
时间:2022-08-26 21:31:20

I have a class at server-side like this:


public class Address
    public Address(string countryCode)
        this._CountryCode = countryCode;

    private string _CountryCode = string.Empty;
    public string CountryCode
        get { return _CountryCode; }
        set { _CountryCode = value; }


and I have a method that called by Ajax methods :


public static Address ValidateAddress(Address address)
   // Some logic here...
   return address;

And I want to call this method in client side, but how can I instantiate the Address class in client side? I do not want to define a class named Address in JavaScript file.



function valaddress(){ 

  var address = new Address(); // I'm asking here ??
  address.CountryCode = 90;

  // This part is ok, no problem in here : 
  var validatedAddress = AddressControlDataHelper.ValidateAddress(address).value; 



Is there a way to do this? Or do I need to write my Address class in JavaScript?


3 个解决方案



var address = { 
    CountryCode: "1"

That should do the trick


  function valaddress(){ 

      var address = { 
          CountryCode: "90"

      // This part is ok, no problem in here : 
      var validatedAddress = 




You are going to have to serialize the object first. One way to do this is with JSON (Javascript Object Notation) - here is a tutorial on how that works. EDIT: (Actually that tutorial is quite confusing and a bit outdated - try this one for a more direct, up-to-date approach.)

您必须首先序列化对象。实现这一点的一种方法是使用JSON (Javascript对象表示法)——这里有一个关于如何工作的教程。编辑:(实际上,该教程相当令人困惑,而且有点过时了——试试这个更直接、最新的方法。)



Using the .net AJAX extensions, you can add the GenerateScriptType tag above, for example, your server side ValidateAddress()

使用。net AJAX扩展,您可以添加上面的generatescript ttype标记,例如,您的服务器端ValidateAddress()


The server would send the necessary js down to the client so you could make the js call


var address = new nameofyournamespace.Address()

See the msdn GenerateScriptTypeAttribute reference

请参阅msdn generatescript ttypeattribute引用



var address = { 
    CountryCode: "1"

That should do the trick


  function valaddress(){ 

      var address = { 
          CountryCode: "90"

      // This part is ok, no problem in here : 
      var validatedAddress = 




You are going to have to serialize the object first. One way to do this is with JSON (Javascript Object Notation) - here is a tutorial on how that works. EDIT: (Actually that tutorial is quite confusing and a bit outdated - try this one for a more direct, up-to-date approach.)

您必须首先序列化对象。实现这一点的一种方法是使用JSON (Javascript对象表示法)——这里有一个关于如何工作的教程。编辑:(实际上,该教程相当令人困惑,而且有点过时了——试试这个更直接、最新的方法。)



Using the .net AJAX extensions, you can add the GenerateScriptType tag above, for example, your server side ValidateAddress()

使用。net AJAX扩展,您可以添加上面的generatescript ttype标记,例如,您的服务器端ValidateAddress()


The server would send the necessary js down to the client so you could make the js call


var address = new nameofyournamespace.Address()

See the msdn GenerateScriptTypeAttribute reference

请参阅msdn generatescript ttypeattribute引用