如何在react native中重用已渲染的本机组件?

时间:2022-11-09 19:42:27

In my application I have several screens and I use ReactNative.Navigator to navigate between them.
Following react native examples, my renderScene function is implemented in the following way:


renderScene(route, navigator) {
    var routeId = route.id;
    switch (routeId)
        case 'Screen1': return <Screen1 navigator={navigator} />
        case 'Screen2': return <Screen2 navigator={navigator} />
        case 'Screen3': return <Screen3 navigator={navigator} />

Taking this approach, it seems that every time I navigate to a specific screen, a native element is created all over again for this screen. It means that if I navigate to this screen several times, a new native element will be created for this screen hierarchy.
For example, if my navigation flow is Screen1 -> Screen2 -> Screen3 -> Screen2 then the native element that was already created for Screen2 in the first step, won't be reused for the last step.
Therefore, my question is, can I reuse the native element of a screen, or am I misunderstanding something?

采用这种方法,似乎每次我导航到特定屏幕时,都会为此屏幕重新创建本机元素。这意味着如果我多次导航到此屏幕,将为此屏幕层次结构创建一个新的本机元素。例如,如果我的导航流程是Screen1 - > Screen2 - > Screen3 - > Screen2,那么在第一步中为Screen2创建的本机元素将不会在最后一步中重复使用。因此,我的问题是,我可以重用屏幕的原生元素,还是我误解了什么?

1 个解决方案



In navigation you pushing numbers of screen class inside the navigation stack. So every-time you need to either push or pop screen from navigation stack. Now you question answer is either from it,


1) You need to create new instance of screen2.


2) you can exchange index of screens inside navigation stack (exchange top n index i.e. screen 3 with index n-1 i.e. screen 2.


3) Simply pop screen 3 you will screen 2 and use it according to your functionality.




In navigation you pushing numbers of screen class inside the navigation stack. So every-time you need to either push or pop screen from navigation stack. Now you question answer is either from it,


1) You need to create new instance of screen2.


2) you can exchange index of screens inside navigation stack (exchange top n index i.e. screen 3 with index n-1 i.e. screen 2.


3) Simply pop screen 3 you will screen 2 and use it according to your functionality.
