
时间:2022-01-25 01:50:05

I upgraded my iPhone to iOS 7. I have to register my UDID in the Developer Program. But how do I get my UDID? And I also can't see anything in iTunes.

我将我的iPhone升级到iOS 7.我必须在开发者计划中注册我的UDID。但是我如何获得我的UDID?我也无法在iTunes中看到任何内容。

3 个解决方案



Connect your iPhone to your computer and open iTunes. Select your device in iTunes so you can see the serial number. Click on the serial number. The UDID will take its place. You can copy & paste the UDID that's displayed on the screen.

将iPhone连接到电脑并打开iTunes。在iTunes中选择您的设备,以便查看序列号。单击序列号。 UDID将取代它。您可以复制并粘贴屏幕上显示的UDID。



If one of these tutorials don't do it for you, then nothing will!


http://whatsmyudid.com // For old iTunes versions

http://whatsmyudid.com //适用于旧的iTunes版本

or use this - http://get.udid.io // For new iTunes versions

或者使用它 - http://get.udid.io //适用于新的iTunes版本

or use this - Working https://udidiphone.com for UDID, IMEI, Serial Number, OS Version, Build Number

或使用此 - 使用https://udidiphone.com处理UDID,IMEI,序列号,操作系统版本,内部版本号



If nothing is showing up in iTunes, you have to open up Xcode, go to the devices list (Window -> Devices and Simulators) and then click on the devices tab. Under devices, select your device in the left sidebar and it will show your udid in the main window. You can also just click use for development and it will register your device for you.

如果iTunes中没有显示任何内容,则必须打开Xcode,转到设备列表(窗口 - >设备和模拟器),然后单击设备选项卡。在设备下,在左侧边栏中选择您的设备,它将在主窗口中显示您的udid。您也可以单击用于开发,它将为您注册您的设备。



Connect your iPhone to your computer and open iTunes. Select your device in iTunes so you can see the serial number. Click on the serial number. The UDID will take its place. You can copy & paste the UDID that's displayed on the screen.

将iPhone连接到电脑并打开iTunes。在iTunes中选择您的设备,以便查看序列号。单击序列号。 UDID将取代它。您可以复制并粘贴屏幕上显示的UDID。



If one of these tutorials don't do it for you, then nothing will!


http://whatsmyudid.com // For old iTunes versions

http://whatsmyudid.com //适用于旧的iTunes版本

or use this - http://get.udid.io // For new iTunes versions

或者使用它 - http://get.udid.io //适用于新的iTunes版本

or use this - Working https://udidiphone.com for UDID, IMEI, Serial Number, OS Version, Build Number

或使用此 - 使用https://udidiphone.com处理UDID,IMEI,序列号,操作系统版本,内部版本号



If nothing is showing up in iTunes, you have to open up Xcode, go to the devices list (Window -> Devices and Simulators) and then click on the devices tab. Under devices, select your device in the left sidebar and it will show your udid in the main window. You can also just click use for development and it will register your device for you.

如果iTunes中没有显示任何内容,则必须打开Xcode,转到设备列表(窗口 - >设备和模拟器),然后单击设备选项卡。在设备下,在左侧边栏中选择您的设备,它将在主窗口中显示您的udid。您也可以单击用于开发,它将为您注册您的设备。