
时间:2022-08-24 16:28:23

As I understand interfaces they are contracts, I interpret it as the contract word, ie must have what is specified in the interface (ex open, close, read, write for an interface handling files).


But what im having a hard time grasping is why you would need to have an interface that tells you what the class must be able to do at all, wouldnt you know that already since you wrote it in the interface specification?


The only reason I can see for interfaces is in large projects where you want to be able to use a class without really knowing how it is built. By seeing what the interface requires will allow you to know how to use it.


Which leads me to wonder why I should use (or if I should) interfaces in projects that I will be the only one working on. Im pretty sure there are more uses for it that im not seeing.


I took most of my assumptions and interpretations from this question and this vbforums post


10 个解决方案


Suppose you're writing a set of classes that implements guns. You might have a Pistol, a Rifle, and a MachineGun. Then, suppose you decide to use these classes in such a way that you'd like to perform the fire() action on each of these guns. You could do it this way:


private Pistol p01;
private Pistol p02;
private Rifle  r01;
private MachineGun mg01;

public void fireAll() {

That kind of sucks, because you have to change code in a few places if you add or remove guns. Or even worse, suppose you want to be able to add and remove guns at runtime: it becomes even harder.


Let's make an interface that each of the above guns will implement, call it Firearm. Now we can do this.


private Firearm[] firearms;

public void fireAll() {
    for (int i = 0; i < firearms.length; ++i) {

That lends itself to changes a little bit better, wouldn't you say?



You're right in that interfaces specify the contract but the implementaiton can be vastly different.


Simple example: lists in Java. List is an interface. Two common implementations are ArrayList and LinkedList. Each behaves different but honours the same contract. By that I mean that ArrayList has O(1) (constant) access whereas LinkedList has O(n) access.

简单示例:Java中的列表。 List是一个界面。两个常见的实现是ArrayList和LinkedList。每个行为都不同但尊重同一合同。我的意思是ArrayList具有O(1)(常量)访问,而LinkedList具有O(n)访问。

If you don't yet understand what O(1) and O(n) mean, I suggest you take a look at the Plain english explanation of Big O.

如果您还不了解O(1)和O(n)的含义,我建议您看一下Big O的简明英语解释。

The reason you do this even on your own code (ie something that isn't or won't be a public API) is to:


  • facilitate unit testing: you can mock up an interface whereas you can't (or can't easily) mock up a class; and
  • 便于单元测试:你可以模拟一个界面而你不能(或不能轻易)模拟一个类;和

  • to allow you to change the implementation later without affecting the calling code.
  • 允许您稍后更改实现而不影响调用代码。


Interfaces are useful when you have two classes which need to work together but should be decoupled from each other as much as possible. A common example of this is when you use listeners to connect model and view together in the model-view-controller design pattern.

当你有两个需要一起工作的类但是应该尽可能地彼此解耦时,接口很有用。一个常见的例子是当您使用侦听器在模型 - 视图 - 控制器设计模式中将模型和视图连接在一起时。

For example, let's say you had a GUI application where users could log in and log out. When users log out you might, say, change your "Currently logged in as So-and-So" label and close all of the visible dialog windows.


Now you have a User class with a logOut method, and whenever logOut is called you want all of these things to happen. One way to do that is have the logOut method handle all of these tasks:


// Bad!
public void logOut() {
    userNameLabel.setText("Nobody is logged in");

This is frowned upon because your User class is now tightly coupled to your GUI. It would be better to have the User class be dumber and not do so much. Instead of closing userProfileWindow itself it should just tell userProfileWindow that the user has logged out and let userProfileWindow do whatever it wants to do (it wants to close itself).


