My modal window from boostrap with AngularJS always opens at the bottom of the window, not as an overlay.
Mark Up:
<div class ="ngView-Container" ng-view ng-controller="galleryController" >
<div ng-controller="galleryController">
<script type ="text/ng-template" id="overlay.html">
<div class="modal-header">
<h3 class="modal-title">Modal </h3>
<div class="modal-body">
<div id="overlay">
<img ng-src={{photo}}>
<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="ok()">
I am using bootstrap UI for modal dialog
我正在使用bootstrap UI进行模态对话
var myAppController = angular.module('myAppController',['ui.bootstrap']);
In my controller:
$ = function(arg){
var modelInstance = ${
templateUrl: "overlay.html",
scope: $scope,
controller: "ModalInstanceCtrl",
resolve : {
photo : function(){
return arg;
myAppController.controller("ModalInstanceCtrl",function($scope, $modalInstance, photo){
$ = photo;
$scope.ok = function(){
Additional question: If I apply position=fixed, top=0, left=0 to <div class="overlay>
which is inside <div class= "modal-body">
, the overlay appears with top margin for some reason.
附加问题:如果我将position = fixed,top = 0,left = 0应用于
1 个解决方案
I would use Its a pretty good plugin for all bootstrap/angular-sites imo
我会使用它是一个非常好的插件,适用于所有bootstrap / angular-sites imo
But if you wanna use your own, you should check that you dont have an conflicting CSS-styles and that the modal is not wrapped in some container(div or something) that forces a different position on it.
I would use Its a pretty good plugin for all bootstrap/angular-sites imo
我会使用它是一个非常好的插件,适用于所有bootstrap / angular-sites imo
But if you wanna use your own, you should check that you dont have an conflicting CSS-styles and that the modal is not wrapped in some container(div or something) that forces a different position on it.