OpenGlOffscreenSurface假如你想要做离屏渲染, 只要在这个类的虚函数 paintGL里面执行 openGL操作即可。根据原作的示例,你也可以在paintGL里调用QPainter来作画。
#ifndef OPENGLOFFSCREENSURFACE_H #define OPENGLOFFSCREENSURFACE_H #pragma once #include <QtCore/QObject> #include <QtGui/QScreen> #include <QtGui/QOffscreenSurface> #include <QtGui/QPaintEvent> #include <QtGui/QResizeEvent> #include <QtGui/QOpenGLPaintDevice> #include <QtGui/QOpenGLFunctions> #include <QtGui/QOpenGLFunctions_3_0> #include <QtGui/QOpenGLFramebufferObject> #include <QtGui/QSurfaceFormat> #include <QtWidgets/QWidget> #include <QOpenGLShaderProgram> #include <atomic> #include <mutex> class OpenGlOffscreenSurface : public QOffscreenSurface { Q_OBJECT public: /// @brief Constructor. Creates a render window. /// @param targetScreen Target screen. /// @param size Initial size of a surface buffer. /// this is because before the FBO and off-screen surface haven't been created. /// By default this uses the QWindow::requestedFormat() for OpenGL context and off-screen /// surface. explicit OpenGlOffscreenSurface( QScreen* targetScreen = nullptr, const QSize& size = QSize (1, 1)); /// @brief Destructor. virtual ~OpenGlOffscreenSurface(); /// @brief Check if the window is initialized and can be used for rendering. /// @return Returns true if context, surface and FBO have been set up to start rendering. bool isValid() const; /// @brief Return the context used in this window. /// @return The context used in this window or nullptr if it hasn't been created yet. QOpenGLContext* context() const; /// @brief Return the OpenGL function object that can be used the issue OpenGL commands. /// @return The functions for the context or nullptr if it the context hasn't been created yet. QOpenGLFunctions* functions() const; /// @brief Return the OpenGL off-screen frame buffer object identifier. /// @return The OpenGL off-screen frame buffer object identifier or 0 if no FBO has been created /// yet. /// @note This changes on every resize! GLuint framebufferObjectHandle() const; /// @brief Return the OpenGL off-screen frame buffer object. /// @return The OpenGL off-screen frame buffer object or nullptr if no FBO has been created yet. /// @note This changes on every resize! const QOpenGLFramebufferObject* getFramebufferObject() const; /// @brief Return the QPaintDevice for paint into it. QPaintDevice* getPaintDevice() const; /// @brief Return the OpenGL off-screen frame buffer object identifier. /// @return The OpenGL off-screen frame buffer object identifier or 0 if no FBO has been created /// yet. void bindFramebufferObject(); /// @brief Return the current contents of the FBO. /// @return FBO content as 32bit QImage. You might need to swap RGBA to BGRA or vice-versa. QImage grabFramebuffer(); /// @brief Makes the OpenGL context current for rendering. /// @note Make sure to bindFramebufferObject() if you want to render to this widgets FBO. void makeCurrent(); /// @brief Release the OpenGL context. void doneCurrent(); /// @brief Copy content of framebuffer to back buffer and swap buffers if the surface is /// double-buffered. /// If the surface is not double-buffered, the frame buffer content is blitted to the front /// buffer. /// If the window is not exposed, only the OpenGL pipeline is glFlush()ed so the framebuffer can /// be read back. void swapBuffers(); /// @brief Use bufferSize() instead size() for get a size of a surface buffer. We can't override size() as it is not virtual. QSize bufferSize() const; /// @brief Resize surface buffer to newSize. void resize(const QSize& newSize); /// @brief Resize surface buffer to size with width w and height h. /// @param w Width. /// @param h Height. void resize(int w, int h); public slots: /// @brief Lazy update routine like QWidget::update(). void update(); /// @brief Immediately render the widget contents to framebuffer. void render(); signals: /// @brief Emitted when swapBuffers() was called and bufferswapping is done. void frameSwapped(); /// @brief Emitted after a resizeEvent(). void resized(); protected: virtual void exposeEvent(QExposeEvent* e); virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e); virtual bool event(QEvent* e) override; // virtual