我不确定使用哪个。

2 个解决方案


Create a managed version of the unmanaged struct using StructLayout.Sequential (make sure to put things in the same order). You should then be able to pass it like you'd pass it to any managed function (e.g., Validation(MyStruct[] pStructs).

使用StructLayout.Sequential创建非托管结构的托管版本(确保以相同的顺序放置内容)。然后,您应该能够将其传递给任何托管函数(例如,验证(MyStruct [] pStructs)。

For example, let's say our native function has this prototype:


extern "C" {

STRUCTINTEROPTEST_API int fnStructInteropTest(MYSTRUCT *pStructs, int nItems);


and the native MYSTRUCT is defined as follows:


    int a;
    int b;
    char c;

Then in C#, you define a managed version of the struct as follows:


public struct MYSTRUCT
    public int a;
    public int b;
    public byte c;

And the managed prototype as follows:


    [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute("StructInteropTest.dll", EntryPoint = "fnStructInteropTest")]
    public static extern int fnStructInteropTest(MYSTRUCT[] pStructs, int nItems);

You can then call the function passing it an array of MYSTRUCT structs as follows:


    static void Main(string[] args)
        MYSTRUCT[] structs = new MYSTRUCT[5];

        for (int i = 0; i < structs.Length; i++)
            structs[i].a = i;
            structs[i].b = i + structs.Length;
            structs[i].c = (byte)(60 + i);

        NativeMethods.fnStructInteropTest(structs, structs.Length);



You can use Marshall.StructureToPtr to get an IntPtr which could be passed into a native MyStruct* array.

您可以使用Marshall.StructureToPtr获取可以传递到本机MyStruct *数组的IntPtr。

However, I'm not sure how to do this from a List directly. I believe you need to convert this to an array and use a pin_ptr (to prevent the GC from moving your memory) prior to passing it to the native code.



Create a managed version of the unmanaged struct using StructLayout.Sequential (make sure to put things in the same order). You should then be able to pass it like you'd pass it to any managed function (e.g., Validation(MyStruct[] pStructs).

使用StructLayout.Sequential创建非托管结构的托管版本(确保以相同的顺序放置内容)。然后,您应该能够将其传递给任何托管函数(例如,验证(MyStruct [] pStructs)。

For example, let's say our native function has this prototype:


extern "C" {

STRUCTINTEROPTEST_API int fnStructInteropTest(MYSTRUCT *pStructs, int nItems);


and the native MYSTRUCT is defined as follows:


    int a;
    int b;
    char c;

Then in C#, you define a managed version of the struct as follows:


public struct MYSTRUCT
    public int a;
    public int b;
    public byte c;

And the managed prototype as follows:


    [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute("StructInteropTest.dll", EntryPoint = "fnStructInteropTest")]
    public static extern int fnStructInteropTest(MYSTRUCT[] pStructs, int nItems);

You can then call the function passing it an array of MYSTRUCT structs as follows:


    static void Main(string[] args)
        MYSTRUCT[] structs = new MYSTRUCT[5];

        for (int i = 0; i < structs.Length; i++)
            structs[i].a = i;
            structs[i].b = i + structs.Length;
            structs[i].c = (byte)(60 + i);

        NativeMethods.fnStructInteropTest(structs, structs.Length);



You can use Marshall.StructureToPtr to get an IntPtr which could be passed into a native MyStruct* array.

您可以使用Marshall.StructureToPtr获取可以传递到本机MyStruct *数组的IntPtr。

However, I'm not sure how to do this from a List directly. I believe you need to convert this to an array and use a pin_ptr (to prevent the GC from moving your memory) prior to passing it to the native code.
