
时间:2022-08-27 17:08:14

Possible Duplicate:
Strip HTML from Text JavaScript


How can I strip the HTML from a string in JavaScript?

如何从JavaScript的字符串中删除HTML ?

4 个解决方案



Using the browser's parser is the probably the best bet in current browsers. The following will work, with the following caveats:


  • Your HTML is valid within a <div> element. HTML contained within <body> or <html> or <head> tags is not valid within a <div> and may therefore not be parsed correctly.
  • 您的HTML在
    元素中是有效的。包含在或< HTML >或标签内的HTML在
  • textContent (the DOM standard property) and innerText (non-standard) properties are not identical. For example, textContent will include text within a <script> element while innerText will not (in most browsers). This only affects IE <=8, which is the only major browser not to support textContent.
  • textContent (DOM标准属性)和innerText(非标准)属性不相同。例如,textContent将在
  • The HTML does not contain <script> elements.
  • HTML不包含
  • The HTML is not null
  • HTML不是null。
  • The HTML comes from a trusted source. Using this with arbitrary HTML allows arbitrary untrusted JavaScript to be executed. This example is from a comment by Mike Samuel on the duplicate question: <img onerror='alert(\"could run arbitrary JS here\")' src=bogus>
  • HTML来自一个可信的源。使用这个任意的HTML可以执行任意的不受信任的JavaScript。这个例子来自Mike Samuel在重复的问题上的评论:JavaScript:如何从字符串中去掉HTML标记?(复制)



var html = "<p>Some HTML</p>";
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = html;
var text = div.textContent || div.innerText || "";



cleanText = strInputCode.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, "");

Distilled from this website (web.achive).




var html = "<p>Hello, <b>World</b>";
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = html;
alert(div.innerText); // Hello, World

That pretty much the best way of doing it, you're letting the browser do what it does best -- parse HTML.


Edit: As noted in the comments below, this is not the most cross-browser solution. The most cross-browser solution would be to recursively go through all the children of the element and concatenate all text nodes that you find. However, if you're using jQuery, it already does it for you:


alert($("<p>Hello, <b>World</b></p>").text());

Check out the text method.




I know this question has an accepted answer, but I feel that it doesn't work in all cases.


For completeness and since I spent too much time on this, here is what we did: we ended up using a function from php.js (which is a pretty nice library for those more familiar with PHP but also doing a little JavaScript every now and then):


It seemed to be the only piece of JavaScript code which successfully dealt with all the different kinds of input I stuffed into my application. That is, without breaking it – see my comments about the <script /> tag above.




Using the browser's parser is the probably the best bet in current browsers. The following will work, with the following caveats:


  • Your HTML is valid within a <div> element. HTML contained within <body> or <html> or <head> tags is not valid within a <div> and may therefore not be parsed correctly.
  • 您的HTML在
    元素中是有效的。包含在或< HTML >或标签内的HTML在
  • textContent (the DOM standard property) and innerText (non-standard) properties are not identical. For example, textContent will include text within a <script> element while innerText will not (in most browsers). This only affects IE <=8, which is the only major browser not to support textContent.
  • textContent (DOM标准属性)和innerText(非标准)属性不相同。例如,textContent将在
  • The HTML does not contain <script> elements.
  • HTML不包含
  • The HTML is not null
  • HTML不是null。
  • The HTML comes from a trusted source. Using this with arbitrary HTML allows arbitrary untrusted JavaScript to be executed. This example is from a comment by Mike Samuel on the duplicate question: <img onerror='alert(\"could run arbitrary JS here\")' src=bogus>
  • HTML来自一个可信的源。使用这个任意的HTML可以执行任意的不受信任的JavaScript。这个例子来自Mike Samuel在重复的问题上的评论:JavaScript:如何从字符串中去掉HTML标记?(复制)



var html = "<p>Some HTML</p>";
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = html;
var text = div.textContent || div.innerText || "";



cleanText = strInputCode.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, "");

Distilled from this website (web.achive).




var html = "<p>Hello, <b>World</b>";
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = html;
alert(div.innerText); // Hello, World

That pretty much the best way of doing it, you're letting the browser do what it does best -- parse HTML.


Edit: As noted in the comments below, this is not the most cross-browser solution. The most cross-browser solution would be to recursively go through all the children of the element and concatenate all text nodes that you find. However, if you're using jQuery, it already does it for you:


alert($("<p>Hello, <b>World</b></p>").text());

Check out the text method.




I know this question has an accepted answer, but I feel that it doesn't work in all cases.


For completeness and since I spent too much time on this, here is what we did: we ended up using a function from php.js (which is a pretty nice library for those more familiar with PHP but also doing a little JavaScript every now and then):


It seemed to be the only piece of JavaScript code which successfully dealt with all the different kinds of input I stuffed into my application. That is, without breaking it – see my comments about the <script /> tag above.