int metric(QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric metric) const override; /// @brief Called exactly once when the window is first exposed OR render() is called when the /// widget is invisible. /// @note After this the off-screen surface and FBO are available. virtual void initializeGL() = 0; /// @brief Called whenever the window size changes. /// @param width New window width. /// @param height New window height. virtual void resizeGL( int width, int height) = 0; /// @brief Called whenever the window needs to repaint itself. Override to draw OpenGL content. /// When this function is called, the context is already current and the correct framebuffer is /// bound. virtual void paintGL() = 0; // /// @brief Called whenever the window needs to repaint itself. Override to draw QPainter // content. // /// @brief This is called AFTER paintGL()! Only needed when painting using a QPainter. // virtual void paintEvent(QPainter & painter) = 0; private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(OpenGlOffscreenSurface) /// @brief Initialize the window. void initializeInternal(); /// @brief Internal method that does the actual swap work, NOT using a mutex. void swapBuffersInternal(); /// @brief Internal method that checks state and makes the context current, NOT using a mutex. void makeCurrentInternal(); /// @brief Internal method to grab content of a specific framebuffer. QImage grabFramebufferInternal(QOpenGLFramebufferObject* fbo); /// @brief (Re-)allocate FBO and paint device if needed due to size changes etc. void recreateFBOAndPaintDevice(); /// @brief False before the window was first exposed OR render() was called. std::atomic_bool m_initialized; /// @brief False before the overridden initializeGL() was first called. bool m_initializedGL; /// @brief True when currently a window update is pending. std::atomic_bool m_updatePending; /// @brief Mutex making sure not grabbing while drawing etc. std::mutex m_mutex; /// @brief OpenGL render context. QOpenGLContext* m_context; /// @brief The OpenGL 2.1 / ES 2.0 function object that can be used the issue OpenGL commands. QOpenGLFunctions* m_functions; /// @brief The OpenGL 3.0 function object that can be used the issue OpenGL commands. QOpenGLFunctions_3_0* m_functions_3_0; /// @brief OpenGL paint device for painting with a QPainter. QOpenGLPaintDevice* m_paintDevice; /// @brief Background FBO for off-screen rendering when the window is not exposed. QOpenGLFramebufferObject* m_fbo; /// @brief Background FBO resolving a multi sampling frame buffer in m_fbo to a frame buffer /// that can be grabbed to a QImage. QOpenGLFramebufferObject* m_resolvedFbo; /// @brief Shader used for blitting m_fbo to screen if glBlitFrameBuffer is not available. QOpenGLShaderProgram* m_blitShader; QSize m_size; }; #endif // OPENGLOFFSCREENSURFACE_HOpenGlOffscreenSurface.cpp
#include "OpenGlOffscreenSurface.h" #include <QtCore/QCoreApplication> #include <QtGui/QPainter> OpenGlOffscreenSurface::OpenGlOffscreenSurface( QScreen* targetScreen, const QSize& size) : QOffscreenSurface(targetScreen) , m_size(size) , m_initializedGL(false) , m_context(nullptr) , m_functions(nullptr) , m_functions_3_0(nullptr) , m_paintDevice(nullptr) , m_fbo(nullptr) , m_resolvedFbo(nullptr) { setFormat(QSurfaceFormat::defaultFormat()); m_initialized = false; m_updatePending = false; create(); // Some platforms require this function to be called on the main (GUI) thread initializeInternal(); } OpenGlOffscreenSurface::~OpenGlOffscreenSurface() { // to delete the FBOs we first need to make the context current m_context->makeCurrent(this); // destroy framebuffer objects if (m_fbo) { m_fbo->release(); delete m_fbo; m_fbo = nullptr; } if (m_resolvedFbo) { m_resolvedFbo->release(); delete m_resolvedFbo; m_resolvedFbo = nullptr; } // destroy shader delete m_blitShader; m_blitShader = nullptr; // free context m_context->doneCurrent(); delete m_context; m_context = nullptr; // free paint device delete m_paintDevice; m_paintDevice = nullptr; m_initialized = false; m_updatePending = false; destroy(); } QOpenGLContext* OpenGlOffscreenSurface::context() const { return (m_context); } QOpenGLFunctions* OpenGlOffscreenSurface::functions() const { return (m_functions); } GLuint OpenGlOffscreenSurface::framebufferObjectHandle() const { return (m_fbo ? m_fbo->handle() : 0); } const QOpenGLFramebufferObject* OpenGlOffscreenSurface::getFramebufferObject() const { return (m_fbo); } QPaintDevice* OpenGlOffscreenSurface::getPaintDevice() const { return (m_paintDevice); } void OpenGlOffscreenSurface::bindFramebufferObject() { if (m_fbo) { m_fbo->bind(); } else { QOpenGLFramebufferObject::bindDefault(); } } bool OpenGlOffscreenSurface::isValid() const { return (m_initialized && m_context && m_fbo); } void OpenGlOffscreenSurface::makeCurrent() { makeCurrentInternal(); } void OpenGlOffscreenSurface::makeCurrentInternal() { if (isValid()) { m_context->makeCurrent(this); } else { throw ("OpenGlOffscreenSurface::makeCurrent() - Window not yet properly initialized!"); } } void OpenGlOffscreenSurface::doneCurrent() { if (m_context) { m_context->doneCurrent(); } } QImage OpenGlOffscreenSurface::grabFramebuffer() { std::lock_guard <std::mutex> locker(m_mutex); makeCurrentInternal(); // blit framebuffer to resolve framebuffer first if needed if (m_fbo->format().samples() > 0) { // check if we have glFrameBufferBlit support. this is true for desktop OpenGL 3.0+, but not // OpenGL ES 2.0 if (m_functions_3_0) { // only blit the color buffer attachment m_functions_3_0->glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, m_fbo->handle()); m_functions_3_0->glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, m_resolvedFbo->handle()); m_functions_3_0->glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, bufferSize().width(), bufferSize().height(), 0, 0, bufferSize().width(), bufferSize().height(), GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST); m_functions_3_0->glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); } else { // we must unbind the FBO here, so we can use its texture and bind the default // back-buffer m_functions->glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_resolvedFbo->handle()); // now use its texture for drawing in the shader // --> bind shader and draw textured quad here // bind regular FBO again m_functions->glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_fbo->handle()); } // check if OpenGL errors happened if (GLenum error = m_functions->glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug() << "OpenGlOffscreenSurface::grabFramebuffer() - OpenGL error" << error; } // now grab from resolve FBO return (grabFramebufferInternal(m_resolvedFbo)); } else { // no multi-sampling. grab directly from FBO return (grabFramebufferInternal(m_fbo)); } } // OpenGlOffscreenSurface::grabFramebuffer QImage OpenGlOffscreenSurface::grabFramebufferInternal(QOpenGLFramebufferObject* fbo) { QImage image; // bind framebuffer first m_functions->glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo->handle()); if (m_functions_3_0) { m_functions_3_0->glReadBuffer(GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0); } GLenum internalFormat = fbo->format().internalTextureFormat(); bool hasAlpha = internalFormat == GL_RGBA || internalFormat == GL_BGRA || internalFormat == GL_RGBA8; if (internalFormat == GL_BGRA) { image = QImage(fbo->size(), hasAlpha ? QImage::Format_ARGB32 : QImage::Format_RGB32); m_functions->glReadPixels(0, 0, fbo->size().width(), fbo->size().height(), GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image.bits()); } else if ((internalFormat == GL_RGBA) || (internalFormat == GL_RGBA8)) { image = QImage(fbo->size(), hasAlpha ? QImage::Format_RGBA8888 : QImage::Format_RGBX8888); m_functions->glReadPixels(0, 0, fbo->size().width(), fbo->size().height(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image.bits()); } else { qDebug() << "OpenGlOffscreenSurface::grabFramebuffer() - Unsupported framebuffer format" << internalFormat << "!"; } m_functions->glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_fbo->handle()); return (image.mirrored()); } // OpenGlOffscreenSurface::grabFramebufferInternal void OpenGlOffscreenSurface::swapBuffers() { swapBuffersInternal(); emit frameSwapped(); } void OpenGlOffscreenSurface::swapBuffersInternal() { // blit