The way to do this is by creating a generic UserListener interface with a method loggedOut that is called by the User class when the user logs out. Anybody who wants to know when the user logs in and logs out will then implement this interface.


public class User {
    // We'll keep a list of people who want to be notified about logouts. We don't know
    // who they are, and we don't care. Anybody who wants to be notified will be
    // notified.
    private static List<UserListener> listeners;

    public void addListener(UserListener listener) {

    // This will get called by... actually, the User class doesn't know who's calling
    // this or why. It might be a MainMenu object because the user selected the Log Out
    // option, or an InactivityTimer object that hasn't seen the mouse move in 15
    // minutes, who knows?
    public void logOut() {
        // Do whatever internal bookkeeping needs to be done.
        currentUser = null;

        // Now that the user is logged out, let everyone know!
        for (UserListener listener: listeners) {

// Anybody who cares about logouts will implement this interface and call
// User.addListener.
public interface UserListener {
    // This is an abstract method. Each different type of listener will implement this
    // method and do whatever it is they need to do when the user logs out.
    void loggedOut(User user);

// Imagine this is a window that shows the user's name, password, e-mail address, etc.
// When the user logs out this window needs to take action, namely by closing itself so
// this information isn't viewable by other users. To get notified it implements the
// UserListener interface and registers itself with the User class. Now the User.logOut
// method will cause this window to close, even though the User.java source file has no
// mention whatsoever of UserProfileWindow.
public class UserProfileWindow implements UserListener {
    public UserProfileWindow() {
        // This is a good place to register ourselves as interested observers of logout
        // events.

    // Here we provide our own implementation of the abstract loggedOut method.
    public void loggedOut(User user) {

The order of operations will look like this:


  1. The application starts and a user logs in. She opens her UserProfileWindow.
  2. 应用程序启动,用户登录。她打开她的UserProfileWindow。

  3. The UserProfileWindow adds itself as a UserListener.
  4. UserProfileWindow将自身添加为UserListener。

  5. The user goes idle and doesn't touch the keyboard or mouse for 15 minutes.
  6. 用户空闲,不会触摸键盘或鼠标15分钟。

  7. An imagined InactivityTimer class notices and calls User.logOut.
  8. 想象的InactivityTimer类会注意到并调用User.logOut。

  9. User.logOut updates the model, clearing the currentUser variable. Now if anybody asks, there's nobody logged in.
  10. User.logOut更新模型,清除currentUser变量。现在,如果有人问,没有人登录。

  11. User.logOut loops through its listener list, calling loggedOut() on each listener.
  12. User.logOut遍历其侦听器列表,在每个侦听器上调用loggedOut()。

  13. The UserProfileWindow's loggedOut() method is invoked, which closes the window.
  14. 调用UserProfileWindow的loggedOut()方法,关闭窗口。

This is great because this User class knows absolutely nothing about who needs to know about log out events. It doesn't know that the user name label needs to be updated, that the profile window needs to be closed, none of that. If later we decide more things need to be done when a user logs out, the User class does not need to be changed at all.


So, the listener pattern is one example of where interfaces are super useful. Interfaces are all about decoupling classes, removing ties and dependencies between classes that need to interact with each other but should not have strong ties in their code to each other.



But what im having a hard time grasping is why you would need to have an interface that tells you what the class must be able to do at all, wouldnt you know that already since you wrote it in the interface specification?


It is also good when you are writing externally available code. In this case the code writer is not the user of the Interface. If you are delivering a library to users, you may want to document only the Interface, and allow the Class to change based on context or to evolve over time without changing the Interface.



Let's say you have two classes Car and Gorilla. These two classes have nothing to do with each other. But, let's say you also have a class that can crush things. Instead of defining a method that takes a Car and crushes it and then having a separate method that takes a Gorilla and crushes it, you make an Interface called ICrushable ...

假设你有两个类Car and Gorilla。这两个类彼此无关。但是,让我们说你也有一个可以粉碎事物的课程。而不是定义一个方法,它采取一个Car并粉碎它然后有一个单独的方法,需要一个Gorilla并粉碎它,你创建一个名为ICrushable的接口...

interface ICrushable
  void MakeCrushingSound();

Now you can have your car and your Gorilla implement ICrushable and your Car implement ICrushable and your crusher can then operate on an ICrushable instead of a Car and a Gorilla ...


public class Crusher
  public void Crush(ICrushable target)

public class Car : ICrushable
    public void MakeCrushingSound()

public class Gorilla : ICrushable
    public void MakeCrushingSound()

static void Main(string[] args)
  ICrushable c = new Car();      // get the ICrushable-ness of a Car
  ICrushable g = new Gorilla();  // get the ICrushable-ness of a Gorilla


And Viola! You have a Crusher that can crush Cars and get "Crunch!" and can crush Gorillas and get "Squish!". Without having to go through the process of finding a type-relationship between Cars and Gorillas and with compile-time type checking (instead of a runtime switch statement).


