在ASP。NET MVC,如何响应。重定向的工作吗?

时间:2021-09-04 17:40:18

I have used response.redirect in classic ASP and ASP.NET webforms. However, with MVC 2.0, I am running into something peculiar.

我用的反应。在经典ASP和ASP中重定向。净webforms。然而,在MVC 2.0中,我遇到了一些奇怪的事情。

I have a private method in a controller class that is used by multiple controller methods to help load and validate some information. This private method is setup to redirect if a problem is discovered to a generic error message page.


The big problem I am noticing is that the calling controller class and page view attempt to complete rendering and loading before the redirect actually takes place. This is annoying in development because the View throws exceptions that I need to ignore before my generic error page finally loads.


As mentioned above, I am used to the older model of response.redirect which prevented subsequent code on a page from being executed as the new page would then load.


Any help or advice on redirects in MVC would be greatly appreciated.


5 个解决方案



The conventional mechanism to redirect in ASP.Net MVC is to return an object of type RedirectResult to the client. If this is done before your View method is called, your view methods will never be called.

常规的ASP重定向机制。Net MVC是将RedirectResult类型的对象返回给客户端。如果在调用视图方法之前执行了此操作,则永远不会调用视图方法。

If you call Response.Redirect yourself, instead of letting Asp.Net MVC's front controller do that for you, your controller method will continue on until it finishes or throws an exception.

如果你调用的响应。重定向自己,而不是让Asp。Net MVC的前端控制器为您做这个,您的控制器方法将继续,直到它完成或抛出一个异常。

The idiomatic solution for your problem is to have your private method return a result that your controller can use.


for example:


public ActionResult Edit(MyEntity entity)
  if (!IsValid()) return Redirect("/oops/");
  return View();


private bool IsValid()
  if (nozzle==NozzleState.Closed) return false;
  if (!hoseAttached) return false;
  return (userRole==Role.Gardener);



In ASP.NET MVC, you would normally redirect to another page by returning a RedirectResult from the controller method.

在ASP。NET MVC,通过从controller方法返回RedirectResult,您通常会重定向到另一个页面。



public ActionResult Details(int id)
     // Attempt to get record from database
     var details = dataContext.GetDetails(id);

     // Does requested record exist?
     if (details == null)
         // Does not exist - display index so user can choose
         return RedirectToAction("Index");

     // Display details as usual
     return View(details);



In MVC never use Response.Redirect use


return RedirectToAction("ActionResultName", "ControllerName");

As to WHY to NOT use Response.Redirect in MVC:


  1. Performance issues with it
  2. 与它的性能问题
  3. Not following standard asp.net MVC pattern and conventions that have been built specifically FOR MVC.
  4. 不遵循标准的asp.net MVC模式和专门为MVC构建的约定。



its recommended and its the only way to redirect to asp.net form in mvc controller action by using


return Redirect("/page/pagename.aspx");

other way we can redirect by using ( not recommended and bad way )


Response.Redirect("/page/pagename.aspx", true);

it will work for redirect, but problem is it will clear all of our Session values. so why its not recommended.




try this code in mvc view page lode


        if (Session["UserName"] == null)




The conventional mechanism to redirect in ASP.Net MVC is to return an object of type RedirectResult to the client. If this is done before your View method is called, your view methods will never be called.

常规的ASP重定向机制。Net MVC是将RedirectResult类型的对象返回给客户端。如果在调用视图方法之前执行了此操作,则永远不会调用视图方法。

If you call Response.Redirect yourself, instead of letting Asp.Net MVC's front controller do that for you, your controller method will continue on until it finishes or throws an exception.

如果你调用的响应。重定向自己,而不是让Asp。Net MVC的前端控制器为您做这个,您的控制器方法将继续,直到它完成或抛出一个异常。

The idiomatic solution for your problem is to have your private method return a result that your controller can use.


for example:


public ActionResult Edit(MyEntity entity)
  if (!IsValid()) return Redirect("/oops/");
  return View();


private bool IsValid()
  if (nozzle==NozzleState.Closed) return false;
  if (!hoseAttached) return false;
  return (userRole==Role.Gardener);



In ASP.NET MVC, you would normally redirect to another page by returning a RedirectResult from the controller method.

在ASP。NET MVC,通过从controller方法返回RedirectResult,您通常会重定向到另一个页面。



public ActionResult Details(int id)
     // Attempt to get record from database
     var details = dataContext.GetDetails(id);

     // Does requested record exist?
     if (details == null)
         // Does not exist - display index so user can choose
         return RedirectToAction("Index");

     // Display details as usual
     return View(details);



In MVC never use Response.Redirect use


return RedirectToAction("ActionResultName", "ControllerName");

As to WHY to NOT use Response.Redirect in MVC:


  1. Performance issues with it
  2. 与它的性能问题
  3. Not following standard asp.net MVC pattern and conventions that have been built specifically FOR MVC.
  4. 不遵循标准的asp.net MVC模式和专门为MVC构建的约定。



its recommended and its the only way to redirect to asp.net form in mvc controller action by using


return Redirect("/page/pagename.aspx");

other way we can redirect by using ( not recommended and bad way )


Response.Redirect("/page/pagename.aspx", true);

it will work for redirect, but problem is it will clear all of our Session values. so why its not recommended.




try this code in mvc view page lode


        if (Session["UserName"] == null)
