
时间:2021-10-02 20:01:18

I'm attempting to loop through the cells of a table using getAttribute for a cell with a blue background, then changing it to a yellow background. I know CSS can easily accomplish this task, however I want to understand using JavaScript.


Here is my code:


      Cell 1
      Cell 2
      Cell 3
    <td style="background-color:blue">
      Cell 4

var cells = document.getElementsByTagName('td');

for(i=0; i < cells.length; i++) {
  if(cells[i].getAttribute('backgroundColor') == true) {
    this.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";

Console log isn't returning any errors. Any thoughts guys?


Thank you!

1 个解决方案



Note that background property isn't a DOM attribute, it's a style attribute.


Note: If you refer to the specified td element, use cells[i] instead, because this keyword in this particular case will not refer to the actually iterated element, but to the window object.

注意:如果引用指定的td元素,请改用cell [i],因为在这种特殊情况下,此关键字不会引用实际迭代的元素,而是引用窗口对象。

var cells = document.getElementsByTagName('td');

for (i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
  if (cells[i].style.background == 'blue') {
    cells[i].style.background = "yellow";
      Cell 1
      Cell 2
      Cell 3
    <td style="background:blue">
      Cell 4

In case that you would like to refer to the DOM attribute, you could apply following code:


if (cells[i].getAttribute('style') == 'background:blue') {
   cells[i].style.background = "yellow";



Note that background property isn't a DOM attribute, it's a style attribute.


Note: If you refer to the specified td element, use cells[i] instead, because this keyword in this particular case will not refer to the actually iterated element, but to the window object.

注意:如果引用指定的td元素,请改用cell [i],因为在这种特殊情况下,此关键字不会引用实际迭代的元素,而是引用窗口对象。

var cells = document.getElementsByTagName('td');

for (i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
  if (cells[i].style.background == 'blue') {
    cells[i].style.background = "yellow";
      Cell 1
      Cell 2
      Cell 3
    <td style="background:blue">
      Cell 4

In case that you would like to refer to the DOM attribute, you could apply following code:


if (cells[i].getAttribute('style') == 'background:blue') {
   cells[i].style.background = "yellow";