
时间:2022-08-25 23:36:45

Suppose you have a HUGE application "develoopped" ;) by a big team. Here is a simplified model of the potential disaster that may occur when somebody checks too deep in a data structure. If not possible to disable autovification completely or in scope, how to work around this? Thank you very much :) !!!!

假设你有一个巨大的应用程序“开发”;)由一个大团队。以下是当某人检查数据结构太深时可能发生的潜在灾难的简化模型。如果无法完全或在范围内禁用自动验证,如何解决此问题?非常感谢你 :) !!!!

use strict; use warnings;use Data::Dumper;

my $some_ref = {akey=>{deeper=>1}};
print Dumper($some_ref );
if($some_ref->{deep}{doot} == 1){
    print 'too deep '.$/;

    print 'Already in a deep doot'.$/;

print Dumper($some_ref );

This outputs the following:


$VAR1 = {
          'akey' => {
                      'deeper' => 1
Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at autovivify_test.pl line 5.
Already in a deep doot
$VAR1 = {
          'deep' => {},
          'akey' => {
                      'deeper' => 1

Yes I know there is a warning, but... it may be too late.


Hey guys it will may be help to say that my hashref references a tied HASH.


May be if I implement a good FETCH method which checks for checks deeper in the structure, I will solve easily my problem?


I looked at Tie::StrictHash,Tie::Hash and perltie. Here is simplified version of my solution:

我看着Tie :: StrictHash,Tie :: Hash和perltie。这是我的解决方案的简化版本:

#!/usr/bin/env perl;

package StrictHash;
use strict; use warnings;
use Tie::Hash;
our @ISA = qw(Tie::StdHash);
use Carp;

    my $class = shift;
    my $hash = bless {@_}, $class;
    return $hash;
## FETCH fails if applied to a member that doesn't exist.
sub FETCH {
    my ($hash, $key) = @_;
    Carp::confess "key '$key' does not exist" unless exists $hash->{$key};
    return $hash->{$key};
package main;
use strict;use warnings;use Data::Dumper;
#Imagine StrictHash is in ./StrictHash.pm
#use StrictHash;
my %hash;
tie %hash, 'StrictHash', akey => {deeper=>1} ;  

my $some_ref =\%hash;
print Dumper($some_ref );
if($some_ref->{deep}{doot} == 1){
    print 'too deep '.$/;

What I achieved is to touch only one place in the app. Now all Places like if($some_ref->{deep}{doot}) will cause die with stack-trace. So I will easily find them and correct them. And new writings of this kind will NOT be possible. Perl is good for big apps too, you just need to know more ;).

我取得的成就是只触摸应用程序中的一个位置。现在所有像if($ some_ref - > {deep} {doot})这样的地方都会导致堆栈跟踪死亡。所以我很容易找到它们并纠正它们。这种新的着作是不可能的。 Perl也适用于大型应用程序,您只需要知道更多;)。

Thank you all! I hope this helps others too.


5 个解决方案


You might want to use an object instead of the hash (see Moose) or use a strict tied hash. Or you can turn warnings into errors, if you really want to:


use warnings NONFATAL => 'all', FATAL => 'uninitialized';


Relatively new is the autovivification module, which lets you do this:


no autovivification;

Pretty straightforward.


You can lock the hash using one of the functions from Hash::Util (a core module).

您可以使用Hash :: Util(核心模块)中的一个函数来锁定哈希。

use Hash::Util qw( lock_keys unlock_keys );

my $some_ref = { akey => { deeper => 1 } };
lock_keys %$some_ref;

print "too deep" if $some_ref->{deep}{shit} == 1;

Now the last statement will throw an exception:


Attempt to access disallowed key 'deep' in a restricted hash

The downside is, of course, that you'll have to be very careful when checking for keys in the hash to avoid exceptions, i.e. use a lof of "if exists ..." to check for keys before you access them.

当然,缺点是在检查散列中的密钥时必须非常小心以避免异常,即在访问密钥之前使用lof“if exists ...”来检查密钥。

If you need to add keys to the hash again later you can unlock it:


unlock_keys %$some_ref;
$some_ref->{foo} = 'bar'; # no exception


I upvoted @zoul, but you should take it one step further.


Write Tests

You should have your code covered with tests, and you should run some of those tests with


use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized';

declared in the test-case itself. Its the only way to address the concern you have with developers not checking things in advance properly. Make sure their code is tested.


And take it another step further, and make it easy to run your tests under Devel::Cover to get a coverage report.

然后再向前迈出一步,并在Devel :: Cover下轻松运行测试以获得覆盖率报告。

cover -delete
PERL5OPT='-MDevel::Cover' prove -l 
cover -report Html_basic 

And then check the lines of code and statements are being executed by the tests, otherwise making those warnings fatal will just make code die at an unexpected time later.



Another option is to use Data::Diver to access your data structures.

另一种选择是使用Data :: Diver来访问您的数据结构。

if( 1 == Dive($some_ref, qw/ deep structures are not autovivified now / )) {


You might want to use an object instead of the hash (see Moose) or use a strict tied hash. Or you can turn warnings into errors, if you really want to:


use warnings NONFATAL => 'all', FATAL => 'uninitialized';


Relatively new is the autovivification module, which lets you do this:


no autovivification;

Pretty straightforward.


You can lock the hash using one of the functions from Hash::Util (a core module).

您可以使用Hash :: Util(核心模块)中的一个函数来锁定哈希。

use Hash::Util qw( lock_keys unlock_keys );

my $some_ref = { akey => { deeper => 1 } };
lock_keys %$some_ref;

print "too deep" if $some_ref->{deep}{shit} == 1;

Now the last statement will throw an exception:


Attempt to access disallowed key 'deep' in a restricted hash

The downside is, of course, that you'll have to be very careful when checking for keys in the hash to avoid exceptions, i.e. use a lof of "if exists ..." to check for keys before you access them.

当然,缺点是在检查散列中的密钥时必须非常小心以避免异常,即在访问密钥之前使用lof“if exists ...”来检查密钥。

If you need to add keys to the hash again later you can unlock it:


unlock_keys %$some_ref;
$some_ref->{foo} = 'bar'; # no exception


I upvoted @zoul, but you should take it one step further.


Write Tests

You should have your code covered with tests, and you should run some of those tests with


use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized';

declared in the test-case itself. Its the only way to address the concern you have with developers not checking things in advance properly. Make sure their code is tested.


And take it another step further, and make it easy to run your tests under Devel::Cover to get a coverage report.

然后再向前迈出一步,并在Devel :: Cover下轻松运行测试以获得覆盖率报告。

cover -delete
PERL5OPT='-MDevel::Cover' prove -l 
cover -report Html_basic 

And then check the lines of code and statements are being executed by the tests, otherwise making those warnings fatal will just make code die at an unexpected time later.



Another option is to use Data::Diver to access your data structures.

另一种选择是使用Data :: Diver来访问您的数据结构。

if( 1 == Dive($some_ref, qw/ deep structures are not autovivified now / )) {