
时间:2021-11-02 13:11:51

I am modifying my code from using mysql_* to PDO. In my code I had mysql_real_escape_string(). What is the equivalent of this in PDO?

我正在修改我的代码使用mysql_ *到PDO。在我的代码中,我有mysql_real_escape_string()。 PDO中的等价物是什么?

4 个解决方案



Well No, there is none!


Technically there is PDO::quote() but it is rarely ever used and is not the equivalent of mysql_real_escape_string()

从技术上讲,有PDO :: quote()但它很少被使用,并不等同于mysql_real_escape_string()

That's right! If you are already using PDO the proper way as documented using prepared statements, then it will protect you from MySQL injection.


# Example:

Below is an example of a safe database query using prepared statements (pdo)


  try {
     // first connect to database with the PDO object. 
     $db = new \PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx;charset=utf8", "xx", "xx", [
       PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false, 
 } catch(\PDOException $e){
     // if connection fails, show PDO error. 
   echo "Error connecting to mysql: " . $e->getMessage();

And, now assuming the connection is established, you can execute your query like this.


if($_POST && isset($_POST['color'])){ 

    // preparing a statement
    $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT id, name, color FROM Cars WHERE color = ?");

    // execute/run the statement. 

    // fetch the result. 
    $cars = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 

Now, as you can probably tell, I haven't used anything to escape/sanitize the value of $_POST["color"]. And this code is secure from myql-injection thanks to PDO and the power of prepared statements.

现在,正如你可能知道的那样,我没有使用任何东西来逃避/消毒$ _POST [“color”]的值。由于PDO和预处理语句的强大功能,此代码对于myql-injection是安全的。

It is worth noting that you should pass a charset=utf8 as attribute, in your DSN as seen above, for security reasons, and always enable PDO to show errors in the form of exceptions.

值得注意的是,出于安全原因,您应该在DSN中传递charset = utf8作为属性,并始终使PDO能够以异常的形式显示错误。


so errors from you database queries won't reveal sensitive data like your directory structure, database username etc.


Last but not least, there are moments when you should not trust PDO 100%, and will be bound to take some extra measures to prevent sql injection, one of those cases is, if you are using an outdated versions of mysql [ mysql =< 5.3.6 ] as described in this answer

最后但并非最不重要的是,有些时候你不应该信任PDO 100%,并且必然要采取一些额外措施来防止sql注入,其中一种情况是,如果你使用的是过时版本的mysql [mysql = < 5.3.6]如本答案所述

But, using prepared statements as shown above will always be safer, than using any of the functions that start with mysql_


Good reads


PDO Tutorial for MySQL Developers



There is none*! The object of PDO is that you don’t have to escape anything; you just send it as data. For example:

空无一人*! PDO的目标是你不必逃避任何事情;你只需将其作为数据发送。例如:

$query = $link->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :name LIMIT 1;');
$query->execute([':name' => $username]); # No need to escape it!

As opposed to:


$safe_username = mysql_real_escape_string($username);
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$safe_username' LIMIT 1;");

* Well, there is one, as Michael Berkowski said! But there are better ways.

*好吧,就像Michael Berkowski所说的那样!但有更好的方法。



$v = '"'.mysql_real_escape_string($v).'"'; 

is the equivalent of $v = $this->db->quote($v); be sure you have a PDO instance in $this->db so you can call the pdo method quote()

相当于$ v = $ this-> db-> quote($ v);确保在$ this-> db中有一个PDO实例,这样你就可以调用pdo方法quote()



If to answer the original question, then this is the PDO equivalent for mysql_real_escape_string:


function my_real_escape_string($value, $connection) {
    // this fails on: value="hello'";
    return trim ($connection->quote($value), "'");
    return substr($connection->quote($value), 1, -1);       

btw, the mysqli equivalent is:


function my_real_escape_string($value, $connection) {
    return mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $value);



Well No, there is none!


Technically there is PDO::quote() but it is rarely ever used and is not the equivalent of mysql_real_escape_string()

从技术上讲,有PDO :: quote()但它很少被使用,并不等同于mysql_real_escape_string()

That's right! If you are already using PDO the proper way as documented using prepared statements, then it will protect you from MySQL injection.


# Example:

Below is an example of a safe database query using prepared statements (pdo)


  try {
     // first connect to database with the PDO object. 
     $db = new \PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx;charset=utf8", "xx", "xx", [
       PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false, 
 } catch(\PDOException $e){
     // if connection fails, show PDO error. 
   echo "Error connecting to mysql: " . $e->getMessage();

And, now assuming the connection is established, you can execute your query like this.


if($_POST && isset($_POST['color'])){ 

    // preparing a statement
    $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT id, name, color FROM Cars WHERE color = ?");

    // execute/run the statement. 

    // fetch the result. 
    $cars = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 

Now, as you can probably tell, I haven't used anything to escape/sanitize the value of $_POST["color"]. And this code is secure from myql-injection thanks to PDO and the power of prepared statements.

现在,正如你可能知道的那样,我没有使用任何东西来逃避/消毒$ _POST [“color”]的值。由于PDO和预处理语句的强大功能,此代码对于myql-injection是安全的。

It is worth noting that you should pass a charset=utf8 as attribute, in your DSN as seen above, for security reasons, and always enable PDO to show errors in the form of exceptions.

值得注意的是,出于安全原因,您应该在DSN中传递charset = utf8作为属性,并始终使PDO能够以异常的形式显示错误。


so errors from you database queries won't reveal sensitive data like your directory structure, database username etc.


Last but not least, there are moments when you should not trust PDO 100%, and will be bound to take some extra measures to prevent sql injection, one of those cases is, if you are using an outdated versions of mysql [ mysql =< 5.3.6 ] as described in this answer

最后但并非最不重要的是,有些时候你不应该信任PDO 100%,并且必然要采取一些额外措施来防止sql注入,其中一种情况是,如果你使用的是过时版本的mysql [mysql = < 5.3.6]如本答案所述

But, using prepared statements as shown above will always be safer, than using any of the functions that start with mysql_


Good reads


PDO Tutorial for MySQL Developers



There is none*! The object of PDO is that you don’t have to escape anything; you just send it as data. For example:

空无一人*! PDO的目标是你不必逃避任何事情;你只需将其作为数据发送。例如:

$query = $link->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :name LIMIT 1;');
$query->execute([':name' => $username]); # No need to escape it!

As opposed to:


$safe_username = mysql_real_escape_string($username);
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$safe_username' LIMIT 1;");

* Well, there is one, as Michael Berkowski said! But there are better ways.

*好吧,就像Michael Berkowski所说的那样!但有更好的方法。



$v = '"'.mysql_real_escape_string($v).'"'; 

is the equivalent of $v = $this->db->quote($v); be sure you have a PDO instance in $this->db so you can call the pdo method quote()

相当于$ v = $ this-> db-> quote($ v);确保在$ this-> db中有一个PDO实例,这样你就可以调用pdo方法quote()



If to answer the original question, then this is the PDO equivalent for mysql_real_escape_string:


function my_real_escape_string($value, $connection) {
    // this fails on: value="hello'";
    return trim ($connection->quote($value), "'");
    return substr($connection->quote($value), 1, -1);       

btw, the mysqli equivalent is:


function my_real_escape_string($value, $connection) {
    return mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $value);