
时间:2022-08-26 18:57:42

I'm coding a simple chat application and I'd like to add a shared drawing canvas to my application which is using data channel to send canvas points between them. But it's a optional specification so I don't want open a data channel each time of opening a chat. If I open data channel after establish the peer connection (after offer), I can not send any data over data channel. Otherwise I can send (I got this point from here: https://*.com/a/35141500/5663292). So why I have to open data channel before peer connection offer?


1 个解决方案



The SDP offer/answer is what establishes how exactly your peers want to communicate. The offer includes the actual connection method (IP/port/TURN relay) and what streams, codecs and channels you want to use. The answer narrows this down/confirms what the other peer can accept.

SDP提供/答案确定了您的同伴之间的沟通方式。优惠包括实际连接方法(IP /端口/ TURN中继)以及您要使用的流,编解码器和通道。答案缩小了这个范围,确认了其他同行可以接受的内容。

If you want to add anything to the communication, like an additional media stream or a data channel, you need to inform the other peer of that, otherwise it doesn't expect anything/can't handle it.


The flow is always:


  1. prepare anything you want to send to a remote peer on your local RTCPeerConnection
  2. 准备要发送到本地RTCPeerConnection上的远程对等方的任何内容

  3. generate a local description
  4. 生成本地描述

  5. send it to the remote peer
  6. 将其发送给远程对等方

  7. await the remote peer's answer
  8. 等待远程同行的回答

  9. incorporate the remote's answer (setRemoteDescription)
  10. 合并遥控器的答案(setRemoteDescription)

Only then are both peers on the same page and can really talk to one another. Repeat this procedure whenever necessary, i.e. whenever you substantially change anything about what you're sending.




The SDP offer/answer is what establishes how exactly your peers want to communicate. The offer includes the actual connection method (IP/port/TURN relay) and what streams, codecs and channels you want to use. The answer narrows this down/confirms what the other peer can accept.

SDP提供/答案确定了您的同伴之间的沟通方式。优惠包括实际连接方法(IP /端口/ TURN中继)以及您要使用的流,编解码器和通道。答案缩小了这个范围,确认了其他同行可以接受的内容。

If you want to add anything to the communication, like an additional media stream or a data channel, you need to inform the other peer of that, otherwise it doesn't expect anything/can't handle it.


The flow is always:


  1. prepare anything you want to send to a remote peer on your local RTCPeerConnection
  2. 准备要发送到本地RTCPeerConnection上的远程对等方的任何内容

  3. generate a local description
  4. 生成本地描述

  5. send it to the remote peer
  6. 将其发送给远程对等方

  7. await the remote peer's answer
  8. 等待远程同行的回答

  9. incorporate the remote's answer (setRemoteDescription)
  10. 合并遥控器的答案(setRemoteDescription)

Only then are both peers on the same page and can really talk to one another. Repeat this procedure whenever necessary, i.e. whenever you substantially change anything about what you're sending.
