NYOJ--353--bfs+优先队列--3D dungeon

时间:2021-12-05 16:51:34
    Name: NYOJ--3533D dungeon
    Author: shen_渊
    Date: 15/04/17 15:10
    Description: bfs()+优先队列,队列也能做,需要开一个vis[35][35][35]标记

using namespace std;
struct node{
    int x,y,z,steps;
    bool operator <(const node &a)const {
        return steps>a.steps;
int bfs();
priority_queue<node> q;
int l,r,c;
node s,e;
] = {{,,},{-,,},{,,},{,-,},{,,},{,,-}};
int main()
//    freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);
        ; i<l; ++i){
            ; j<r; ++j){
                ; k<c; ++k){
                    if(map[i][j][k] == 'S')s.x = j,s.z = i,s.y = k;
                    if(map[i][j][k] == 'E')e.x = j,e.y = k,e.z = i;
        int t;
        if (t=bfs())
            cout << "Escaped in " << t << " minute(s)." << endl;
            cout << "Trapped!" << endl;
int bfs(){
    while(!q.empty()) q.pop();
        node temp = q.top();q.pop();
        ; i<; ++i){
            node a = temp;
            a.z += dir[i][];
            a.x += dir[i][];
            a.y += dir[i][];
            if(a.z == e.z&& a.x==e.x&&a.y==e.y)return a.steps;
            if(map[a.z][a.x][a.y] == '#')continue;
             || a.z>=l)continue;
             || a.x>=r)continue;
             || a.y>=c)continue;
            map[a.z][a.x][a.y] = '#';

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