Now, consider something less silly ... an Class that can be compared (IComparable) for example. The class will define how you compare two things of it's type.


Per comment: Okay, let's make it so we can sort an array of Gorillas. First, we add something to sort by, say Weight (please ignore the dubious business logic of sorting Gorillas by weight ... it's not relevant here). Then we implement ICompararble ...

评论:好的,让我们这样做,这样我们就可以对一系列大猩猩进行排序。首先,我们添加一些东西来排序,比如说重量(请忽略按权重排序大猩猩的可疑业务逻辑......这里不相关)。然后我们实施ICompararble ......

public class Gorilla : ICrushable, IComparable
    public int Weight

    public void MakeCrushingSound()

    public int CompareTo(object obj)
        if (!(obj is Gorilla))
            throw (new ArgumentException());

        var lhs = this;
        var rhs = obj as Gorilla;

        return (lhs.Weight.CompareTo(rhs.Weight));


Notice we have "gotten around" the restriction of single inheritance that many languages have. We are allowed to implement as many interfaces as we like. Now, just by doing that, we can use functionality that was written more than 10 years ago on a class I just wrote today (Array.Sort, Array.BinarySearch). We can now write the following code ...


var gorillas = new Gorilla[] { new Gorilla() { Weight = 900 },
                               new Gorilla() { Weight = 800 },
                               new Gorilla() { Weight = 850 }

var res = Array.BinarySearch(gorillas, 
    new Gorilla() { Weight = 850 });

My Gorillas get sorted and binary search finds the matching Gorilla with the Weight of 850.



If you ever want to revisit your old code, you will thank yourself for having built yourself some interfaces. Nothing is more frustrating than wanting to implementing a new type of something that exists, only to realize you do not remember what a new object had to have.


In Java, you can implement multiple interfaces, which sort of simulates multiple inheritance (an object with multiple parent objects). You can only extend one superclass.



No one forces you to write interface and there is no language enforces that even. Its a best practice and idiom that a good programmer would follow. You are the only one to use your code, and ya, you can write what you like but what if you leave the project and someone else has to maintain and/or extend it? Or what if some other projects consider using your code? Or even what if after a while, you have to revisit your code for adding features or refactoring? You would create a nightmare for these sorts of things. It will be hard to understand what your object relationships and contracts established b/w them.



Abstraction: Code written to use an interface is reusable an never needs to change. In the below case, the sub will work with System.Array, System.ArrayList, System.Collection.CollectionBase, List of T, because they all implement IList. An existing class can easily implement an interface even when the class inherits another class. You could even write your class to implement IList to us in the sub. Or another program could also implement the interface to use in the sub.

抽象:使用接口编写的代码是可重用的,永远不需要改变。在下面的例子中,sub将使用System.Array,System.ArrayList,System.Collection.CollectionBase,List of T,因为它们都实现了IList。即使类继承了另一个类,现有的类也可以轻松实现接口。你甚至可以编写你的类来在sub中为我们实现IList。或者另一个程序也可以实现在sub中使用的接口。

public sub DoSomething(byval value as IList) end sub

public sub DoSomething(byval value as IList)end sub

You can also use multiple interfaces in a class, so a class can be both a IList and IEnumerable, in most languages you can on inherit one class.


I would also look at how they are used in the various frameworks.



As I understand your question why do we need Interfaces ? right ? Well we don't need them :)

据我所知,为什么我们需要接口?对 ?好吧,我们不需要它们:)

In C++ for example, when you define a template... say a dummy function that looks like ::

例如,在C ++中,当您定义模板时...说一个看起来像::

template <typename T>
void fun(const T& anObjectOfAnyType)

you can use this function anywhere with any type that has a function called anyFunction... the only thing that the compiler is going to do, is to replace T with the name of the type, and compile the new piece of code...


This is very error prone in fact. The reason is that if we plug in a type which does not have a anyFunction then we are going to get an error, that error is different every time, every line that can not be translated by the compiler will issue an error for it. You get A LOT of errors for the ONLY MISSING THING! The new type does not have the required functions to work correctly with our fun for example.


Now interfaces solve this whole issue, how ? If the type has the required functions, then it is suitable, if not then the compiler will issue an error that the type is not suitable.


