
时间:2022-08-27 17:42:15

This question already has an answer here:


Does JavaScript represent each HTML element as a global variable which name is the id of the element ?


Let's say I have a hidden input element like this:


<input type="hidden" value="10" id="myInput" />

so I can access it in JavaScript :



I tried it in chrome and firefox, and it worked for me.


My question is :


  • Is this issue new in JavaScript ?
  • 这是JavaScript中的新问题吗?
  • Is it the best practice to get an element by id ?
  • 通过id获取元素是最佳实践吗?
  • Why they implement this functionality although using global variables is not the best practice?
  • 为什么他们实现这个功能,尽管使用全局变量不是最佳实践?

1 个解决方案



That is called as named access. Every element which has an id will be referenced in global scope. That is the window object. Even though it is not a good practice to use it, it is standardised with HTML5.


A simple conflicting case for its usage is,


If you declare a variable in global scope like hide, and also you are having an element in your document with id hide. Then that element reference will be overridden by our global variable. At that time, if you use it(element reference) in any event handler or somewhere, it will results in error.

如果您在全局作用域中声明了一个变量,比如hide,并且您的文档中还有一个元素id hide。然后该元素引用将被全局变量覆盖。那时,如果您在任何事件处理程序或其他地方使用它(元素引用),它将导致错误。



That is called as named access. Every element which has an id will be referenced in global scope. That is the window object. Even though it is not a good practice to use it, it is standardised with HTML5.


A simple conflicting case for its usage is,


If you declare a variable in global scope like hide, and also you are having an element in your document with id hide. Then that element reference will be overridden by our global variable. At that time, if you use it(element reference) in any event handler or somewhere, it will results in error.

如果您在全局作用域中声明了一个变量,比如hide,并且您的文档中还有一个元素id hide。然后该元素引用将被全局变量覆盖。那时,如果您在任何事件处理程序或其他地方使用它(元素引用),它将导致错误。