从AWS Elastic Beanstalk下载应用程序

时间:2022-08-25 09:28:13

How can I download a application from Elastic Beanstalk? I uploaded the application via the web interface, and made some changes live (It's a wordpress site), and now I want to download the whole site.

如何从Elastic Beanstalk下载应用程序?我通过网络界面上传了应用程序,并进行了一些实时更改(这是一个wordpress网站),现在我想下载整个网站。



2 个解决方案



You can download the site from within Application Versions Table (Source Column) in AWS Console.

您可以从AWS Console中的“应用程序版本表”(源列)中下载该站点。

  • Log into AWS Console
  • 登录AWS控制台
  • Navigate to Services-> Beanstalk -> Application Versions
  • 导航到Services-> Beanstalk - > Application Versions

Alternatively you can also scp the file from the EC2 instance tied to your beanstalk application.




Using the CLI EB client you can run from your application's local directory:

使用CLI EB客户端,您可以从应用程序的本地目录运行:

eb labs download

It will download the application's last version code archive into ./.elasticbeanstalk/downloads/<some name with numbers>.zip

它会将应用程序的最新版本代码存档下载到./.elasticbeanstalk/downloads/ .zip



You can download the site from within Application Versions Table (Source Column) in AWS Console.

您可以从AWS Console中的“应用程序版本表”(源列)中下载该站点。

  • Log into AWS Console
  • 登录AWS控制台
  • Navigate to Services-> Beanstalk -> Application Versions
  • 导航到Services-> Beanstalk - > Application Versions

Alternatively you can also scp the file from the EC2 instance tied to your beanstalk application.




Using the CLI EB client you can run from your application's local directory:

使用CLI EB客户端,您可以从应用程序的本地目录运行:

eb labs download

It will download the application's last version code archive into ./.elasticbeanstalk/downloads/<some name with numbers>.zip

它会将应用程序的最新版本代码存档下载到./.elasticbeanstalk/downloads/ .zip