The template example is just for clarification, and if you want to imaging what will happen if java is without interfaces, then the only thing you have to do is to check for the existence of every function manually in every class, where you assume that class implements a particular function. The dirty work is done by the compiler :)




an interface reduces what the client is dependent on (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_inversion_principle). it allows for multiple implementations and the ability to change implementations at run time.



Suppose you're writing a set of classes that implements guns. You might have a Pistol, a Rifle, and a MachineGun. Then, suppose you decide to use these classes in such a way that you'd like to perform the fire() action on each of these guns. You could do it this way:


private Pistol p01;
private Pistol p02;
private Rifle  r01;
private MachineGun mg01;

public void fireAll() {

That kind of sucks, because you have to change code in a few places if you add or remove guns. Or even worse, suppose you want to be able to add and remove guns at runtime: it becomes even harder.


Let's make an interface that each of the above guns will implement, call it Firearm. Now we can do this.


private Firearm[] firearms;

public void fireAll() {
    for (int i = 0; i < firearms.length; ++i) {

That lends itself to changes a little bit better, wouldn't you say?



You're right in that interfaces specify the contract but the implementaiton can be vastly different.


Simple example: lists in Java. List is an interface. Two common implementations are ArrayList and LinkedList. Each behaves different but honours the same contract. By that I mean that ArrayList has O(1) (constant) access whereas LinkedList has O(n) access.

简单示例:Java中的列表。 List是一个界面。两个常见的实现是ArrayList和LinkedList。每个行为都不同但尊重同一合同。我的意思是ArrayList具有O(1)(常量)访问,而LinkedList具有O(n)访问。

If you don't yet understand what O(1) and O(n) mean, I suggest you take a look at the Plain english explanation of Big O.

如果您还不了解O(1)和O(n)的含义,我建议您看一下Big O的简明英语解释。

The reason you do this even on your own code (ie something that isn't or won't be a public API) is to:


  • facilitate unit testing: you can mock up an interface whereas you can't (or can't easily) mock up a class; and
  • 便于单元测试:你可以模拟一个界面而你不能(或不能轻易)模拟一个类;和

  • to allow you to change the implementation later without affecting the calling code.
  • 允许您稍后更改实现而不影响调用代码。


Interfaces are useful when you have two classes which need to work together but should be decoupled from each other as much as possible. A common example of this is when you use listeners to connect model and view together in the model-view-controller design pattern.

当你有两个需要一起工作的类但是应该尽可能地彼此解耦时,接口很有用。一个常见的例子是当您使用侦听器在模型 - 视图 - 控制器设计模式中将模型和视图连接在一起时。

For example, let's say you had a GUI application where users could log in and log out. When users log out you might, say, change your "Currently logged in as So-and-So" label and close all of the visible dialog windows.


Now you have a User class with a logOut method, and whenever logOut is called you want all of these things to happen. One way to do that is have the logOut method handle all of these tasks:


// Bad!
public void logOut() {
    userNameLabel.setText("Nobody is logged in");

This is frowned upon because your User class is now tightly coupled to your GUI. It would be better to have the User class be dumber and not do so much. Instead of closing userProfileWindow itself it should just tell userProfileWindow that the user has logged out and let userProfileWindow do whatever it wants to do (it wants to close itself).


The way to do this is by creating a generic UserListener interface with a method loggedOut that is called by the User class when the user logs out. Anybody who wants to know when the user logs in and logs out will then implement this interface.


public class User {
    // We'll keep a list of people who want to be notified about logouts. We don't know
    // who they are, and we don't care. Anybody who wants to be notified will be
    // notified.
    private static List<UserListener> listeners;

    public void addListener(UserListener listener) {

    // This will get called by... actually, the User class doesn't know who's calling
    // this or why. It might be a MainMenu object because the user selected the Log Out
    // option, or an InactivityTimer object that hasn't seen the mouse move in 15
    // minutes, who knows?
    public void logOut() {
        // Do whatever internal bookkeeping needs to be done.
        currentUser = null;

        // Now that the user is logged out, let everyone know!
        for (UserListener listener: listeners) {

// Anybody who cares about logouts will implement this interface and call
// User.addListener.
public interface UserListener {
    // This is an abstract method. Each different type of listener will implement this
    // method and do whatever it is they need to do when the user logs out.
    void loggedOut(User user);

// Imagine this is a window that shows the user's name, password, e-mail address, etc.
// When the user logs out this window needs to take action, namely by closing itself so
// this information isn't viewable by other users. To get notified it implements the
// UserListener interface and registers itself with the User class. Now the User.logOut
// method will cause this window to close, even though the User.java source file has no
// mention whatsoever of UserProfileWindow.
public class UserProfileWindow implements UserListener {
    public UserProfileWindow() {
        // This is a good place to register ourselves as interested observers of logout
        // events.

