如何备份html 5本地存储数据

时间:2021-11-07 17:16:57

am developing an offline application using html 5 and java script libraries. my system is for offline data collection. data is stored in the local machine in text format before being synced to the server later on. before i had developed the same application but using silver light which was easy to back up data for security reasons using

我正在使用html 5和java脚本库开发一个离线应用程序。我的系统用于离线数据收集。数据以文本格式存储在本地计算机中,然后再同步到服务器。在我开发相同的应用程序但使用银灯之前,出于安全原因使用容易备份数据

any idea on how i can backup the text files and zip them to my hard disk will be highly appreciated.


i have not found a solid answer through my research so far thanks in advance.


2 个解决方案



One "solution" I can think of is, before the user closes the app using the close button, you could detect the window.onbeforeunload event and send the data to your server to save. But this is not reliable because there might be cases when the browser may crash or the user might forcefully close the browser application. Or worst of all if you are constantly using localStorage and by chance the user clears the browsing data (which includes localStorage) it will be gone.


But assuming you have the data at hand, you can send it to the server using POST and make a script to save it in the disk. Obviously, you might want to impose limitation on file size and enforce other security restrictions.



Lets say you have a folder created for each unique user and all files in each user's folder are guaranteed to be named uniquely. In PHP you can use functions like file_put_contents() to save a text file, you can also easily ZIP it using the ZipArchive class.


It's not recommended to store this kind of data directly to the drive. I would highly recommend you to put the localStorage data in some kind of database and do a database backup instead of backing up individual user's data.


As other users have pointed it out you could also look at the HTML5 File API. Examples here.




I found a solution on how to backup local storage files and zip them to my local drive without any server code. Below is a code snippet that works fine for me at least for now. Any modifications and enhancements will be highly appreciated.


if (localStorageKeys.length > 0) {
    for (var i = 0; i < localStorageKeys.length; i++) {
        var key = localStorageKeys[i];
        if (key.search(_instrumentId) != -1) {
            var data = localStorage.getItem(localStorageKeys[i]);
            zip.file(localStorageKeys[i].slice(0, -19) + ".txt", data);
        else {
        var datafile = document.getElementById('backupData');
        datafile.download = formName + "_Data.zip";
        datafile.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(zip.generate({ type: "blob" }));




One "solution" I can think of is, before the user closes the app using the close button, you could detect the window.onbeforeunload event and send the data to your server to save. But this is not reliable because there might be cases when the browser may crash or the user might forcefully close the browser application. Or worst of all if you are constantly using localStorage and by chance the user clears the browsing data (which includes localStorage) it will be gone.


But assuming you have the data at hand, you can send it to the server using POST and make a script to save it in the disk. Obviously, you might want to impose limitation on file size and enforce other security restrictions.



Lets say you have a folder created for each unique user and all files in each user's folder are guaranteed to be named uniquely. In PHP you can use functions like file_put_contents() to save a text file, you can also easily ZIP it using the ZipArchive class.


It's not recommended to store this kind of data directly to the drive. I would highly recommend you to put the localStorage data in some kind of database and do a database backup instead of backing up individual user's data.


As other users have pointed it out you could also look at the HTML5 File API. Examples here.




I found a solution on how to backup local storage files and zip them to my local drive without any server code. Below is a code snippet that works fine for me at least for now. Any modifications and enhancements will be highly appreciated.


if (localStorageKeys.length > 0) {
    for (var i = 0; i < localStorageKeys.length; i++) {
        var key = localStorageKeys[i];
        if (key.search(_instrumentId) != -1) {
            var data = localStorage.getItem(localStorageKeys[i]);
            zip.file(localStorageKeys[i].slice(0, -19) + ".txt", data);
        else {
        var datafile = document.getElementById('backupData');
        datafile.download = formName + "_Data.zip";
        datafile.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(zip.generate({ type: "blob" }));
