
时间:2021-07-29 15:58:43

I have the following scenario:


I have two panels, with links to switch between the two, these links DON'T post back the page, they call some JavaScript code that fades in and out the panels, changing their visibility.


In either panel I have a button that posts back the page, what happens is, after I fade in the second panel, my viewstate is invalid and my postback fails.


Is there a way to make my viewstate valid from JavaScript synching the visibility of these two panels? Or do I have to postback for this to work? If so, can I postback without the page blinking in my face and nicely fade the panels?


EDIT: This is somewhat the code that I have, obviously I have a bunch of controls inside the divs


<div id="step_one" class="lt-step-1">
    <asp:Button Text="Entrar" ID="btnPost1" OnClick="btnPost1_Click" ValidationGroup="Step1Val" CssClass="btn btn-primary lt-width-5" runat="server" />
    <a href="#" id="link_Step_Two"><span class="icon-repeat"></span>Step Two</a>
<div id="step_two" class="lt-step-2 hide">
    <asp:Button Text="Confirmar" ID="btnPost2" OnClick="btnPost2_Click" ValidationGroup="Step2Val" CssClass="btn btn-primary lt-width-5" runat="server" />
    <button type="button" id="btn_cancel_step_two" class="btn">Cancelar</button>

    require(['jquery', 'bootstrap'], function ($) {

        'use strict';

        var $stepOne = $('#step_one'),
            $stepTwo = $('#step_two'),
            $allSteps = $('[id^="step_"]'),
            $link_Step_Two = $('#link_Step_Two'),
            $btnCancelStepTwo = $('#btn_cancel_step_two'),

        $link_Step_Two.on('click', function () {

        $btnCancelStepTwo.on('click', function () {


1 个解决方案



Sorry, but I don't have enough points to just add a comment yet after Gnani above. If it is just losing the jquery events, use the jquery delegate function against the form element. Delegate will automatically hook up your events against your selector, even for elements that come into existence in the future, like when MS Ajax recreates your links. I use this trick all the time. Something like:

对不起,但是我没有足够的积分在Gnani之后添加评论。如果它只是丢失了jquery事件,请对表单元素使用jquery委托函数。 Delegate将自动将您的事件与您的选择器挂钩,即使对于将来出现的元素,例如MS Ajax重新创建链接时也是如此。我一直都在使用这个技巧。就像是:

$("form").delegate('#link_Step_Two', 'click', function() {
  // Your code.

$("form").delegate('#btn_cancel_step_two', 'click', function() {
  // Your code.



Sorry, but I don't have enough points to just add a comment yet after Gnani above. If it is just losing the jquery events, use the jquery delegate function against the form element. Delegate will automatically hook up your events against your selector, even for elements that come into existence in the future, like when MS Ajax recreates your links. I use this trick all the time. Something like:

对不起,但是我没有足够的积分在Gnani之后添加评论。如果它只是丢失了jquery事件,请对表单元素使用jquery委托函数。 Delegate将自动将您的事件与您的选择器挂钩,即使对于将来出现的元素,例如MS Ajax重新创建链接时也是如此。我一直都在使用这个技巧。就像是:

$("form").delegate('#link_Step_Two', 'click', function() {
  // Your code.

$("form").delegate('#btn_cancel_step_two', 'click', function() {
  // Your code.