    // Here we provide our own implementation of the abstract loggedOut method.
    public void loggedOut(User user) {

The order of operations will look like this:


  1. The application starts and a user logs in. She opens her UserProfileWindow.
  2. 应用程序启动,用户登录。她打开她的UserProfileWindow。

  3. The UserProfileWindow adds itself as a UserListener.
  4. UserProfileWindow将自身添加为UserListener。

  5. The user goes idle and doesn't touch the keyboard or mouse for 15 minutes.
  6. 用户空闲,不会触摸键盘或鼠标15分钟。

  7. An imagined InactivityTimer class notices and calls User.logOut.
  8. 想象的InactivityTimer类会注意到并调用User.logOut。

  9. User.logOut updates the model, clearing the currentUser variable. Now if anybody asks, there's nobody logged in.
  10. User.logOut更新模型,清除currentUser变量。现在,如果有人问,没有人登录。

  11. User.logOut loops through its listener list, calling loggedOut() on each listener.
  12. User.logOut遍历其侦听器列表,在每个侦听器上调用loggedOut()。

  13. The UserProfileWindow's loggedOut() method is invoked, which closes the window.
  14. 调用UserProfileWindow的loggedOut()方法,关闭窗口。

This is great because this User class knows absolutely nothing about who needs to know about log out events. It doesn't know that the user name label needs to be updated, that the profile window needs to be closed, none of that. If later we decide more things need to be done when a user logs out, the User class does not need to be changed at all.


So, the listener pattern is one example of where interfaces are super useful. Interfaces are all about decoupling classes, removing ties and dependencies between classes that need to interact with each other but should not have strong ties in their code to each other.



But what im having a hard time grasping is why you would need to have an interface that tells you what the class must be able to do at all, wouldnt you know that already since you wrote it in the interface specification?


It is also good when you are writing externally available code. In this case the code writer is not the user of the Interface. If you are delivering a library to users, you may want to document only the Interface, and allow the Class to change based on context or to evolve over time without changing the Interface.



Let's say you have two classes Car and Gorilla. These two classes have nothing to do with each other. But, let's say you also have a class that can crush things. Instead of defining a method that takes a Car and crushes it and then having a separate method that takes a Gorilla and crushes it, you make an Interface called ICrushable ...

假设你有两个类Car and Gorilla。这两个类彼此无关。但是,让我们说你也有一个可以粉碎事物的课程。而不是定义一个方法,它采取一个Car并粉碎它然后有一个单独的方法,需要一个Gorilla并粉碎它,你创建一个名为ICrushable的接口...

interface ICrushable
  void MakeCrushingSound();

Now you can have your car and your Gorilla implement ICrushable and your Car implement ICrushable and your crusher can then operate on an ICrushable instead of a Car and a Gorilla ...


public class Crusher
  public void Crush(ICrushable target)

public class Car : ICrushable
    public void MakeCrushingSound()

public class Gorilla : ICrushable
    public void MakeCrushingSound()

static void Main(string[] args)
  ICrushable c = new Car();      // get the ICrushable-ness of a Car
  ICrushable g = new Gorilla();  // get the ICrushable-ness of a Gorilla


And Viola! You have a Crusher that can crush Cars and get "Crunch!" and can crush Gorillas and get "Squish!". Without having to go through the process of finding a type-relationship between Cars and Gorillas and with compile-time type checking (instead of a runtime switch statement).


Now, consider something less silly ... an Class that can be compared (IComparable) for example. The class will define how you compare two things of it's type.


Per comment: Okay, let's make it so we can sort an array of Gorillas. First, we add something to sort by, say Weight (please ignore the dubious business logic of sorting Gorillas by weight ... it's not relevant here). Then we implement ICompararble ...