framebuffer to back buffer m_context->makeCurrent(this); // make sure all paint operation have been processed m_functions->glFlush(); // check if we have glFrameBufferBlit support. this is true for desktop OpenGL 3.0+, but not // OpenGL ES 2.0 if (m_functions_3_0) { // if our framebuffer has multi-sampling, the resolve should be done automagically m_functions_3_0->glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, m_fbo->handle()); m_functions_3_0->glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); // blit all buffers including depth buffer for further rendering m_functions_3_0->glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, bufferSize().width(), bufferSize().height(), 0, 0, bufferSize().width(), bufferSize().height(), GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST); m_functions_3_0->glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_fbo->handle()); } else { // we must unbind the FBO here, so we can use its texture and bind the default back-buffer m_functions->glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); // now use its texture for drawing in the shader // --> bind shader and draw textured quad here // bind regular FBO again m_functions->glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_fbo->handle()); } // check if OpenGL errors happened if (GLenum error = m_functions->glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug() << "OpenGlOffscreenSurface::swapBuffersInternal() - OpenGL error" << error; } // now swap back buffer to front buffer m_context->swapBuffers(this); } // OpenGlOffscreenSurface::swapBuffersInternal void OpenGlOffscreenSurface::recreateFBOAndPaintDevice() { if (m_context && ((m_fbo == nullptr) || (m_fbo->size() != bufferSize()))) { m_context->makeCurrent(this); // free old FBOs if (m_fbo) { m_fbo->release(); delete m_fbo; m_fbo = nullptr; } if (m_resolvedFbo) { m_resolvedFbo->release(); delete m_resolvedFbo; m_resolvedFbo = nullptr; } // create new frame buffer // QOpenGLFramebufferObjectFormat format = QGLInfo::DefaultFramebufferFormat(); // format.setSamples(QGLInfo::HasMultisamplingSupport(m_context) ? 4 : 0); QOpenGLFramebufferObjectFormat format; format.setSamples(0); m_fbo = new QOpenGLFramebufferObject(bufferSize(), format); if (!m_fbo->isValid()) { throw ("OpenGlOffscreenSurface::recreateFbo() - Failed to create background FBO!"); } // clear framebuffer m_fbo->bind(); m_functions->glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); m_fbo->release(); // if multi sampling is requested and supported we need a resolve FBO if (format.samples() > 0) { // create resolve framebuffer with only a color attachment format.setAttachment(QOpenGLFramebufferObject::NoAttachment); format.setSamples(0); m_resolvedFbo = new QOpenGLFramebufferObject(bufferSize(), format); if (!m_resolvedFbo->isValid()) { throw ("OpenGlOffscreenSurface::recreateFbo() - Failed to create resolve FBO!"); } // clear resolve framebuffer m_resolvedFbo->bind(); m_functions->glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); m_resolvedFbo->release(); } } // create paint device for painting with QPainter if needed if (!m_paintDevice) { m_paintDevice = new QOpenGLPaintDevice; } // update paint device size if needed if (m_paintDevice->size() != bufferSize()) { m_paintDevice->setSize(bufferSize()); } } // OpenGlOffscreenSurface::recreateFBOAndPaintDevice void OpenGlOffscreenSurface::initializeInternal() { if (!m_initialized.exchange(true)) { // create OpenGL context. we set the format requested by the user (default: // QWindow::requestedFormat()) m_context = new QOpenGLContext(this); m_context->setFormat(format()); if (m_context->create()) { m_context->makeCurrent(this); // initialize the OpenGL 2.1 / ES 2.0 functions for this object m_functions = m_context->functions(); m_functions->initializeOpenGLFunctions(); // try initializing the OpenGL 3.0 functions for this object m_functions_3_0 = m_context->versionFunctions <QOpenGLFunctions_3_0>(); if (m_functions_3_0) { m_functions_3_0->initializeOpenGLFunctions(); } else { // if we do not have OpenGL 3.0 functions, glBlitFrameBuffer is not available, so we // must do the blit // using