Django AWS Elastic Beanstalk迁移数据库

时间:2022-08-25 09:27:37

I'm deploying a Django project to AWS using Elastic Beanstalk and am stuck on migrating the database.

我正在使用Elastic Beanstalk将Django项目部署到AWS,但我仍然无法迁移数据库。

Where I'm at: I am able to successfully deploy my django project and load the page through The page loads without error until I get to a page that needs to do a database call. I then get an error like relation "accounts_user" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "accounts_user" because my database hasn't been migrated.

我在哪里:我能够成功部署我的django项目并通过mysubdomain.elasticbeanstalk.com加载页面。页面加载没有错误,直到我到达需要进行数据库调用的页面。然后我得到一个错误,如关系“accounts_user”不存在第1行:SELECT COUNT(*)FROM“accounts_user”因为我的数据库尚未迁移。

What I've tried: I've tried quite a few variations of things. Fortunately there are an abundance of * posts and a couple tutorials. Unfortunately, they all seem to be using a different version and what they suggest do not apply to my project.


It is pretty clear to me that I need to run the migration in a foobar.config file inside the .ebextensions/ folder. Here is the base of what I want to do:

我很清楚,我需要在.ebextensions /文件夹中的foobar.config文件中运行迁移。这是我想要做的基础:

    command: "python migrate --noinput"
    leader_only: true

In the logs, I see that the post deployment script tried to run but it failed. I don't receive any other info on the error, the only thing I see is something like "ERROR: 01_migrate post deployment script failed"


I find out that I need to activate the virtual environment for the command, which makes sense. From asdf I try this:


    command: "source /opt/python/run/venv/bin/activate && python rlg/ migrate --noinput"
    leader_only: true

But it doesn't work. In fact, through SSH I find out I don't even have a /opt/python/ folder, only /opt/aws/ and /opt/elasticbeanstalk/. All tutorials and SO questions refer to this folder but I don't have it?

但它不起作用。事实上,通过SSH我发现我甚至没有/ opt / python /文件夹,只有/ opt / aws /和/ opt / elasticbeanstalk /。所有教程和SO问题都引用了这个文件夹,但我没有它?

VERSIONS: Python 3.4.1, Django 1.7.7, AWS CLI 3.2.1, Postgres 9.3

版本:Python 3.4.1,Django 1.7.7,AWS CLI 3.2.1,Postgres 9.3

3 个解决方案



The container_commands are NOT executed within the docker container. They are executed on the ec2 instance directly. Currently I'm using docker exec to do the migration. As the concerned docker container is afaik the last one started I use docker ps -a --no-trunc -q | head -n 1 to get the container id.

container_commands不在docker容器中执行。它们直接在ec2实例上执行。目前我正在使用docker exec进行迁移。由于有关的docker容器是afaik,最后一个开始我使用docker ps -a --no-trunc -q | head -n 1获取容器ID。

In the end my setup.config looks like that


    command: "docker exec `docker ps -a --no-trunc -q | head -n 1` /var/app/bin/python /var/app/ syncdb --noinput  &>> /tmp/deploy.log"
    leader_only: true
    command: "docker exec `docker ps -a --no-trunc -q | head -n 1` /var/app/bin/python /var/app/ migrate --noinput  &>> /tmp/deploy.log"
    leader_only: true

I hope that solves your problem as well.




I know this is an old post but I want to post my answer here as it took me quite a long time to figure out.


Sebastian kind of pointed me in the right direction but the problem with this approach is it runs before the deployment (so you migrate the old code)


You can also use the files command in ebextensions and write a file to /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/post but this will run on ever instance

您还可以在ebextensions中使用files命令并将文件写入/ opt / elasticbeanstalk / hooks / appdeploy / post,但这将在任何实例上运行

You can combine these two things into:


    command: "mkdir -p /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/post/ && echo -e '#!/bin/bash\ndocker exec `docker ps -a -q | head -n 1` python <path_to_code> migrate' > /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/post/ && chmod +x /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/post/"
    leader_only: true

This will create a post deploy script in the correct dir and ONLY on the leader.

这将在正确的dir中创建一个post deploy脚本,并且仅在leader上创建。

This is working really well for me but be warned, the hooks directories are un-documented features




Updating information regarding latest Elastic Beanstalk version.

更新有关最新Elastic Beanstalk版本的信息。

I'm using 64bit Amazon Linux 2016.09 v2.3.3 running Python 3.4.

我正在使用运行Python 3.4的64位Amazon Linux 2016.09 v2.3.3。

The following command works for me without having to activate the virtualenv or create a post app deploy hook.

以下命令适用于我,无需激活virtualenv或创建post app deploy钩子。

    command: "python db upgrade" <-- insert your migration command here
    leader_only: true

In order to prove that the container commands will execute on a post deploy phase, I made a change to my models, generated the updated migrations scripts, deployed the new version and checked to see if the database was successfully migrated: Success!




The container_commands are NOT executed within the docker container. They are executed on the ec2 instance directly. Currently I'm using docker exec to do the migration. As the concerned docker container is afaik the last one started I use docker ps -a --no-trunc -q | head -n 1 to get the container id.

container_commands不在docker容器中执行。它们直接在ec2实例上执行。目前我正在使用docker exec进行迁移。由于有关的docker容器是afaik,最后一个开始我使用docker ps -a --no-trunc -q | head -n 1获取容器ID。

In the end my setup.config looks like that


    command: "docker exec `docker ps -a --no-trunc -q | head -n 1` /var/app/bin/python /var/app/ syncdb --noinput  &>> /tmp/deploy.log"
    leader_only: true
    command: "docker exec `docker ps -a --no-trunc -q | head -n 1` /var/app/bin/python /var/app/ migrate --noinput  &>> /tmp/deploy.log"
    leader_only: true

I hope that solves your problem as well.




I know this is an old post but I want to post my answer here as it took me quite a long time to figure out.


Sebastian kind of pointed me in the right direction but the problem with this approach is it runs before the deployment (so you migrate the old code)


You can also use the files command in ebextensions and write a file to /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/post but this will run on ever instance

您还可以在ebextensions中使用files命令并将文件写入/ opt / elasticbeanstalk / hooks / appdeploy / post,但这将在任何实例上运行

You can combine these two things into:


    command: "mkdir -p /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/post/ && echo -e '#!/bin/bash\ndocker exec `docker ps -a -q | head -n 1` python <path_to_code> migrate' > /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/post/ && chmod +x /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/post/"
    leader_only: true

This will create a post deploy script in the correct dir and ONLY on the leader.

这将在正确的dir中创建一个post deploy脚本,并且仅在leader上创建。

This is working really well for me but be warned, the hooks directories are un-documented features




Updating information regarding latest Elastic Beanstalk version.

更新有关最新Elastic Beanstalk版本的信息。

I'm using 64bit Amazon Linux 2016.09 v2.3.3 running Python 3.4.

我正在使用运行Python 3.4的64位Amazon Linux 2016.09 v2.3.3。

The following command works for me without having to activate the virtualenv or create a post app deploy hook.

以下命令适用于我,无需激活virtualenv或创建post app deploy钩子。

    command: "python db upgrade" <-- insert your migration command here
    leader_only: true

In order to prove that the container commands will execute on a post deploy phase, I made a change to my models, generated the updated migrations scripts, deployed the new version and checked to see if the database was successfully migrated: Success!