评论:好的,让我们这样做,这样我们就可以对一系列大猩猩进行排序。首先,我们添加一些东西来排序,比如说重量(请忽略按权重排序大猩猩的可疑业务逻辑......这里不相关)。然后我们实施ICompararble ......

public class Gorilla : ICrushable, IComparable
    public int Weight

    public void MakeCrushingSound()

    public int CompareTo(object obj)
        if (!(obj is Gorilla))
            throw (new ArgumentException());

        var lhs = this;
        var rhs = obj as Gorilla;

        return (lhs.Weight.CompareTo(rhs.Weight));


Notice we have "gotten around" the restriction of single inheritance that many languages have. We are allowed to implement as many interfaces as we like. Now, just by doing that, we can use functionality that was written more than 10 years ago on a class I just wrote today (Array.Sort, Array.BinarySearch). We can now write the following code ...


var gorillas = new Gorilla[] { new Gorilla() { Weight = 900 },
                               new Gorilla() { Weight = 800 },
                               new Gorilla() { Weight = 850 }

var res = Array.BinarySearch(gorillas, 
    new Gorilla() { Weight = 850 });

My Gorillas get sorted and binary search finds the matching Gorilla with the Weight of 850.



If you ever want to revisit your old code, you will thank yourself for having built yourself some interfaces. Nothing is more frustrating than wanting to implementing a new type of something that exists, only to realize you do not remember what a new object had to have.


In Java, you can implement multiple interfaces, which sort of simulates multiple inheritance (an object with multiple parent objects). You can only extend one superclass.



No one forces you to write interface and there is no language enforces that even. Its a best practice and idiom that a good programmer would follow. You are the only one to use your code, and ya, you can write what you like but what if you leave the project and someone else has to maintain and/or extend it? Or what if some other projects consider using your code? Or even what if after a while, you have to revisit your code for adding features or refactoring? You would create a nightmare for these sorts of things. It will be hard to understand what your object relationships and contracts established b/w them.



Abstraction: Code written to use an interface is reusable an never needs to change. In the below case, the sub will work with System.Array, System.ArrayList, System.Collection.CollectionBase, List of T, because they all implement IList. An existing class can easily implement an interface even when the class inherits another class. You could even write your class to implement IList to us in the sub. Or another program could also implement the interface to use in the sub.

抽象:使用接口编写的代码是可重用的,永远不需要改变。在下面的例子中,sub将使用System.Array,System.ArrayList,System.Collection.CollectionBase,List of T,因为它们都实现了IList。即使类继承了另一个类,现有的类也可以轻松实现接口。你甚至可以编写你的类来在sub中为我们实现IList。或者另一个程序也可以实现在sub中使用的接口。

public sub DoSomething(byval value as IList) end sub

public sub DoSomething(byval value as IList)end sub

You can also use multiple interfaces in a class, so a class can be both a IList and IEnumerable, in most languages you can on inherit one class.


I would also look at how they are used in the various frameworks.



As I understand your question why do we need Interfaces ? right ? Well we don't need them :)

据我所知,为什么我们需要接口?对 ?好吧,我们不需要它们:)

In C++ for example, when you define a template... say a dummy function that looks like ::

例如,在C ++中,当您定义模板时...说一个看起来像::

template <typename T>
void fun(const T& anObjectOfAnyType)

you can use this function anywhere with any type that has a function called anyFunction... the only thing that the compiler is going to do, is to replace T with the name of the type, and compile the new piece of code...


This is very error prone in fact. The reason is that if we plug in a type which does not have a anyFunction then we are going to get an error, that error is different every time, every line that can not be translated by the compiler will issue an error for it. You get A LOT of errors for the ONLY MISSING THING! The new type does not have the required functions to work correctly with our fun for example.


Now interfaces solve this whole issue, how ? If the type has the required functions, then it is suitable, if not then the compiler will issue an error that the type is not suitable.


The template example is just for clarification, and if you want to imaging what will happen if java is without interfaces, then the only thing you have to do is to check for the existence of every function manually in every class, where you assume that class implements a particular function. The dirty work is done by the compiler :)




an interface reduces what the client is dependent on (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_inversion_principle). it allows for multiple implementations and the ability to change implementations at run time.