a shader and the framebuffer texture, so we need to create the shader // here... // --> allocate m_blitShader, a simple shader for drawing a textured quad // --> build quad geometry, VBO, whatever } // now we have a context, create the FBO recreateFBOAndPaintDevice(); } else { m_initialized = false; delete m_context; m_context = nullptr; throw ("Failed to create OpenGL context!"); } } } // OpenGlOffscreenSurface::initializeInternal void OpenGlOffscreenSurface::update() { // only queue an update if there's not already an update pending if (!m_updatePending.exchange(true)) { QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new QEvent(QEvent::UpdateRequest)); } } void OpenGlOffscreenSurface::render() { std::lock_guard <std::mutex> locker(m_mutex); // check if we need to initialize stuff initializeInternal(); // check if we need to call the user initialization // makeCurrent(); // TODO: may be makeCurrent() must be here, as noted for QOpenGLWidget.initializeGL() if (!m_initializedGL) { m_initializedGL = true; initializeGL(); } // make context current and bind framebuffer makeCurrent(); bindFramebufferObject(); // call user paint function paintGL(); doneCurrent(); // mark that we're done with updating m_updatePending = false; } // OpenGlOffscreenSurface::render void OpenGlOffscreenSurface::exposeEvent(QExposeEvent* e) { // render window content if window is exposed render(); } // OpenGlOffscreenSurface::exposeEvent void OpenGlOffscreenSurface::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e) { // call base implementation resize(e->size()); emit resized(); } void OpenGlOffscreenSurface::resize(const QSize& newSize) { m_mutex.lock(); // make context current first makeCurrent(); m_size = QSize(newSize); // update FBO and paint device recreateFBOAndPaintDevice(); m_mutex.unlock(); // call user-defined resize method resizeGL(bufferSize().width(), bufferSize().height()); } // OpenGlOffscreenSurface::resize void OpenGlOffscreenSurface::resize( int w, int h) { resize(QSize(w, h)); } bool OpenGlOffscreenSurface::event(QEvent* event) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::UpdateLater: update(); return (true); case QEvent::UpdateRequest: render(); return (true); default: return (false); } // switch } // OpenGlOffscreenSurface::event QSize OpenGlOffscreenSurface::bufferSize() const { return (m_size); }
#ifndef EXAMPLEPAINTSURFACE_H #define EXAMPLEPAINTSURFACE_H #include "OpenGlOffscreenSurface.h" class ExamplePaintSurface : public OpenGlOffscreenSurface { public: explicit ExamplePaintSurface( QScreen* targetScreen = nullptr, const QSize& size = QSize (1, 1)); virtual ~ExamplePaintSurface() override; protected: virtual void initializeGL() override; virtual void resizeGL( int width, int height) override; virtual void paintGL() override; }; #endif // EXAMPLEPAINTSURFACE_H
#include "ExamplePaintSurface.h" #include <QPainter> ExamplePaintSurface::ExamplePaintSurface( QScreen* targetScreen, const QSize& size) : OpenGlOffscreenSurface(targetScreen, size) {} ExamplePaintSurface::~ExamplePaintSurface() {} void ExamplePaintSurface::initializeGL() {} void ExamplePaintSurface::resizeGL(int width, int height) {} void ExamplePaintSurface::paintGL() { functions()->glClearColor(1,0,0,1); functions()->glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); //swapBuffers(); }
#ifndef MAINWINDOW_H #define MAINWINDOW_H #include <QMainWindow> #include <QPaintEvent> class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0); ~MainWindow(); protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *); }; #endif // MAINWINDOW_H
#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ExamplePaintSurface.h" #include <QPainter> MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { } void MainWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { ExamplePaintSurface paintSurface; paintSurface.resize(300, 200); paintSurface.render(); QImage image = paintSurface.grabFramebuffer(); QPainter qp; qp.begin(this); qp.drawImage(rect(), image, image.rect()); qp.end(); }
#include <QApplication> #include "mainwindow.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); MainWindow w; w.show(); return a.exec(); }